A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 136 The Eye of the Demon Pet

As the magic circle takes effect, new substances begin to be produced in the container. Muggles would call these new metals alloys, but to alchemists they were ground substances.

After 10 seconds, the transformation stops. Rogge nodded and studied the Dragon Skin Scroll Book, doubling the transformation from 3 seconds.

He quickly used magic spells to pour the ground state material into the mold. After cooling, he obtained a disc mirror.

This is the base of the alchemy product he wants to create, inlaid with snake-eye stones to provide energy, and engraved with unique positioning runes. Finally, the magic spell is applied, and the mirror that can chat is ready.

Each mirror has its own locating rune, allowing the wizard to contact it directly. When sending a message, keep your eyes on it and the information in your mind will automatically form words.

It just so happens that the Jackdaw Magic Club will be formed in the new school year, and a batch of badges can be made on this basis. While Roger was immersed in making the jackdaw badge, the countdown on the panel slowly returned to zero.

With a click in his heart, Rogge quickly stopped what he was doing. He opened the panel and a new feature was turned on.

Roger Travis

Magic: 110/110

Mental strength: 55

Talents: Elemental Heart, Dark Affinity, Strong Will, Night Vision

Skills: Fairy language, snake language imitator, intermediate alchemist...

Gone are the energy bar and countdown, replaced by an eye icon. Rogge clicked it curiously and felt a strange change. Obviously the world is still the world before us, but it has become different.

This is a very transparent feeling. When I saw Yuumi playing in the library, I finally understood the function of the eye icon.


Species: Magic Cat-Ex

Characteristics: Protection (prevent evil attacks and prevent Twolegs from dying in their sleep), Greedy (always want to try new food), Naughty (nothing is more important than making trouble)

Skills: Crazy scratching, floating, high-speed movement

Level: lv5

Cultivation plan: It is recommended to conduct intensive training on the speed of this familiar (strengthening the use of magic power, using the Golden Snitch as a training object...)

It is recommended to strengthen the reaction speed of this magic pet (the magic potion formula is: hellebore 3g, rue 1.5g...)

It is recommended that this familiar learn magic skills (spiritual guardianship...)

Looking at the large list of data that appeared in front of him, Rogge's eyes lit up. Last year, Yuumi showed her natural magical power.

However, wizards do very little research on magical creatures. Even Mr. Newt only protects and breeds them. The current application of them in the magic world is that they can help wizards deliver letters like owls at best, and they can be turned into potion ingredients at worst.

With the Eye of the Demon Pet, you can instantly know how to make magical creatures learn spells. However, the new function's consumption of magic power is terrible. It will consume 10 magic points every 1 second when it is turned on.

Rogge waved, and Yumi fell into his arms. The poor little guy didn't know yet that his day of suffering was about to begin.

Realizing the role of the new function, Rogge immediately thought of Nagini. Is she considered a blood orc now, or a magical creature?

When Nagini came out of the bag, she was still staring at the little wizard with cold, dead snake eyes. It knew that it couldn't defeat the little wizard in front of it, but as long as it had a chance, it would send death with a snake's kiss.

Rogge was accustomed to such looks. After opening the eyes of the demon pet, Nagini's data was revealed.


Species: Undetermined (human\\viper)

Properties: Dissolution (the wounds caused will bleed and cannot be healed easily), killer instinct (be careful, it is accumulating strength and waiting for an opportunity)

Skills: Hex Conversion (invalid), Snake Whisper, Naked Choke, Venom

(This creature is in an undetermined state and cannot be cultivated)

Rogge stared at Nagini, who curled up and lowered her triangular head to express submission. But looking at the snake food she was swallowing, it was not hard to imagine that she would take a bite for herself at any time.

"Nagini, do you remember what happened before?" Rogge asked, imitating the pronunciation of snake language.

"You speak our words?"

"Us? What are your memories like?"

"I don't know." The snake shook its head and hissed.

"All I remember is that I was found in the jungle, entered the circus, and then you caught me."

"Don't say arrest, I'm rescuing you. You can eat and sleep here, and you don't have to perform."

"But I want to be free!"

"Freedom?" Rogge shook his head, "But you must repay me first before I can give you your freedom."

Nagini was stunned. Her current intelligence was not enough to escape Rogge's language trap. If she wants freedom, she must repay the other person, but without freedom, what can she do in return?

"Are there any blank moments in your memory that you can't remember?"

"Can't remember? I think I did, but it was a long time ago. I'm a snake and can't remember too many things."

"Okay, but you have to remember me, I am your master."


"Yes, I saved you. And I have always been so kind to you without asking for anything in return."

"But you will stab me with something and make me bleed."

"That's to check your body." Rogge opened the box, which contained rows of blood sample tubes. Nagini looked at it, a little scared.

"There is a curse on you, it will kill you." Rogge deceived her without blushing. The curse is real, but death is not certain.


"Of course. Did I lie to you?"

"No, Master." Nagini whispered, bowing her head respectfully to Rogge.

With communication in snake language, Nagini learned to obey Rogge's orders. She wrapped her cold-blooded body next to her to keep warm, and she no longer resisted the needling to draw blood.

"Blood magic... you still have to ask old Bowman." Rogge hopes that school will start soon, and he has to ask old Bowman about blood magic.

"Mom, it's done!" Roger took the mirror and the chessboard and handed them to Jessica who was writing the invitation.

"Well, do you think I should invite my relatives in France?" Jessica nodded and asked, holding the gold-plated invitation.

"Please, our family doesn't lack that much food anyway."

"You don't know, when your grandfather took me to their manor as a guest, he was quite sarcastic." Jessica became excited as she spoke, telling her son about the abominations of those French relatives.

She was ten years old at the time and was visiting Lestrange Manor with her father. She wore her best dress and looked forward to meeting her relatives.

When Barbara saw her, she said, "Oh my God! You dare to wear this old-fashioned clothes? It's so fashionable!"

She had a tone of disgust, and the children around her also mocked her: "No way, our Jessica is a poor relative and can't even afford new clothes."

At the dinner, Jessica was assigned to the end of the long table. No one talked to her. As long as she ate, the group of children laughed at her for not having a tutor.

The next day the children wanted to play hide and seek, but they sneaked away and left Jessica alone in the garden. She searched for a whole day, and it wasn't until dark that a servant took her back.

"Mom, we need to invite them more!" Roger held Jessica's hand and pointed to the gorgeous hall and said: "Hold a grand banquet, invite wizard celebrities, and let the entire magical world know about the Travis family. 's return."

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