A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 160 Who wants a medal?

There is no suitable place in Hogwarts for a drawing room, Snape's office? No, it was originally a dungeon. Who would invite guests anywhere but Snape.

"Rogg, this is Mr. Hassan Moose, President of the International Quidditch Federation."

"Hello, welcome to our school." Roger instantly transformed into a tour guide and introduced them to Hogwarts.

Faced with such an enthusiastic little wizard, and the two of them already wanted something from each other, they had no choice but to follow Rogge to visit the castle.

"This castle has a history of a thousand years and has cultivated countless famous figures." Rogge led them up the spiral staircase and said as they walked.

"Our professor of Transfiguration is McGonagall, who is very strict with students, but also takes good care of everyone. And she is an Animagus herself, a recognized master of Transfiguration in the wizarding world."

"I think you have met that cold professor. He is my dean, Mr. Snape. Precision and perfection are the only words in his dictionary. Believe me, he is the most important person in the entire school who cannot be ignored. exist."

"In addition to strong teaching staff, we also have excellent hardware equipment. The library has an unparalleled collection of books. As long as you are willing to delve into it, you can find any knowledge you want."

Ludo wiped his forehead from time to time, young man, you must be very good at talking.

"Many of the wizards who came out of here have become the backbone of the magical world. For example, the famous magical zoologist Newt Scamander (please ignore the fact that he was expelled from school). Not to mention our principal, the great Dumbledore, the White Wizard.”

"Although we don't teach the Dark Arts, don't ignore our research on Defense Against the Dark Arts..."

"Ahem..." Lu Duo couldn't help coughing, reminding him not to mention people and things he shouldn't mention.

"However, we also have shortcomings."

"Insufficient?" Hassan was a little confused. Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry was excellent in all aspects, so how could there be any shortcomings?

"Roger, you are too modest. I think there is no school in the entire wizarding world that can compare to Hogwarts." Hassan smiled and said, "I heard before that Hogwarts is not ranked high. I have experienced it. Only after you introduced it did I realize that the so-called rankings are not trustworthy.”

"Mr. Chairman, please come to our honor room." Rogge motioned to Malfoy to lead the way.

Snape introduced the two people to him, turned around and left. He still doesn't know why the other party is looking for him.

"Wow, so many trophies!" Hassan couldn't help but admire when he saw the dense trophies.

"Our school has won many awards in international wizarding competitions, but there are only internal trophies for Quidditch," Rogge explained.

"Our Quidditch pitch has witnessed countless wonderful games. The competition between the various houses is always fierce, and generations of good players have been cultivated, such as Malfoy." Rogge patted Draco on the shoulder, and his own If a member doesn't help, who will?

"But they lack opportunities to communicate with the outside world. The major teams only go to Europe to scout for rookies and don't come to our school. Even if there are talented people, they don't get the chance to display their talents."

"The Ministry of Magic recently lifted the ban on magic carpets. If we don't pay attention to cultivating local players, British Quidditch may be replaced by other flying sports." Rogge said seriously, with a look on his face that the Ministry of Magic had lifted the ban on magic carpets. Worry.

Hassan and Ludo looked at each other, is this Slytherin?

The number of professional teams is limited and competition for each position is fierce. In addition, most players have a long career life, which can be described as a carrot and a pit. As for wild teams that are not registered with the federation, they are completely ineligible to participate in official events.

In fact, it is not enough for the players themselves to be talented, they also need a large amount of sponsorship to participate in trials. The reason why major teams don't come to Hogwarts to select players is because Dumbledore didn't donate a single Nat.

"Roger, what you said makes sense. I think Director Ludo will definitely pay attention to this issue and strive for more opportunities for students."

"Don't worry, Chairman. Today's game shines in my eyes. Hogwarts does have many outstanding players." Ludo smiled and looked at Rogge. As expected of a Slytherin, he always looks out for his own interests.

"I think the major teams will hear about it, and they will not miss any talented wizards." Since he has shown goodwill, should the Golden Snidget be given to the International Quidditch Federation?

Of course, he wouldn't put it so bluntly. Although you can't rob, you can deceive.

"Yeah~" Malfoy clenched his fists happily. Through Rogge's clever guidance, he saw the opportunity to realize his dream.

He thought of his father Lucius's advice again, and secretly hesitated: Should I continue facing Harry, or should I change to a more suitable position.

"We met Newt a while ago," Ludo said. "He's still traveling around the world looking for homes for magical creatures, which is very admirable."

"Mr. Newt loves them very much. Professor Kettlebo is retiring soon, and maybe he will come to our school to teach." Rogge couldn't help complaining about Dumbledore, why he let Hagrid become a professor.

"Ahem... Roger, we heard from Newt that you found the Golden Snitch eggs. Have they hatched?" Ludo decided not to go around anymore and told them the purpose of their visit this time.

"They are protected by ancient magic and have not been unlocked yet." Rogge said with a smile. It turned out that they were here for Jin Feixia.

"Really? What a pity!" Ludo said with a regretful expression, "Roger, Britain is about to host the Quidditch World Cup. We need to show the attitude of British wizards towards history in front of the whole world."

"Huh? What does this have to do with Gold Snitch?" Roger started to pretend to be confused, "You may not know, but I don't like Quidditch."

"The Golden Snitch is the replacement for the Golden Snitch, and their extinction is directly related to Quidditch. I believe that Hogwarts are all kind-hearted students who are willing to help us make the Golden Snitch fly."

"If they can return to the blue sky, maybe you can be awarded the Order of Merlin." Ludo expressed his needs very clearly and gave appropriate conditions.

"Medal of the Order of Merlin!" Malfoy said in surprise, that is an incredible honor.

"I understand you need the nest of eggs, but..." Rogge looked at them. Kind? maybe? You are lying here!

"Rogg, don't worry. We will mobilize global power to unlock ancient magic. We will cultivate and reproduce them personally." Ludo is confident that no one can resist the Order of Merlin.

"Then they are too miserable."

"Okay... uh, what did you say?" Lu Duo looked at him puzzled, what does it mean to be too miserable?

"They are free birds and should fly happily instead of becoming mascots for wizards. We have already exterminated them once, do we still want to continue to enslave them?" Rogge said righteously, making it difficult for the two to refute.

Ludo was a little angry, "You've been holding on to that nest of eggs. Are you being irresponsible to the Golden Snidget? They can obviously reappear, but you don't have the power to help them."

"No! As long as they are not solved, they are not extinct, and there is still hope of returning to the wizarding world. But once they are solved..." Rogge shook his head and reminded, "Jin Feixia has been extinct for hundreds of years. If the hatch is successful, They are not adapted to today’s environment.”

"Who can guarantee that there will be no problems?"

Ludo heard Rogge's doubts and continued to quibble: "We are wizards, and we have the best masters of magical animals. It is our responsibility to save this species."

After hearing this, Rogge said calmly: "I don't deny the importance of saving them. But there is only one chance, why don't I wait? If the conditions are ripe, I will naturally hatch them."

Newt wants to build a new magical animal sanctuary for Gold Snidget. On the contrary, you are all talking about making up for historical mistakes, but you have no actual actions at all. All said and done, it's just a waste of money.

After hearing this, Hassan knew what was going on. He stood up and smoothed things over: "Roger's concerns are very reasonable and should be considered carefully. I won't bother you any more today."

"Just let them go?" Malfoy stood aside very puzzled, "I thought you wanted to improve the conditions."

"Since they can come once, they will come a second time. After Golden Snidget hatches, they will definitely come to me." Rogge was confident and wanted to use Golden Snidget as a mascot, at least according to the panda's leasing contract.

"Alas." Malfoy sighed, fearing that his chance of trial training would be gone.

"If you want to be a professional golfer, train hard. Maybe Hogwarts can form a team to participate in the next World Cup." Rogge encouraged.

"What? Can we participate in the World Cup?" Malfoy stared at him in disbelief.

"Headmaster Dumbledore, does he have authority and influence?"


"Is Gold Snidget important to Quidditch?"

"Very important!"

"Principal and Jin Feixia, can you switch to a professional team?"

"Hmm...it might cost more." Malfoy hesitated.

"Money? Are we short of it?" Rogge laughed, patted Malfoy on the shoulder and left the honor room.

"Lack of money?" Malfoy showed an excited expression. How could he be short of money.

Dumbledore's prestige in the wizarding world is unmatched, and if he were to express his support, it would definitely have a huge impact. The return of Gold Snidget can bring glory to the entire British wizarding world. Taken together, no one will refuse a team from Hogwarts.

Malfoy admired Rogge's strategy and foresight. Instead of sending him a gold medal to ask for a medal, he would rather create opportunities to get the qualifications to form a professional team.

"Harry, Harry, Harry!" Malfoy thought about it and couldn't help but repeat it.

Like dad said, who needs another Seeker when you have the famous Savior. He didn't want to be Harry Potter's understudy.

Ludo originally wanted to visit the Boy-Who-Lived and ask him if he was willing to try out for a professional team. But after hitting a snag with Rogge, he felt uncomfortable and went back home directly with Chairman Hassan.

Late that night, Roger was woken up by Snape. Another petrification incident occurred in the school, and the victim was the little Colin.

"Teacher, Gryffindor students can't rest for a while at night." Rogge yawned, can't you not go out to play at night?

"We should deduct points from them severely to improve their memory." Snape agreed, agreeing with his students.

"But teacher, why did you call me at night?" Rogge asked doubtfully. I am not in the habit of traveling at night.

"The Headmaster has something to ask you," Snape said meaningfully.

However, he did not go straight to the school hospital, but turned to the dungeon. Rogge secretly complained: "By the way, boil the stone antidote."

Rogge rubbed his sleepy eyes, and the two of them brewed 5 portions of the stone solution. Although I don’t hope that anyone will use it, the current situation is not optimistic. No one knows when the next attack will come.

The two came to the school hospital and saw Colin lying on the bed. He kept taking pictures, and the camera in his hand had been taken away by Dumbledore.

"Ms. Pomfrey, this is the stone antidote." Roger handed over the newly made potion.

Pomfrey took it and said with lingering fear: "Fortunately, Albus happened to go downstairs to bring hot coffee, otherwise I don't know what the consequences would be..."

Dumbledore looked at Roger, pointed at the camera and said, "The films inside have melted, which means the Chamber of Secrets has been opened again."

"Thank you for finding the mature mandrake, which can make Colin wake up and tell you what happened at that time."

Rogge listened quietly and picked up his home-made camera to check. It was all burnt inside.

"Principal, there can't be two heirs, right?"

Everyone present probably knows what happened 50 years ago. Hagrid must have also gone to Dumbledore and told him about the rooster being killed. The two looked at each other and clearly knew what was causing trouble in the school.

But the problem is, Dumbledore doesn't understand. Tom is obviously dead, and his soul has fled. He checked the entire school and found no trace of the other party. If Tom had a way to cover himself, that meant Hogwarts wasn't safe.

"No, there is only one heir." Dumbledore said firmly.

"So, that is to say, he sneaked in pretending to be a student." Rogge analyzed calmly.

Hearing these words, everyone present could not help but feel chills running down their spines. What kind of magic is it that can transform into a student under their eyes, without everyone even realizing it.

"It may also turn into a certain professor." Snape added eerily, "For example, Lockhart, our new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. He is very abnormal and very incompetent."

"For the safety of the students, I suggest that he be kicked out of the school. I will also serve as the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor."

"Ahem..." Dumbledore shook his head, "Snape, we cannot expel any students or professors without conclusive evidence."

Indeed, the magic of shapeshifting or disguising oneself as another person for an extended period of time is not entirely impossible. But it was really difficult to do this under Dumbledore's nose. Rogge's words made Dumbledore think in another direction. Maybe it wasn't the current Tom who was back.

At this time, Colin slowly lifted his petrified state. Fortunately, this guy could close one eye, otherwise he would have gone to see Merlin. Become a second Myrtle and spend the night with her in the bathroom.

"Help! Help!" Colin was horrified after being lifted from petrification. Pomfrey and McGonagall quickly comforted him before he slowly calmed down.

Harry, who was also in the ward, leaned sideways to listen to their conversation. Now that Colin has lifted the petrification, he must know what attacked him.

"Snake! A huge green snake!" Colin told the truth tremblingly, "It is at least twenty feet long, covered with scales, and keeps hissing."

Colin gasped for air, as if he had experienced another terrible encounter.

"I have never seen such a terrifying creature, so I quickly raised my camera to take a photo. Who knew, it suddenly looked back at me."

Rogge smiled at the side. As expected of Gryffindor, the first reaction when seeing the basilisk was not to run away. Should I say you are brave and fearless, or stupid and cute?

The sound of Colin taking pictures inevitably startled the basilisk. But the guy wasn't hungry and didn't turn around to eat him.

"The principal should have saved him." Rogge looked at Dumbledore secretly. Who would suddenly come down to drink hot coffee in the middle of the night?

Even the old lady’s little toes wouldn’t believe this reason.

"Its eyes were yellow, emitting evil light like two bright lanterns. It also revealed two long fangs, staring at me as if it wanted to swallow me whole!"

"My whole body was stiff and I couldn't move." When Colin said this, he broke into a cold sweat and his voice was trembling.

"You are already very brave, Colin." Dumbledore said gently, "You have a good rest first. We will definitely protect the safety of every student."

Several people walked out of the ward one after another, and Dumbledore looked at him: "Roger, what do you think?"

"Colin has Lockhart's talent...that giant snake comes out and moves at strange times."

Roger didn't know that Ginny had thrown the diary into the bathroom and had been picked up by Harry and Ron. Now that Harry is lying in the school hospital, the person who opened the secret room is ready to come out.

"If I remember correctly, it should be a basilisk. Professor Quirrell mentioned it in the last class last year."

"Qi Luo?" Everyone looked at each other, that was such a familiar yet unfamiliar name.

Indeed, Professor Quirrell was possessed by Voldemort. Could it be that Voldemort has possessed him again and entered the school? If he was the heir and opened the secret chamber to release the basilisk, then everything would make sense.

"No, he didn't come back." Dumbledore shook his head, denying this speculation.

Rogge was stunned for a moment and couldn't help but look at the ward behind him. Didn't the Dark Lord always hide in the scar on Harry's forehead?

"Could it be?" Rogge thought of a possibility. Dumbledore didn't know that Harry was a Horcrux.

"Maybe it's some kind of remote control." Rogge guessed cautiously, "Through some kind of connection, he controls someone in the school to execute his will."

"Although I don't know how many times the secret room has been opened, Mrs. Norris and Colin were attacked in uninhabited places. Especially tonight's attack, it shows that the other party only sneaked out at night."

"Breaking curfew?" Snape looked at Minerva, "Professor McGonagall, your college has the most students violating curfew."

"Severus, you can't jump to conclusions without evidence." McGonagall retorted.

Dumbledore waved his hand, interrupting the argument between the two. Through Rogge's speculation, they all realized that the students were bewitched by Voldemort.

I was addicted to gaming yesterday and couldn't help myself. I looked up and saw, well, I haven't coded anything yet.

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