A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 161 Basilisk surfaces

Fortunately, the situation was not irreversible. Colin saw the basilisk's eyes through the camera and did not lose his life.

But what about next time? What about next time? No one guarantees that every student will have such luck.

"Albus, do you want to call the students for examination now?" Professor McGonagall suggested.

But Dumbledore shook his head, "No, it's too early to conduct an examination. The murderer is not our student, but an uninvited guest who came to Hogwarts."

"Rush inspections will not only cause panic and confusion, but also lead to unpredictable things happening."

"The principal is worried that the basilisk will be released and cause widespread damage?"

Dumbledore nodded: "Yes, the location of the secret room cannot be determined yet. The top priority is to protect every student."

He looked at McGonagall and Snape, "We need to notify all faculty and staff, and at the same time strengthen curfew management and not allow students to go out at night."

"Starting from tomorrow, teachers will be responsible for patrolling every night. Prefects of each college should also keep an eye on the entrance to their own colleges to avoid another petrification incident."

Everyone nodded, before discovering the location of the secret room, this was indeed a good method.

"In addition, I need your help, Roger." Dumbledore looked at him, "Colin avoided the fatal attack of the basilisk through the camera. We need to equip the professors on night watch with a batch of similar protective glasses. Quantity It doesn’t take much…”

"No problem, principal." Rogge readily agreed to let Dumbledore ask him for help. He must not be stingy.

"Principal, I will bring a batch of lenses from Diagon Alley. With a little modification, we can make reflective protective glasses. However, I have a small suggestion."

Snape stared at Roger, but Dumbledore smiled and motioned for him to continue.

"We have enough lenses at home to ensure that everyone has one." Rogge smiled, "Principal, you also know that some free birds cannot be contained. Instead of preventing them from sneaking out at night, it is better to give them to everyone directly. Please take protective measures personally."

Dumbledore nodded in agreement, but still hesitated a little: "Your suggestion is very reasonable and can protect the safety of students to the greatest extent."

"However, this requires the use of a large number of lenses and materials. The school's budget cannot fully support such large-scale equipment."

Dumbledore knew that the footage of the Flash Golem House was worth a lot of money. There are so many people in the school. If we really want to fully equip them, we might have to sell Fox to pay off the debt.

After hearing this, Rogge shook his head without hesitation, "Principal, you are too ignorant. These are just some shots, which are insignificant compared to everyone's safety. If you don't mind, I will modify them according to the basic lenses used by Colin. "

"The school is our home, and protecting it is our common responsibility." Rogge's firm tone and generous and righteous expression moved many people.

After hearing this, Dumbledore patted Roger on the shoulder happily: "Good boy, then I will leave this matter to you."

"Don't worry, principal, I will complete the production and distribution of protective glasses as quickly as possible."

The problem of protective glasses is easy to solve, but mature mandrakes are more difficult. The Daily Prophet has not reported on this matter, partly because Mrs. Norris is a cat, and partly because of Dumbledore's deterrent effect.

If there was no antilithic agent, sooner or later this matter would be exposed. By then, the school may be closed and the principal may lose his job.

The news that Colin was petrified spread a lot the next day, and everyone was frightened when they heard about the giant snake in his mouth. Everyone unanimously believed that the giant snake was hiding in Slytherin, and the little snakes would rather stay in Snape's dungeon than go back to live there.

In desperation, Snape had to arrange free classrooms for them. Rogge rejected the teacher's kindness and went back to rest normally.

"Daphne, aren't you afraid?" Rogge carried the package, which contained a large number of lenses. With some modifications, they can become adjustable reflective protective glasses.

"As long as you are here, I won't be afraid!" Daphne looked at the deserted lounge and held Roger's arm tightly.

"There aren't really snakes in our school, are there?"

"Definitely not. Didn't I analyze it that day?" Rogge comforted her.

"But I'm afraid!" Daphne followed Roger into his dormitory reluctantly.

"Hiss!" When Nagini saw her master coming back, she straightened up and spat out her core in greeting.

"Ah! Snake!" Daphne screamed in horror, her eyes widening in panic.

Her lips trembled, her face turned pale, and her hands unconsciously grasped Rogge's arms tightly. Rogge felt a stinging pain, and Xiao Nizi's nails dug into her flesh.

"Then...what is that!" Her voice trembled as she watched Nagini swim out of the shadows.

"Merlin, it's so big! Those eyes are exactly the same as Colin described! It can't be it!" Daphne then remembered to close her eyes and hide her head behind Rogge.

"Don't be afraid, this is not a snake. She is a blood orc, her name is Nagini." Rogge patted the back of her hand to comfort her and calm her down.

He bared his teeth and showed a painful expression, asking Shi Nizi to relax: "My arm is bleeding because you pinched it!"

"Really?" Daphne asked tremblingly.

"If she had attacked Colin, you would at least be petrified by now, right?"

Daphne thought the same thing and secretly opened one eye. Rogge patted Nagini's head with his hand, and she rubbed against him enjoying it.

"Really a blood orc?" Daphne slowly opened her eyes and hid behind Rogge in fear.

She looked at the python in front of her and tears instantly burst into her eyes. She closed her eyes tightly, tears rolling down her long eyelashes, and her little face was soon soaked with tears.

"Daphne? Daphne?" Rogge waved Nagini to go back to rest first, and looked at Daphne in confusion. What's going on?

Daphne said nothing, threw herself into Roger's arms and cried bitterly. Her shoulders couldn't help shaking, and she burst into tears. She hugged Rogge, as if she wanted to cry all the tears in her life.

The moment she saw Nagini, she seemed to see a different version of herself. If the blood curse in his body is not damaged, he will eventually turn into an irrational beast.

She also thought of her sister Astoria, and the blood curse in her body became even more intense. She has been frail and sick since she was a child, and her family even worried that she would not live to be 10 years old.

Daphne cried weakly and weakly, her sobs getting softer and softer. Roger patted her back gently, trying to calm her down.

After a while, Daphne's breathing finally became long and soft. Rogge looked down and saw that she had fainted from crying and fell asleep directly in his arms.

Roger carefully picked up Daphne and placed her gently on the bed. Daphne slept peacefully, with crystal tears still hanging on her cheeks. Rogge brought a wet towel and gently wiped her cheeks and corners of her eyes.

"Master, did I scare her?" Nagini swam over and hissed.

"She must have thought of something." Rogge patted Nagini, indicating that it was not her fault.

"You keep her here while I go out."

Just now, Hermione sent a message to herself through the badge. On the night Colin was attacked, the Fat Lady made sure that Ginny had not left the dormitory.

"It's not Ginny? Who is that? Who has the diary?" Logdon felt that something was wrong, something was beyond his expectation.

He originally thought everything was going according to plan, but sudden changes forced him to visit Hogwarts at night.

There are now professors on duty at the entrance to each house, but since Slytherin is temporarily staying elsewhere, the entrance is unguarded. Roger used the Disillusionment Charm and walked out of the common room.

While walking down the dim corridor, Roger tried to hold his breath for fear of alerting the patrolling professor. He listened alertly to the sounds around him and turned away as soon as the basilisk appeared. If he encounters a patrolling professor, Rogge will choose to stay put and wait for the professors to pass by.

After taking a few steps, he saw George and Fred being caught by Professor McGonagall. The two people followed the professor dejectedly and were thrown back to Gryffindor.

Patrolling the third floor were Lockhart and Snape. However, at Kettlebo's strong request, he and Lockhart were jointly responsible.

This old professor of the Care of Magical Creatures is passionate about drama and scripts. He grabbed Lockhart and preached his ideas to him endlessly.

"After our story reaches its climax, vampires should enter the village. They take advantage of the night to kill, suck blood, and destroy. At this time, the wizard you play should appear."

He made exaggerated gestures and looked at Lockhart pretending to be a villager: "Young wizard, the village has been occupied by vampires. Please save us."

Lockhart took a deep breath and said the lines quickly: "Don't worry, I am sworn in with sin."

"That's right!" Kettlebo read the narration quickly, "The young wizard entered the village and killed the vampires who invaded the village.

He learned from the mouth of the last vampire that the Vampire Queen was in the castle not far away. "

"Kill the vampire?" Lockhart's face couldn't help but tremble.

"That's right! Only in this way can you show your ability. Don't worry, the vampire has arrived in Hogsmeade. If it weren't for Dumbledore's emergency notice, we would have used it for the rehearsal."

Kettlebo looked excited. Hogwarts hadn't had a play in years. This year’s Christmas, many little wizards will not be able to register. Like Rogue and Malfoy, they must have been attracted to the vampire show.

Lockhart steeled himself and touched his cheek, feeling that staying up all night was starting to make his skin oily. The two of them just talked about the fictional plot and drifted away.

Rogge secretly breathed a sigh of relief and ran quickly into the third floor. The corridor where Mrs. Norris was petrified is filled with water again. It used to be explained by the pouring rain outside, but now it's snowing.

Looking around for no one, he quietly walked into the girls' bathroom. I could only hear Myrtle's crying sounds coming from inside. She seemed to be crying here day and night.

Her cries echoed in the empty bathroom, like an ethereal water piano playing, making people feel creepy.

"Myrtle, are you there?" Roger asked cautiously.

"Who is it? Who is here to tease poor Myrtle again?" Myrtle floated out and stared at Roger with her thick round glasses.

"Are you here to tease me? Call me fat Myrtle! Ugly Myrtle! Poor, crying, depressed Myrtle!" Myrtle gasped and shouted angrily at Roger.

Her voice was loud and shrill, making people feel harsh.

"Myrtle, I'm not here to tease you. I want to ask you something." Roger looked at her sincerely.

"Who are you?" Myrtle finally stopped being hostile and walked around him and asked.

"It doesn't matter who I am, I just want to ask you if anything strange has happened to you recently?"

"It's you, isn't it? You were the one who hit me with something a while ago! Do you think it's fun to throw things at me?" Myrtle became excited again.

"Do you think Myrtle is easy to bully!" Myrtle said, inflating like a large balloon to warn him, "Humph, the thing you smashed at me has been picked up by two boys, don't even think about getting it back! "

"I understand." Rogge looked at the stone table in the bathroom and connected the clues in his mind.

On the day she rescued Mrs. Norris, Ginny must have sensed the danger of the diary. She chose to throw it away directly, and even wanted to destroy Riddle's diary.

However, things did not go as the little witch expected. Someone had picked it up, none other than Harry and Ron.

Considering that Harry lost his bones due to Lockhart's curse, he is now recuperating in the school hospital. Then the person who opened the diary was Ron.

Rogge quickly analyzed in his mind and quickly restored the truth: "Riddle, who is interesting and good at confusing people, meets Ron Weasley. I don't know what kind of sparks will arise from the friction."

Roger quietly left and returned to the dormitory.

Harry hadn't been discharged from the hospital yet, and there were only three people in the dormitory, Ron. He lowered the curtains on the four corner bedposts and kept writing and drawing in his notebook.

At first, Ron stopped Harry from picking up the book. Because Arthur once told him that books in the magical world are dangerous.

Some of the books he confiscated will burn your eyes out, while others will make you talk in limericks for the rest of your life.

The scariest thing is the book written by the old wizard Bass. You can't put it down after just one glance. No matter where you go or what you do, your face will be buried in a book.

But this is just an ordinary diary. The faded cover is no different from the old books used by my brothers. On the first page, T.M. Riddle was written in blurry ink.

Riddle, Ron was so familiar with this name, he had rubbed it on the trophy with Riddle engraved fifty times.

Except for the name, not a single word was written in it. Ron didn't understand why someone would throw away a notebook that was still usable. Harry took it back to his dormitory and threw it on the table next to him.

The defeat in the Quidditch match made Ron feel angry. He wanted to do something to vent, but the punch he received was still fresh in his memory. At this time, he saw the diary that had some fate with him.

So, he picked it up and said to himself: "Those we picked up together can be counted as mine. I promise to only use the first ones."

Ron filled his quill with ink and began to indict Slytherin and Rogge on paper. He wrote line by line, filling the entire page, feeling much better. However, the next moment, the writing on the paper suddenly disappeared without a trace.

He was so frightened that he threw the diary away and saw the pages flashing and a new line of text appearing. Ron found that there was no danger, so he picked it up carefully.

Who are you? My name is Tom Riddle, how did you find my diary?

Looking at the words above, Ron hesitated for a long time and wrote his name: My name is Ron Weasley.

This line of text also disappeared, and he couldn't wait to ask: Are you the Riddle who won the school's special contribution award fifty years ago?

Yes, it's me. People were always eager to get rid of me because I recorded terrible events in my diary. Some truth, some horrific things that happened at Hogwarts.

"A scary thing!" Ron's heart couldn't help but beat wildly, and he began to ask Riddle what it was.

In exchange after exchange, he opened his heart to Riddle, pouring out his resentments about Slytherin, Rogge and others.

Riddle found that the new little wizard was easier to infiltrate than the girl named Ginny. He had strong dissatisfaction in his heart. In addition, the wand was broken and he was often laughed at in class.

Ron was also very concerned about his father being transferred out of London. Arthur was sent to the Arctic Circle to guard the Floo Network, which was a ghost place that no one knew about.

He wrote about many things that Harry could not understand and feel. Such as money. Harry was never short of money, and he didn't understand the importance of galleons. But he was in short supply and couldn't even afford an old wand.

He used old books left by his brothers and wore old robes from unknown hands. If Lockhart wasn't the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor this school year, he wouldn't even have used the new book.

Riddle turned into a close friend and told his even worse story. He grew up in a Muggle orphanage and was always bullied by other older children. Every time Hogwarts is on holiday, he faces the helplessness of being homeless.

Ron felt a little better after seeing Riddle's tragic experience.

"It's a pity that you can't teach me magic." Ron sighed, preparing to close the diary and go to sleep.

Luckily the diary absorbed the ink so Harry didn't know he had used it.

"Actually, I can. Riddle is the student council president and has 12 OWLs certificates. He will write down his magic experiences and spells in his diary."

"Really!" Ron became excited and couldn't help but hold on to the diary.

The most outstanding child of the Weasley family is Bill. He has been a prefect, student council president, and has as many certificates as Riddle. He's the coolest kid in the family and fights the Inferi and mummies in Egypt.

Compared to the unlikable Percy, Bill is everyone's role model.

"Can I do it too?" Ron looked at Harry's empty bed. It doesn't matter if he uses it first.

As long as he knew who had the diary, Roger wouldn't worry about Riddle running out of Hogwarts. He is still waiting to judge the other party, how can he let him slip away.

"Roger, do you really want to get in?" Daphne clenched her hands and looked at him nervously.

"Don't worry, it will be quick and you won't feel any pain."

"Yes, it will bleed..."

"There's no way, it's like this. Trust me, a small wound will be healed tomorrow."

"You want me to think about it?"

"Just a moment, really."

"Then, hurry up!"

"Ah!" Daphne screamed, and her fingertips retracted as if she was electrocuted.

"Next time the reaction won't be so big."

"What next time!" Daphne stared at him and put the pricked finger in her mouth.

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