A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 162 The Gift of Destiny

Rogge glanced at Daphne proudly, making her want to curse with anger. In a thin glass tube, 1 ml of Daphne's blood sample was collected.

He was originally thinking about finding an opportunity to bring Banban over for experiments, but he didn't expect that there were ready-made victims of the blood curse around him.

The Greengrass family has been under a vicious blood curse since unknown time. The women among their descendants undoubtedly carry the curse.

According to Daphne, in her father's generation, the blood curse had no lycanthropic effect. As for her and her sister Astoria, they sometimes felt the pain of burning blood.

Although she is the older sister, the curse inside her younger sister Astori is more serious. This made the whole family dote on her. Daphne experienced it personally and became even more protective of her sister.

She looked at Nagini, carefully touched the scales on her body, and then quickly retracted her hand.

"Roger, are you really confident that you can break the blood curse?" Daphne looked at him hopefully.

"I still need to get Astoria's blood sample." Rogge was very cautious. He usually would not say yes to something he was unsure about.

But seeing Daphne's expectant eyes, he nodded: "It will be untied, I promise."

The morning light is shining, and the black lake has a hint of green.

Daphne hugged Roger and said softly: "Thank you."

She is a strong girl, and she quickly gathered herself and started to provide information: "I checked the family history, and the original blood curse appeared in my great-great-grandfather's generation."

"Before this, there were no records of any family members being cursed." Daphne recalled slowly. "There are currently two theories in the family. One is that great-great-grandmother brought it. The second is that people were cursed because of great-great-grandmother. .”

"However, it has been a long time and it is impossible to verify the specific reason."

"This is easy to handle. We can investigate other families troubled by blood curses. If their female descendants do not have blood curses, then the first situation can be ruled out."

"If it's the second type, it's complicated." Rogge gave a wry smile.

Being cursed with revenge because of your great-great-grandmother is most likely a bloody love story. He just hoped that he was wrong.

"Do you have a complete record of the blood curse? For example, who showed symptoms and when they became fully animalized."

Daphne shook her head: "It's not that specific. After all, Greenlands is a pure-blood family, and this kind of thing is never spread."

Daphne bit her lip and explained to him the darkness behind the family's glory.

"Before the 19th century, once a woman was cursed with blood, she would be killed directly. There are no witches' names on the family tree, so we don't know how many witches died silently." Daphne hugged her arms, her heartbeat racing Very powerful.

"There are many unmarked graves in our family cemetery. They are the victims of the blood curse."

"It only changed from my grandfather's generation. My grandfather's sister was the last witch in the family who could transform into a beast. Although she survived, she lived in a dungeon all her life."

"Since her death, the power of the blood curse has become weaker and weaker." Daphne forced a smile, "By the time Astoria and I are almost the same as normal people, except for the blood-burning blood."

Rogge sighed and patted Daphne on the shoulder to comfort her: "We will solve the blood curse."

Decades ago, the wizarding world did not consider victims of blood curses to be wizards at all, only despicable freaks. It can be said that Nagini is quite lucky to survive.

"Daphne, do you still remember her animal form?"

"It's a fish." Daphne lowered her head and whispered.

She raised her eyes again and looked at Nagini, who was slowly entering a state of hibernation. Envy and sympathy were mixed together, with mixed emotions.

There are many families who are under the blood curse, but very few are so threatening after transforming into beasts. Most wizards transform into harmless animals such as fish and birds. Everyone will kill themselves before completely losing their minds, so as not to become food for wild beasts.

"Don't worry, I have been conducting research for a while. I found that unicorn blood is effective in suppressing the blood curse." Rogge thought for a moment and secretly told Daphne, "I fostered several unicorns in the Magic Zoo."

"What!" Daphne covered her mouth in surprise. That was a magical animal protected by the magic world.

"Shh! Don't tell anyone." Rogge warned in a low voice.

Daphne nodded quickly. She didn't expect that the unicorn was actually effective against the blood curse.

"Astoria can be exposed to unicorns to see if it can alleviate her burning blood." Rogge touched his chin. The body of the dead unicorn should still be there.

Its horn and skin are good magic materials, if the unicorn can relieve Astoria's burning blood. Then he can change those materials into accessories, so that Sister Daphne doesn't have to endure the pain of burning blood.

"Really?" Daphne hugged Roger suddenly and kissed him on the face. Realizing that he was too impulsive, he ran away with a blushing face.

Rogge touched the kissed face, a little confused. Is this a small glimpse into the water?

He took out his notebook and began to write down some ideas on breaking the blood curse.

First, magic problems must be solved with magic. Daphne can be asked to investigate the family history and find out what happened back then that led to the blood curse in the Greengrass family.

The most direct way is to impose the curse again. Use a more powerful curse to drive out the original blood curse.

But Rogge hesitated. Curses are often negative. Sister Daphne's blood curse was already in tatters, so this approach was unwise.

"Fight fire with fire, try not to use it." Rogge shook his head and underlined this line.

"I have found three blood samples: Nagini's, Daphne's and her sister's. As long as they are analyzed, traces of the blood curse will definitely be found.

Since it can go from whole to broken through time, I can speed up the process. The effects can even be reversed. "Rogg thought that he and Voldemort had talked about the counter-curse and transformed from the Horcrux basilisk back to a wizard.

Rogge took a deep breath. Although this method was time-consuming, it was stable and practical. What really worried him was Voldemort. That guy already knew about biological Horcruxes and had a method for hatching basilisks. If you study the counter-spell of the bleeding curse, you can definitely come back through resurrection.

Now that the diary is in Ron's hands, it means that he has begun to influence the direction of history and the future. If there was a bronze dragon here that protected time and history, I was afraid that I would be captured and eaten.

"Albania?" Rogge remembered that Voldemort was hiding there, "Whatever, as long as I continue to become stronger, am I still afraid of a snake-nosed man?"

Another way is to find the person who cast the curse and ask him to voluntarily break the curse. It's a pity that there is no possibility of operation. After so many years, the other party has died long ago.

"Perhaps using his bones will work." Rogge had seen a piece of black magic in the magic book.

It uses the bones of the caster, the vocal cords of his direct descendants, and the blood of the cursed, combined with complex spells to break the curse.

Even if the remains of the person who cast the spell could be found, the vocal cords would be difficult to find. It can be said that it is almost like Voldemort making Horcruxes, sacrificing other people to break the curse.

Roger didn't write it down, nor did he want to. There is still time, and the blood curse of Sister Daphne is not serious.

He flipped through various books and jotted down other ideas - making potions to suppress symptoms, using spells to seal the blood curse... he could even hand it over to the Muggle laboratory to see what research they would do.

Nagini curled up and slowly entered hibernation. Rogge looked at her with a vague premonition in his heart. Maybe it won't be long before she can solve the mystery of the blood curse, and Miss Nagini will return to the magical world.

Rogge waved his hand, and the surrounding fire elements condensed. A small, tender flame swayed at the fingertips, and dissipated after a moment.

"Oh, the fireball technique is so difficult." Rogge couldn't help but sigh.

The world of Hogwarts is very strange. There are traces of various high demons and time and space props. Even the God of Death is real.

But in terms of spells, they are almost all spiritual-style magic. The more emotions there are, the more powerful the magic is. To be honest, it is very suitable for some emotional middle school boys.

Rogge disagreed with this. In his view, magic should be as precise and rigorous as potion and alchemy, rather than relying on emotions to frequently explode the small universe.

"Wizards can pay attention to spirit and will, but they must pay attention to material foundation." Rogge believes that this is what magic should be like.

He is not in a hurry, he has enough patience and perseverance to explore the essential laws of magic.

Besides rubbing fireballs, one important thing is to make protective glasses. Rogge designed a multi-reflective structure, hoping to minimize the petrification effect when facing the basilisk.

The whole pair of glasses looks like windshield goggles, with shiny copper rivets and a brown leather hard shell, giving it a punk style feel.

The left eye lens can automatically zoom. It can automatically zoom in and out according to the wizard's needs without manual operation, and adjust the clarity of the field of view at any time.

The right eye lens was originally equipped with a heat-sensing spell, but for the sake of the little wizard who wanders at night, Rogge removed it.

During breakfast, Roger carried a large package and started distributing protective glasses in the auditorium. Daphne's cheeks turned red when she saw Rogge. She ran to sit next to other witches, instead of sitting opposite Rogge as usual.

Everyone was very curious about the protective glasses, so they put them on and looked around. They were especially impressed by the zoom ability of the left eye.

"Merlin's beard is so cool!" A Slytherin boy couldn't wait to put it on his head.

"The left eye lens can actually zoom, it's amazing!"

"Yeah, I can see the dust in the air."

"Wow, Clay, the pores on your face are so thick!"

"Damn it, who told you to look at me! You'd better take a mirror and look at yourself, yours is also very thick."

The little snakes were the first to get the protective glasses, and they couldn't help but talk about it. Some left their uneaten breakfast and couldn't wait to run out to play.

"Do we have one too?" Ravenclaw couldn't believe it when he saw Roger coming to their long table.

"Everyone in the school has one. Its biggest role is to protect you from that mysterious monster." Roger smiled and handed over the protective glasses.

"Great! Let me try it!"

Everyone expressed their gratitude to Rogge. They found out that these shots came from the Flash Golem House, and couldn't help but feel that they were expensive to make. But when Rogge said it was given for free, I couldn't help but express my gratitude for his generosity.

Harry stirred the mashed potatoes in front of him with a spoon. He saw Roger starting to distribute protective glasses to Gryffindors. It would be their turn soon.

He was a little confused. He didn't like Rogge and didn't want to owe him a favor, so he was unwilling to accept Rogge's gift.

But looking around, everyone was flatteringly praising Rogge's glasses for how great they were and what a magical invention they were. Harry also didn't want to become someone else in everyone's eyes.

"They must have been cast under some evil spell." Ron took a bite of the bread and stared at Roger who was talking to Hermione, "He must have ulterior motives."

"But it protects us."

"Who knows, I don't want such a weird thing." Ron snorted and turned his head.

Just when Harry didn't know what to do, Roger walked up to him.

"Potter, yours." Roger said to him politely, but Harry took it anyway.

Harry nodded to express his thanks, and Ron next to him snorted even more obviously. The other Gryffindors didn't care what they thought, and were all discussing the function of the glasses enthusiastically.

Brothers George and Fred felt that the right-eye lens was a waste, and they were having heated discussions about how to modify it.

"I don't want it!" Ron pushed away the protective glasses that were handed to him.

"Ron!" Hermione looked at him in confusion, "This is for our safety."

"Safe?" Ron sneered, "Maybe there's a tracking spell on it, or a dark magic that identifies your bloodline. It will make it easier for the monsters in the secret room to find out your Muggle bloodline and then kill you."

"You...what are you talking about!" Hermione stood up and looked at him angrily, "Rogge would never do such a thing!"

"Oh, I know who he is. He must have a purpose in sending these things. Look around, everyone is thanking him." Ron roared loudly, and the auditorium slowly became quiet.

"He is just a hypocritical Slytherin, don't be fooled by appearances." Ron stood up, stared directly into Rogge's eyes, and spoke in a confident and assertive tone.

Roger comforted Hermione and said there was no need to argue with him. In the past, this guy always walked around and didn't dare to look directly into his eyes.

Now he is so strong and full of courage. This courage was definitely not given by Liang Jingru, it could only be given by Riddle.

"I won't wear your glasses!" Ron yelled at Roger, and his voice echoed throughout the auditorium.

"You said there's something wrong with my glasses?" Rogge looked at Ron calmly.

"Yes! There is 100% black magic hidden in it!" Ron did not flinch.

Harry on the side also looked at the glasses in his hand worriedly, doubting whether they were safe.

"Okay, I respect your choice. I will leave the glasses at Percy's place. If you want them, you can get them yourself." Rogge didn't bother to argue with him and did what he had to do. Respect the fate of others and let go of the need to help others.

"Hmph, I will never want that." Ron snorted and crossed his arms.

Rogge ignored the excited Ron and went to distribute the remaining protective glasses. Ron looked at his turning back proudly, feeling happy and relieved that he had finally defeated the stinky Travis.

At this time, a strong owl flew into the auditorium holding a huge package. Everyone was drawn to it because the package was shaped like a broomstick.

A smile broke out on Ron's face, it was delivered just in time. At Riddle's suggestion, he sneaked into the Forbidden Forest to hunt. The price of magic materials has skyrocketed recently, especially the venom of the eight-eyed spider, which is in short supply.

After earning Galleons, his first thought was not to buy a new wand, but to buy a broomstick. His own broomstick, a brand new broomstick, a better broomstick than Harry's.

Ron raised his head and looked around triumphantly. After he unwrapped the package, he enjoyed the admiration and admiration of those around him.

"This, is this a rocket crossbow?" Someone recognized it on the spot and looked at it in disbelief.


"Compared with Nimbus 2000, it can't even hold a shoe!"

"Light and fast, with unparalleled balance and precision, world class!"

The crowd's praises reached Ron's ears, making him feel extremely satisfied and excited. But more people were puzzled and started talking about it. When did the Weasley family become so rich that they could afford a rocket crossbow?

This is the most perfect racing broomstick in the world, representing the highest level of craftsmanship. Its grip is made of ash wood, and the overall shape is streamlined and exquisite.

After being treated with a polish as hard as diamond, every part shines with the luster of high-end works of art. There is also a hand-engraved registration number on it, shining with gorgeous golden light.

"Ron, where did you get the money?!" Percy was extremely surprised and couldn't help asking sternly.

"Do you want to take care of it?" Ron held the rocket crossbow and his body couldn't help but tremble with excitement.

"You...how can you afford such expensive things?"

"Just mind yourself!" Ron's face turned red with excitement, and he turned to stare at Percy: "It's better than sneaking into someone else's manor."

Percy was choked and speechless by Ron's embarrassing words. Ron looked smugly at Roger, hoping to see a look of surprise or jealousy on his face. If not these, then at least disgust. Who knew that the other party looked at him calmly, with a hint of smile hidden in his deep eyes.

"Pretending!" he yelled in his mind.

Rogge sighed, the gift of fate had already been marked with a secret price. Voldemort is not that easy to deal with.

He turned and left the Gryffindor table, having to deliver glasses to the professor and others. Unexpectedly, after Lockhart saw the protective glasses, he would find them too crude and picky about them.

"Roger, why use brass instead of gold? Brass rusts too easily and has low gloss." Lockhart pretended to be a teacher and began to ramble.

"And the leather shells here can be carved with exquisite patterns. From this, it seems that you still have many things that are not considered well. Of course, after all, you are still a student, so you are naturally not as good as me, a professor." After speaking, Luoha Te shook his head, looking regretful.

"Professor, why don't you make a pair yourself?" Rogge couldn't help but rolled his eyes, pretending to take the glasses back.

Lockhart quickly grabbed the glasses and hugged them in his arms: "Ahem... Rogge, I mean it can be improved and optimized. The overall idea of ​​your design is very good! I will improve it myself and apply some defense spells against dark magic."

Lockhart smiled brightly, thinking he was charming.

"If it had been me that the monster met that day, everyone wouldn't have to worry so much. But don't worry, as an expert in spells and defense against dark arts, I have already found clues." Lockhart boasted endlessly.

"When the time comes, I will kill the monster and restore peace to Hogwarts. I will use the monster's blood to write a new book: "Days at Hogwarts."" Lockhart continued to describe own great deeds.

Rogge secretly complained, will he die if he doesn't brag?

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