A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 180 Rogge takes action

"I know why." Rogge said slowly. His handsome appearance immediately attracted the attention of many witches.

"So handsome. Whose child is he?"

"The head of the Travis family."

"Such a young family leader?"

"I heard that the Travis family is very rich. If I can get this kid...hehehehe..."

A witch with heavy makeup looked at Rogge and twisted unconsciously. She smiled so wildly that she exuded a strong desire.

"You, a female spider, don't even look at yourself? At such an old age, you still attack other children?"

"What's wrong with the kid? Maybe he's older than you." The witch raised her eyebrows and looked at the wizard next to her, flipping her hair and staring at his crotch provocatively.

"Oh, then be prepared to be killed. This kid is not a good person, and the demise of the Thunderbirds is directly related to him." The wizard next to her who had returned from the United States reminded her.

"What? Really?"

The wizards around him were discussing Rogge. His good fortune and handsome appearance made many adult witches excited. Unfortunately, it's a bit small and hard to get started with. If we wait a few more years, we can chat and drink coffee together.

The big and small filthy women talked in low voices, and Jessica stared at them, wishing they could all be thrown to the dementors.

Roger ignored the obscenities next to him, stared at Ginny and asked for some details: "Miss Ginny, was the diary left by you in the girls' bathroom on the third floor?"

"Yeah." Ginny nodded in confirmation.

"On what day?" Rogge continued to ask. Harry next to him seemed uncomfortable.

"The day you unlocked Mrs. Norris's petrification." Ginny replied in a low voice, recalling the days when she returned to normal. "I was afraid that Norris would find me, so I threw the diary away."

"I understand." Rogge turned his gaze to Harry, his eyes seemed to have the power to see everything.

"It seems that my guess is correct, our dear savior, Mr. Harry. And his friend, Ron." Rogge raised his tone slightly, drawing everyone's attention back.

"You two found it in the girls' bathroom on the third floor." Rogge deliberately emphasized the word "two". After all, in the rotten country, this is easier to imagine than "girls".

"If I remember correctly, you were arrested by Filch and then taken to the principal's office."

Harry nodded in embarrassment. At that time, he felt a familiarity from the diary, hidden in his body by some mysterious means.

"But later, the diary was taken away by Ron. Ron used it to kill spiders in the Forbidden Forest and use the spider venom to make money." Rogge clearly pointed out the ins and outs of the diary.

He deliberately didn't mention what spell Ron used, nor why there were spiders in the Forbidden Forest. He left room to see if Dumbledore would pursue the matter further.

Malfoy was certainly at fault, but a noble wizard could not be judged on the accusations of a house elf.

What's more, Lucius is a pure-blood wizard and now the leader of the twenty-eight holy wizard families. This is absolutely unacceptable!

If a wizard as a master today goes to the dock for being an unfaithful slave, he may even be tried and found guilty. So tomorrow, fairies, werewolves...can they compete with each other?

If things go on like this, the glory and dignity of wizards will be completely destroyed, and the trend of whistle-blowing will become more and more fierce. The wizarding world will be filled with doubt and chaos, and unity and harmony will be completely lost.

The initiator of all this was the short, ugly, and unfaithful house elf Dobby in front of him.

Of course, it can be said that it did this for Harry Potter. But who is it? Does it have this qualification? A house elf, a servant for generations, it was not his turn to care about Harry's life or death.

Rogge had a cold smile on his face. As a pure-blood wizard, how could he allow Dobby, a domestic slave, to tarnish the reputation of the wizard family?

If Dumbledore persists and Malfoy goes to Azkaban to go to jail, then let Ron and Hagrid go together. After all, one of them used the Unforgivable Curse, and the other threatened the safety of teachers and students by raising dangerous animals.

Rogge commented accurately: "Obviously, the Boy Who Lived concealed the matter from the principal, causing things to become increasingly out of control."

Harry couldn't help but lower his head. It was indeed him and Ron who failed to explain all this to the principal, which ultimately led to Colin being petrified and even Ron being comatose.

Roger said with a smile: "Assuming Dobby's accusation can be adopted, it cannot prove that Mr. Lucius tried to murder Harry. After all, the diary first appeared in Ginny's crucible.

If what Dobby said was true, the diary originally belonged to Lucius. Perhaps Lucius wanted to make Arthur's memory long, when Ginny's father went to various houses to search for dark magic items. How embarrassing it would be if a dark magic item appeared in your home. "

Rogge said jokingly: "It's a pity that before Mr. Malfoy could report it, Arthur was tricked by his good son."

He let out a subtle laugh, and the wizard who knew the inside story also laughed happily: "That's not true! Arthur's flying car appeared openly in front of Muggles."

"I remember it. The Daily Prophet reported it. Arthur was given gardening leave that day."

“What is a gardening holiday?”

"Indefinite suspension without pay." A wizard explained kindly, "Later, he was kicked by Minister Fudge and sent to the Arctic Circle. Arthur gave birth to a good son."

The wizards around him kept teasing him, and Harry looked uneasily at Mrs. Molly, who looked ugly. At that time, the other person riding in the Feitian Car was myself.

However, Harry never thought of standing up to explain and allowed Weasley to become the laughingstock of everyone.

"Dobby?" Rogge spoke softly.

Dobby looked up at him, feeling even scarier than facing Lucius.

"I...I'm here."

"You betrayed your master, is this true?"

"Do...Dobby is a bad elf." Dobby trembled, tugging at his clothes uneasily.

Dumbledore narrowed his eyes, Dobby couldn't defend himself at this question. And, this will also have fatal consequences for Dobby.

"You also caused Harry's friend Weasley to be punished. If you hadn't blocked the entrance to the platform, they wouldn't have to take the dangerous flying car. Mr. Arthur wouldn't have to be suspended and thrown to the North Pole to watch the aurora."


Rogge didn't wait for an explanation and continued to add: "You also caused Harry to fall off his broomstick and break his arm. You caused him to be treated by Lockhart and all the bones in his arm were lost."

"If it weren't for Madam Pomfrey, Harry would have lost his arm from now on. Without one hand to use, he would lack a lot of happiness!" Rogge sighed and shook his head regretfully (maybe his good brother Ron can help).

"But...but Dobby is trying to keep Harry away from danger, to protect him..." Dobby replied tremblingly, with despair in his eyes.

"Away from danger? Protection?" Rogge was very surprised. "You mean Hogwarts is dangerous? Or are you saying that Principal Dumbledore can't protect the safety of students?"

The question silenced the wizards. Although they generally respect Principal Dumbledore, the current situation does raise doubts.

As the most famous person in the wizarding world, Harry Potter was repeatedly put in danger because of Dobby, and Dumbledore was unaware of this. This situation is undoubtedly a major blow to Hogwarts' reputation.

Mrs. Molly shouted angrily: "This is rude! Hogwarts has always been our pride, and Principal Dumbledore has always been the greatest wizard!"

Rogge readily accepted the criticism: "Please forgive my bluntness, Mrs. Molly. I am just emphasizing an important issue, an elf who betrayed his master. Is its testimony available? Is it because of it that Harry suffered so much?" ?”


"Since you accuse Malfoy of trying to murder Harry, what evidence do you have?"

"Dobby heard it."

"Did you specifically hear that he was planning to kill Harry Potter?"

"No...no. But Dobby knew that terrible things would happen if the diary returned to Hogwarts."

"Why?" Rogge was persuasive. He wanted to know where Dobby learned that Harry was in danger.

"If you just open the secret room, even if the basilisk comes out, there will be no danger to Harry. After all, Harry can snake..."

"Cough..." Dumbledore coughed a few times and reminded secretly.

Quit playing games

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