A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 183 Mrs. Longbottom’s Questions

Seeing Rogge raising his hand, Lucius immediately followed.

There are only two house elves in the Malfoy family. One is dead, Dobby, and the other is working. As for the salary, it’s just a few kats, which is not enough to pay for a dinner at my family.

Seeing that Travis and the Malfoy family agreed to Dumbledore's proposal, other pure-blood wizards also began to raise their hands in agreement.

When everyone was expressing their stance, Minister Fudge suddenly stood up. He held his belly and tried to take credit for himself: "I am very happy to see that you have rethought the status of house elves and agreed to provide them with reasonable compensation for their hard work."

"I will urge the Ministry of Magic to formulate relevant laws as soon as possible to ensure the rights of elves in the magical world." Fudge turned to look at Dumbledore, "Albus, what do you think of this?"

"Of course." Dumbledore nodded slightly, agreeing with this move. Although Dobby's death made him a little sad, he was also relieved to see everyone raising their hands in favor of his proposal.

This also proves that wizarding society is not static, and as long as the time is right, more fair and just improvements can be made.

Harry held Dobby's body tightly, his clothes stained black and red with Dobby's blood. Harry's face was full of sadness. He turned to look at Dumbledore and asked softly: "Professor, can you hold a funeral for Dobby?"

He hoped to say goodbye to this brave and protective elf to express his respect and memory.

Dumbledore nodded kindly, walked out, bent down and stroked the elf in Harry's arms. His eyes then turned to Harry with mild concern.

Harry's request to give Dobby a funeral represents Harry as a compassionate young wizard with a sense of justice.

"Of course, Harry, we will hold a funeral for Dobby." Dumbledore's voice was gentle but firm. He picked up a willow branch from a distance and turned it into a small coffin with a touch of his wand.

Harry nodded and sent Dobby inside while wiping his tears. Dumbledore patted him and said: "Dobby was a brave elf, and his sacrifice will be remembered in our hearts. This is a tribute to him and also represents the respect of all wizards for house elves. .”

Dumbledore's answer made Harry feel a sense of warmth and comfort. He nodded gently to express his gratitude. At this moment, Harry understood how important an equal magical world is! Dobby's sacrifice will become the brightest star in this process!

Harry then turned his angry gaze on Roger. This hateful guy, if he hadn't forced him, Dobby would never have committed suicide! If it weren't for his sophistry, Lucius wouldn't be able to escape the blame! He was very angry with Roger.

Harry was filled with confusion as to why someone could be so ruthless. Didn't Dobby's bravery inspire a little sympathy in his heart? Or is this the kind of person Slytherin is, and Roger is a born bad guy?

"Damn little Death Eater!" Ron's curse on Travis echoed in Harry's mind. He stared at Rogge standing with Malfoy and couldn't help but feel that some people are born bad!

Roger felt a sting and then saw Harry's angry eyes. He smiled, not caring about his irritation with the Savior.

If Harry and Dumbledore are on the side of infinite equality, then he is on the side of magic's right, power and power. The human race did not come out of the wilderness talking about friendship and equality.

As an Anglo-Saxon who bears the Union Jack, Harry has the nerve to talk about equality? Before I talk, let’s ask about the fish in the Atlantic Ocean. Even as a wizard, ask the goblin why he rebelled.

"Headmaster, I think we need to judge today's real protagonist." Rogge looked at Dumbledore with a smile. The snacks before dinner had been thrown into the coffin, and there was no need to remember him.

"Yes, I came here today because of the diary."

"Do you really want to put him on trial? That's a mysterious man!"

Many wizards became worried. They stared at the diary uneasily, fearing that the next second Voldemort would break through the small chains and appear in front of everyone. Panic spread again, covering the entire square.

"Do you think he will really come back?"

"I don't know! But when I go back, I want to get rid of all the dark magic items in my house. Damn... Bah! Mysterious things can always bring disaster."

"That's right! Fortunately, Dumbledore took action in time. Otherwise, the mysterious man might have come back."

Dumbledore knocked on the table, and everyone fell silent for a while. He sent the diary to the center of the square, and a wave of magic blew over it, leaving it hanging in the air.

"Riddle once released a basilisk to murder Myrtle Elizabeth Warren fifty years ago." After Dumbledore finished speaking, Myrtle floated up from the ground.

She used to cry almost every day, but today she is extremely happy. She was very happy that Principal Dumbledore invited her to attend, and she was also very happy to see her murderer being tried.

"Mrs. Norris and Mr. Colin were petrified by the basilisk."

Filch came out holding the cat with a sense of humiliation, while Colin held up his camera to take pictures.

"And Ron Weasley. It's a pity that he can't attend today's trial." Dumbledore looked at Mrs. Molly sympathetically, "His soul was hurt by Tom, and he is still asleep in the school hospital today. .”

"Albus, why don't you try Voldemort for other crimes!" A loud question came from the crowd, and an old lady came out with Neville.

This old lady is Mrs. Longbottom, the patriarch of the Longbottom family and Neville's grandmother. She was wearing a green robe and a fox fur scarf. Taking firm steps, his eyes were fixed on Dumbledore.

The old lady's question silenced the noisy square. All wizards who know her know that she is a very stern old lady who will not compromise easily.

More importantly, her son and daughter-in-law were captured and brutally tortured by Death Eaters after Voldemort's death. To this day, Neville's parents are still undergoing hopeless treatment at St. Mungo's Hospital.

They were still members of the Order of the Phoenix, and Dumbledore, as the leader, was taking care of James Potter's surviving son.

"Albus, you clearly know that he is Voldemort, and many people here have lost their relatives at his hands." Mrs. Longbottom stared at Albus closely, "Do you think this is the only crime in him?"

"I didn't come here to hear that he released a basilisk and killed a cat, or petrified a few people. What do these crimes mean in the face of the past war? I want to see him and this monster thoroughly punished. A complete judgment!"

Mrs. Longbottom excitedly pointed at Dumbledore. She wanted to seek justice for her relatives: "If he only has this Horcrux, then judge him once! If there is a second Horcrux, judge him a second time." Twice! If he dares to show up, stuff him into the toilet and drown him to death!"

Lady Longbottom's voice echoed across the square, her eyes burning with rage. There is also Bella, the woman of the Black family, who tortured Neville's parents to insanity and caused Neville to suffer from amnesia. But there is no death penalty in the British wizarding world, and these criminals can only be imprisoned indefinitely.

Mrs. Longbottom wished she could take the diary to Azkaban right now and tear the owner of these beasts into pieces and burn them to ashes in front of them!

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