Dobby's eyes were full of determination, facing his impending death calmly like an exploding star. It inserted its hand into its chest, for Harry, for the elf, and for the wizarding world!

Gray-white clouds drifted across the sky, and the wind in the valley made a rustling sound. The pale sun in the sky cast a bone-like light, shining on Dobby's pale face and hot chest.

The horrifying pain pierced through Dobby's body like a flame. He was trembling, but he still stood tenaciously. It endured the severe pain and took out the fiery red heart from its body with its hands, as if it was holding the ruby ​​of fate.

Dobby's blood-filled hands held the heart tightly, as if he was telling his tragic past. It understands that when it stands here and betrays its master, this heart no longer belongs to it.

But in order to reveal the veil of darkness, it was willing to hand over its heart and return its loyalty to Malfoy! Just to keep Harry alive. It does not want the elves to live a miserable life of being beaten and scolded by others, and it does not want other elves to be punished for their betrayal.

Dobby's body trembled and his steps faltered. The blood on its chest flowed down like a bright red river. However, it did not fall down and walked towards Malfoy step by step.

Everyone was silent, as if time had stopped, with only the pale sun in the sky still shining quietly on this scene. Some children were so scared that they closed their eyes, and some adult wizards had tears in their eyes.

Dobby's back left a deep mark on their hearts. A small life showed great courage, just like the hero in the ancient hymn.

One step...and another...

When Malfoy faced Dobby, who was approaching him with his heart in his hands, he took a few steps back in fear.

Dobby did not reach Malfoy after all. He lost his breath, drained his blood, and fell in the direction of Malfoy. The heart in its hand slipped and rolled as the body fell, and stopped at Malfoy's feet covered in dust.

"Dobby!" Harry rushed forward and hugged Dobby's body, his eyes filled with pain.

There were blood stains on the corners of Dobby's mouth, but he revealed a sense of tranquility and contentment. It seemed to be telling Harry that everything would be fine.

Lucius looked at the things at his feet, feeling panicked subconsciously. But he is Malfoy, a pure-blood wizard! How can you feel sympathy for a lowly house elf!

What's more, this guy betrayed him. Even if it didn't take out its heart, he would chop off its head when he got back.

Humph, you still want to pray for your own forgiveness? Dream on!

Malfoy smiled coldly and tried to crush Dobby's heart. But a mysterious force restrained him, preventing him from moving. He looked in the direction of the magic power, and it was Rogge who had just helped him.

"Mr. Lucius. I think Dobby is begging for your forgiveness." Rogge reminded softly, "It had to betray you for Harry, but in order to abide by the loyalty of the elf, it gave its heart."

Rogge suspected that Dobby cut out the heart to cut off its connection with the Malfoy family. But the truth of the matter is not what it thinks it is, but what we think it is.

Roger took a deep breath to calm down. I wanted to execute Dobby for betraying his master, but I didn't expect that Dobby would end his life like this: a tragic suicide to show his attitude.

As a wizard, you need to show enough broad-mindedness and tolerance towards the dead, especially the dead elves.

Rogge stared at Lucius. The moment Dobby opened his chest, the heart no longer belonged to him. It has become a token, a meaningful heart.

Lucius's expression quickly changed from mockery to sadness, and he closed his eyes and raised his head slightly. The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, tears welled up in the corners of his eyes and hit the ground.

Such a smooth transformation is comparable to the face-changing in Sichuan Opera.

"Dobby!" Lucius carefully held Dobby's heart, his voice full of pain and sadness.

"This is a tragedy! I never wanted to kill him." Lucius groaned painfully, "Dobby! As long as you come back, I will forgive you!"

Lucius' sad voice touched many people, and other wizards present also resonated in their hearts.

This once arrogant wizard now looked embarrassed, sinking into decadence and self-blame. His regrets and tears let everyone see the fragile side of his humanity.

Everyone sends sympathy and regret to Lucius. Such a good elf died so easily! In this sad moment, everyone can't help but pay attention to the long-ignored house elves.

As for the dead Dobby, wizards admit its behavior was touching. But isn’t this what it should be? Just like the Indians who offered their scalps to make boots for Washington, the elf who betrayed his master was destined to die.

"Gentlemen and girls, we need to rethink the pain and pressure the elves endure." The wizards started from Dobby and quickly thought about the crux of the problem.

"That's right!"

"If we treat them better, maybe we can prevent tragedies like this from happening."

"Yes, this way they can work better. They won't ruin their clothes or burn their rice." The triangular-eyed wizard nodded in agreement. He fully agreed with the previous person's point of view: better rest can lead to better oppression ( Crossing it out is better work).

"They dare to tell us the secrets they know in a timely manner, and they are not afraid to speak out because of fear."

Dumbledore stood on top and was filled with emotion when he saw this scene. He knew this was a critical moment. The status of house elves can be realigned today to achieve greater fairness and justice.

"Everyone." Dumbledore spoke slowly, his voice full of solemnity, "Maybe this is an opportunity for us to get to know house elves again. They also have lives and emotions, and they should receive more respect and care."


"I agree!"

"Me too!"


There were echoes of approval in the square, and it seemed that everyone was fully aware of the elf's contribution and needs.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Dumbledore suggested: "We can consider improving their status and giving them a certain salary to express our gratitude to them."

Everyone suddenly fell into deep thought when they heard Dumbledore's suggestion. Gratitude is fine, but paying for it? Pay a salary? How can it be!

"Should we stop discussing it?" Many people are thinking so, but when the atmosphere has reached this point, who can say anything?

So everyone, you look at me and I look at you, hoping that some brave people will stand up and speak.

In fact, most of the wizards who have house elves come from pure-blood families, and they are not financially disadvantaged. But asking them to pay wages to their slaves was really hard for them to accept.

After all, to them, those who do not spend money are stupid slaves, and those who can make money for their masters are well-trained slaves.

But Dumbledore's suggestion meant huge changes for the elves in the wizarding world. They will no longer be just slaves to their masters, but lives with rights and dignity.

After all, when a salary is paid, a contract exists, a legal commitment. All this is to achieve greater fairness and justice.

"I support!" Rogge, representing the Travis family, was the first to raise his hand.

Giving the elves some money is nothing more than using a contract to hide their status as slaves. Besides, where can the money in their hands go? It doesn't just turn around and return to the owner's hands.

For example, if the mop is worn out, money will be deducted; if the dishes are not washed, money will be deducted; if there is 0.1 gram more salt in the dish, money will be deducted; if you enter the door with your left foot, money will be deducted!

I wouldn’t do it myself, but I’m not sure others will.

The so-called huge changes are just small changes in Rogge's eyes. Without changing their dependence on each other, they would still be servants of the wizard.

Rogge looked at Dobby's body and sighed imperceptibly. Expecting wizards to save you is a daydream.

This chapter was quite a headache to write.

Quit playing failed on the second day T.T

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