The two passed through the fireplace and traveled to the Marne Valley, thirty-two kilometers away from Paris.

This park was built last year and is the second Disneyland in the world. Since its opening, it is still very popular among Muggles.

Entering the paradise, the two seemed to have traveled to a fairy tale world. Various cartoon images make Furong run around happily.

The palace garden here did not attract Fleur's attention. The castle in the distance only made her take a second look. On the contrary, it was the western cowboy town at the main entrance that made Fleur's eyes shine.

Various rides in Disneyland such as roller coasters, pirate ships, and carousels. Whether it is high-speed rotation or an exciting journey, Furong is immersed in it and forgets her worries.

Roger introduced Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck to her on the side... Fleur clumsily ran to join their interactive performance. He picked up his camera and took many photos of her.

In the evening, they watched a breathtaking fireworks display. Brilliant fireworks bloomed in the night sky, twinkling like stars.

"Thank you." Fleur said softly.

"Try it." Roger handed over a white cowboy hat and Fleur put it on her head.

She patted the broad brim of her hat and looked up at the brilliant fireworks in front of her. Happiness welled up in her heart, and she waved her wand and whispered a spell.

Silvery white light was released from the tip of the staff. This time the God-calling guard succeeded!

"Congratulations." Roger congratulated.

"Yes, but the patron saint hasn't come out yet."

"Let's talk about it later. Anyway, Corvis won't be dead for a while." Rogge looked at his watch, "We should go back."

"Yes." Fleur nodded and asked curiously: "What will the patron saint be like?"

"Generally speaking, they are animals. Their specific images are related to the wizard's own emotions and will.

For example, Dumbledore's patronus is a phoenix. After all, the descendants of their family have always been closely related to Phoenix. "

"Then why is your patron saint a crow? Is it because of your bloodline?"

"It's possible." Rogge thought and explained: "But I think it's part of the reason. It's more likely that crows are more in line with wizards.

Crows are considered to be very intelligent birds with keen intelligence. They have been regarded as mysterious creatures in ancient times, representing mystery and magic..."

As they talked, they returned to the fireplace in the manor. Barbara quickly grabbed her daughter and asked, "Fleur, was it successful?"

"The God-calling Guardian has learned, but the Guardian God hasn't come out yet."

Barbara said regretfully: "Alas, there is a banquet tonight! King Corvis VI has decided to finalize his will at this banquet."

She is a direct bloodline of Corvis VI, but there are several sisters above her. The name of Corvis VII will soon be extinct, but the legacy of the Lestrange family is very rich. If I could share more...

Barbara looked at Jessica and saw that she shook her head, so she had to say: "Let's go to the banquet first."

Lestrange Manor is decadent and depressing, like the rot in an ancient forest, exuding a musty smell from the inside out.

The old maid held an oil lamp and stood guard at the door. When she sees a guest, she shows her rotten teeth to welcome her, which makes people feel creepy.

"Mom, why does it feel like you've entered a cemetery?" Rogge felt uncomfortable all over, as if there were countless pairs of eyes staring at him.

"Shh, don't talk nonsense." Jessica pulled Rogge and couldn't help but feel doubtful in her heart.

Decades ago, the estate was thriving. What happened over the years, how did it become like this?

Barbara didn't take it seriously. She explained quietly: "I heard that Corvis VI secretly studied death. When you see old Corvis soon, don't be frightened."

Rogge touched the wand and muttered in his mind: "Is it scary?"

He wondered if the rotten smell was related to some black magic.

Barbara led them into the banquet hall. By this time, half of the people had arrived. These distant relatives glanced at them and immediately showed a disdainful smile.

Relations were tense and hostile because of the legacy of Corvus VI.

Everyone has no interest in communicating, and each other is a direct competitor. The room was silent, with only the elderly maid serving delicacies one after another.

"Ahem..." A strange hoarse cough came from deep in the room, and a long shadow entered the living room under the candlelight.

Kovis VI was hunched over, using crutches to move his body with difficulty.

"Are you all here?" His voice had a strange sound of bone friction, and he spoke fairly clearly.

Rogge looked at the people around him in confusion, why no one came to help him. Everyone just waited for King Corvis VI to walk in, and walked step by step to the main seat.

Rogge raised his eyes and saw, was this still a person? Exactly like a mummy with its bandages removed.

Kovis VI was all black, with wrinkled skin sticking to his frame. His face was full of depressions, and his big bloodshot eyes looked at everyone.

"Black magic, it must be black magic!" Rogge couldn't help but become vigilant.

"Jessica? I didn't expect you to be here too." Kovis slowly sat down with a strange smile on his lips.

"I didn't expect that the news of my death would cross the Channel and go to England." Corvis smiled faintly and looked at Rogge next to Jessica.

"Is this your son? I remember he was the same age when you left France." As an old man, Covis couldn't help but feel nostalgic when he spoke.

The other relatives at the table couldn't help but look at Jessica and her son, with a bit of jealousy in their eyes.

"I'm afraid I was too poor in England. I heard that there was an inheritance to be divided, so I ran back immediately." The fat witch opposite said secretly.

"Bell, they just came back to see everyone. After all, Jessica has half the blood of the Lestrange family." Barbara retorted without giving in.

"Hmph, according to what you say, the British Lestrange family can also come back to share the inheritance?" Bell sneered a few times, and she glanced at the old Corvis VI.

This old guy looks like a skeleton, why is he still not dead? If other people also find some Lestrange descendants to come back, won't the inheritance have to be divided into several shares?


Kovis slowly knocked on the table to stop everyone from arguing. The room fell into silence, making the atmosphere even more heavy.

"A crow will not peck another crow's eye." Kovis recited the family motto and then talked about the will issue.

"My life is coming to an end, and now no one can inherit the title of Covis VII. The family inheritance will naturally be distributed to you." Covis turned to look at the maid, who hurriedly came over with a silver plate.

The people at the banquet were looking forward to it, not knowing how much inheritance they would get.

Corvis picked up the parchment from the silver plate and said while looking at it: "In addition to this manor, the family also has large tracts of land in Africa and South America. Gringotts has tens of millions of wealth..."

He slowly took stock of gems, galleons, magic items... Every time he said one, the people around him breathed heavier.

Rogge looked up and saw many people staring at old Covis with red eyes.

"I'm going to die, and these things will all belong to you. But, there are so many of you, how should I divide them?" Kovis sighed, seeming to be really in trouble.

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