The Lestrange family's inheritance is very rich, and the distribution power is completely in the hands of this skinny old man.

In theory, Covis VI could distribute his inheritance to numerous relatives with the stroke of a pen. Even distant cousins ​​were comforted by a portion of the Galleons.

However, he sat there staring at everyone and letting out a low laugh. Like an old crow, no one can understand his true inner intentions.

"Uncle, I think the inheritance should be divided according to blood." Bell glanced at the other family members with a proud look on his face.

"If you are willing, Jacques can change his surname to Lestrange and become Corvis VII." Bell looked at his son.

Jacques stood up immediately at his mother's suggestion. He straightened his fat body and wanted to show Covis his best condition.

King Corvis VI nodded and stared at Jacques: "Good boy, come here and let me take a look."

He grinned with a wrinkled and mottled mouth, and slowly grabbed Jacques' hand. Jacques only felt a piece of sandpaper rubbing against his hand, but for the huge inheritance, he did not dare to refuse.

"Okay, okay." Kovis smiled and nodded, as if there was some hint.

When Bell saw this scene, he thought that Covis VI recognized Jacques, and a bright smile immediately broke out on his face.

"My daughter Fleur also has family blood..." Barbara just started, but Bell immediately interrupted her.

She looked like the mistress of the manor, raised her neck arrogantly, and came to Fleur's side.

Bell lifted Fleur's chin with his hand and looked at it carefully: "She is quite beautiful. She deserves to be a quarter Veela."

Her tone was very strange, with a harsh sneer to it. What he said revealed that Furong was not qualified to inherit this inheritance.

Barbara stood up abruptly and glared at Bell. It seemed that the two women were about to quarrel at the next moment.

Just when the tension reached its peak, King Covis VI suddenly spoke: "Many people came today, including Bell, Barbara, Jacques, Emma...

You both have family blood and are equally eligible to inherit the inheritance. "

"So, I made some keys." King Corvis VI waved his hand and motioned for the maid to bring up the box.

The six boxes are all exquisite, with fine vine patterns carved on them. The eye-catching golden lock on the front is shining, magically protected, and obviously requires a specific key to open.

"I divided the inheritance into six parts, and they are all inside. As long as you bring back the key, you can inherit the corresponding inheritance." Kovis patted the box and looked at everyone with a smile.

He looked at Jacques emphatically, as if he wanted to carve the other person's appearance into his heart.

Jacques felt a strong uneasiness, like a deer being watched. At the same time, a chill arose in my heart, and a chill of fear and fear spread throughout my body. He quickly lowered his head, not daring to look at old Covis again.

Seeing that Covis had made up his mind, Bell stopped trying to please the old guy and asked, "Where is the key?"


"What?" Everyone was shocked, that was not a good place.

"What's wrong?" Rogge saw everyone's surprised expressions and asked quietly.

"Covis divided the inheritance into six parts, and placed one copy in each box. The corresponding key was hidden by him in the catacombs in Paris."

"That tomb of millions of people?" Rogge couldn't help but feel anxious. That place did not sound very auspicious.

"Yes. I heard that there is a gate to hell there, and some wizards even claimed to have seen the God of Death." Fleur shrank back, very scared.

Behind this catacombs lies a dark and horrific history. The Black Death hundreds of years ago killed a large number of Muggles, and their bodies were buried in cemeteries in Paris.

The bones were piled on top of each other, eventually crushing the tomb. The Muggles had to remove the corpses in the city, digging them all up and moving them to an abandoned quarry outside the city.

This huge underground tomb stretches for more than 300 kilometers and contains the bones of 6 to 7 million people.

The bones were all mixed together, making it impossible to find who they belonged to. The priests finally had to categorize them and sort them by time markers.

If there was necromancy in this world, then the catacombs of Paris would be their ideal testing ground.

Later, as Paris continued to expand, the catacombs became part of the city. If an earthquake occurs, the entire city may be swallowed up by underground caverns.

"Don't worry, you don't have to worry about finding the key." Old Covis smiled and placed a dozen black and yellow candles on the table.

"This is made of the corpse oil of the past. You guys light it, and when you get close to the key, it will take you there." He said, waving his wand, and candles flew in front of everyone.

Old Covis stood up on crutches and seemed to be planning to leave for a rest: "There are so many of you, but there are only 6 keys, so hurry up."

However, his legs and feet gave way, and he suddenly fell onto the table.


A dull crash echoed throughout the hall. Old Covis VI fell to the ground instantly, leaving a strange smile on his face, and died.

"Ah!" Several witches suddenly screamed.

"Uncle! Uncle!"

Everyone rushed forward, grabbing old Covis' body and checking his condition.

The fact is before everyone, old Covis is dead. His death was sudden and direct, catching people off guard.

The relatives did not show too much sadness. Instead, they were glad that the old man had explained how his property would be handled before he died.

"These boxes..." Someone looked at the wooden boxes on the table, greed and desire intertwined in their eyes.

The maid stood aside and reminded in a cold voice: "Master said that only by getting the key can you inherit the inheritance inside. Until then, the box will be stored here."

"Jacques, let's go to the catacombs." Bell glanced at the corpse of old Covis, grabbed the corpse wax and quickly disappeared from everyone's sight.

The others looked at each other and rushed out quickly. The keys are limited, so if you arrive late, you will lose everything.

The maid watched the guests leave one by one and stood quietly beside the body.

"Mom, forget it. I always feel something is wrong." Rogge put the corpse wax into the box in disgust. Everything at the banquet was too weird.

Especially the state of old Covis, it was obvious at a glance that something was abnormal. The fact that he can survive until now must be due to the effects of black magic.

Catacombs, death, corpse wax, inheritance... these words seem abnormal when taken alone, but when combined together, they reveal an atmosphere of weirdness and conspiracy.

He looked back and saw Lestrange Manor slowly disappearing into the night, secretly wondering in his heart: Is old Corvis really dead?

Jessica nodded, equally uneasy. It’s just that she has promised Barbara and is leaving now…

"I didn't expect that Kovis died so suddenly." Barbara sighed at the sudden death of the other party. Thinking of the six boxes on the table, she couldn't help but twitch her index finger.

"We are going to the 14th arrondissement now, Place Denfer-Rochereau. From there, you can directly enter the catacombs." Barbara did not hesitate and gave them no chance to refuse.

"Oh, let's go too." Jessica looked at her son and reminded him to stay vigilant.

In District 14, Barbara found a seemingly ordinary manhole cover. She tapped the manhole cover, and the entrance magically appeared before their eyes.

She lit a stick of corpse wax and the candle floated in the air, leading the group deep into the catacombs.

The dim candlelight dispelled the darkness in front of them, and countless layers of skeletons were piled up on both sides of the passage, watching them silently.

Some of the heads were arranged by the priests into crosses, hearts or other strange patterns, while others were randomly scattered around the feet, and would be kicked from time to time.

The sound they make travels far and wide in the deep passage, then hits the corner and is reflected back.

"There are many secret passages here, and sometimes there are secret gatherings." Barbara looked at everything around her and couldn't help but feel scared. She kept talking, trying to ease the tense atmosphere.

Fleur was behind her mother, followed closely by Roger and Jessica.

Through his night vision ability, he can clearly see the catacombs. Roger even found all kinds of weird graffiti and symbols on the walls.

Suddenly, the corpse wax floated to the left, which was a narrow passage. Barbara's eyes lit up and she reminded everyone: "On the left."

Rogge was surprised to feel a chill coming over him. He turned around suddenly and saw a dark robe floating around the corner.

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