A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 203 Crucible of Death

"What's wrong?" Jessica looked in the direction where Rogge turned his head, and saw darkness in the distance.

"There is something there." Rogge waved his wand to remind them, "Close your eyes."

He read Fluorescent Flash, and a brilliant light bloomed from the tip of the staff. In this ancient tomb passage, the darkness quickly melted with Rogge as the center, and everything was revealed.

Rogge held the staff in his left hand and the sword in his right hand, and walked quickly towards the corner just now. Under the strong light, everything here is displayed before your eyes.

The walls were covered with strange words, and the charcoal painted a black pattern on the wall. In the center of the pattern, a tall black shadow almost reached the ceiling.

"Is there something?" Barbara squinted her eyes, and the dazzling light forced her to close them again.

She secretly cried out that it was a pity that the candle could no longer be found. She hoped that the key had not been obtained by someone first.

Rogge frowned and stopped the spell. The dissipating darkness quickly surged in, and the four people were swallowed up instantly.

He continued to stare into the deep passage, thinking to himself: Did I see it wrong? No, I can never be wrong!

Call the gods to protect you!

The silver crow flew out from the tip of the staff, flew around the tomb passage, and finally stopped on the shoulder.

"Did you find anything?" Jessica asked with concern.

"There was a black shadow passing by here just now, but there was nothing." Rogge turned around and found that Barbara and Fleur were gone.

"Where are they?"

"Are you going to look for candles?"

The mother and son looked at each other, feeling secretly chilled in their hearts. How could two living people disappear in the blink of an eye?

Although Barbara had an unlikable personality, she would never leave without saying a word. When they suddenly disappeared, something unusual must have happened.

"If I remember correctly, the candle floated into the passage on the left." Jessica took out the corpse wax she was assigned and lit it with magic.

A faint smell came from the flames. Rogge held his breath, wondering why he hadn't smelled it before.

"Mom, wait a minute." Rogge took two steps back, and the faint smell disappeared.

"There's something wrong with this candle! It smells bad!" Roger extinguished the candle, feeling increasingly uneasy.

"Stink? Why didn't I smell it?"

"I learned a lot of potions from Snape, and my nose can tell the smell if I use them too much. The smell just now was from corpse taro powder, rosemary..." Rogge thought about it carefully, and his expression became more and more complex. The uglier it gets.

King Corvis VI did not lie to everyone. The candles were made from the corpse oil of that year. The whole candle was as old as the bones around it.

Corpse taro powder and rosemary have a pungent smell and are poisons with psychedelic effects. These ingredients are rarely used in serious potions because they are too dangerous.

Rogge speculated that the candles were made using black magic to affect the wizard's spirit.

"It's a trap."

"Then Barbara and the others are not in danger?" Jessica looked at the darkness around her, very worried about their safety.

She immediately thought of Phantom Movement and breathed a sigh of relief when she found that she could use it normally.

"Breathe with the Bubble Charm." Roger quickly thought of a way to avoid the smell. "The candle should lead everyone to the same place. Follow it and we can find Barbara and Fleur."

The corpse wax was rekindled by Jessica, and the two of them followed the corpse wax through the twists and turns of the tomb passage against the air bubbles.

The temperature in the tombs here is usually maintained at 14 degrees, but as you go deeper into the tomb passages, the temperature gets lower and lower. On the stone walls on both sides, a lot of seeping water condensed into ice flowers.

"There's something moving!" Jessica quickly extinguished the candle, squatted down and pulled her son over slowly.

The ancient stone door is inlaid at the entrance of the tomb passage, and the interior is flashing with green and purple firelight. It stretched each figure elongated, as if a ghost was dancing on the wall.

"Jessica?" The voice of Corvis VI suddenly came, which was creepy.

"Well, unplanned guests always cause accidents." He sighed, with a dark smile in his voice.

"You, aren't you dead?" Jessica had realized that they had been discovered, so she simply stopped hiding.

She held her wand, protected her son behind her, and cautiously approached the stone door.

In the stone house, they saw a huge pot placed on a blazing fire. Countless thigh bones were used as firewood, making a crunching sound.

From the green and purple flames, ghost fires floated out from time to time. They float around the room, accompanied by hundreds of corpse wax.

The two approached slowly. When they saw what was in the pot, they were frightened and took two steps back.

The pot contained the heads of Belle and Jacques, their eyes wide open and sickly smiles on their pale faces. The two heads were rolling up and down in a chaotic liquid, appearing and disappearing.

The other guests at the banquet stood dully in the stone room, including Barbara and Fleur. They are like lambs waiting for the slaughter, waiting for the butcher's hand to rise and fall.

In front of the horrifying sight, Jessica and Roger stood there, their hearts beating rapidly and their breathing rapid. Everything they could see was endless terror, and an unspeakable pressure enveloped them.

"What the hell is this?" Jessica stammered, her eyes fixed on the terrible pot.

The voice of King Corvis VI sounded again, with a ferocious smile on his lips: "This is a life-reversing black magic that can give me a young body again..."

Before Kovis finished speaking, Jessica suddenly cast a spell.

Two piercing rays of magic light shot towards King Corvis VI and his maid like cold arrows. When the other party saw the magic spell coming, they laughed.

The devouring magic light hit the air in front, making a faint buzzing sound, like an arrow hitting an indestructible wall.

Only then did Jessica and Roger realize that there was a transparent wall in front of them and they were not in the same room.

The old witch smiled at Jessica and hung the two headless corpses on the wall. There were several headless blood prints on that wall. It seems that this black magic ritual has been used many times.

King Corvis VI sat on the stone bench behind the cauldron. He was so old that he didn't even have the strength to move his fingers.

He smiled strangely, turned his eyes to look at Jessica, and then turned to the maid: "The heart of the vampire."

The maid nodded to Corvis VI, then used a magic spell to peel off the flesh and blood of the headless corpse, took out the two intact hearts, and then threw them into the cauldron.

The liquid in the pot instantly became roiling, and bloody bubbles emerged, accompanied by a weird scream. This voice seemed to be chasing the soul for life, echoing in the tomb only made people dizzy and creepy.

"Their bodies." Corvis continued to order.

The maid threw the two boneless bodies into it. Kovis nodded with satisfaction when he saw the changes in the pot.

"The bones of our ancestors."

The maid opened the box, which contained a yellowed thigh bone. As the thigh bone was thrown into it, the liquid in the pot began to undergo strange changes.

The blood-red liquid gradually merged into one, forming a distorted picture, like a twisted dreamscape. The blood-colored bubbles that kept pouring out formed strange patterns and shone with strange light.

This change gradually spread to the entire stone house, causing the will-o'-the-wisps on the walls to flicker crazily. The flames were green and purple, casting eerie shadows. The more the liquid in the cauldron boils, the more twisted and terrifying the scene becomes.

In the center of the bloody liquid, the two hearts and the remains of flesh seemed to merge into one, as if they were roaring and moaning. It filled the whole stone house with an indescribable evil atmosphere, making people feel suffocated and sick.

"Okay, okay, okay!" Kovis started shaking excitedly, and he motioned to the maid to put him into the boiling crucible.

His shriveled body was thrown in while sitting cross-legged, and it melted instantly like chocolate on the stove.

The old witch began to chant a spell, and complex Greek words came out of her mouth.

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