A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 208 Creating the truth

Jessica panted and threw a group of unconscious relatives to the ground. She knew she had to be absolutely vigilant now, as they could be spotted by a French Auror at any time.

"Hush, someone is coming!" Jessica whispered, and the two of them quickly cast the disillusionment spell to cover everyone.

At this time, several Aurors flew overhead on broomsticks. They pierced through the clouds and mist, sweeping out whirlpools.

Suddenly, the Auror who had left turned back and seemed to notice something unusual. Jessica's heartbeat quickened, she raised her wand and aimed it at the other party vigilantly.

"Here!" the wizard on the broom shouted in their direction.

Jessica flicked her wrist, preparing to release a fatal spell to kill the opponent.

"Mom, wait a minute!" Rogge grabbed his mother's wrist in time to interrupt her spell.

The wizard above him didn't realize that he had already walked under the shadow of death. He lowered his broom and came to the sinking pit.

"This hole should be the center of the collapse!" Auror waved to his flying companions, pointed his wand into the sky, and fired a beam of light.

However, Rogge, who was hiding in the darkness, shook his head slightly. He knew in his heart that the hole was not the real core.

Paris itself was built on an underground cavity, and those huge sewers that Muggles were proud of were nothing more than time bombs.

District 14 will be the first domino to fall, and if the wizard doesn't take action, the entire city will be in ruins.

Jessica noticed someone flying quickly and patted her son on the shoulder: "Let's go!"

She casually used chaos magic to erase any clues they left behind.

Pierre and Louis fell off the broom and looked at the caves that were constantly collapsing at their feet. Their expressions were very ugly.

Louis squatted down and inspected the hole: "There are traces of magic! It was a wizard who did it!"

"This is definitely the work of wizards! They deliberately destroyed the underground tombs and caused the collapse of the city. This is a conspiracy against Paris!"

"Louis, notify the Senate immediately and issue a blockade order." Pierre looked heavy and had strong anger in his tone.


"No, not just Paris. We must blockade the whole of France." Pierre looked around, worried that the blockade order had been issued too late.

Jessica brings a group of relatives back to Barbara's estate.

Listening to the collapse sound around me, I felt extremely uneasy: "Son, let's leave now."

"The noise this time is so big, the Magic Federation will definitely launch an investigation. If we suddenly disappear now, it will definitely arouse suspicion." Rogge analyzed calmly. The more dangerous the situation is, the less they can leave easily.

Rogge looked at the thick clouds and mist, and suddenly thought of a good idea: "Let's go to Lestrange Manor."

"Ah?" Jessica was confused, "Where are you going?"

"Create the truth." Rogge said firmly.

Lestrange Manor is like a silent beast, lurking in the mist, hiding its true face.

The mist lingers among the woods of the manor like a condensed ghost. The slightly deformed colored glass transmits distorted light.

Suddenly, footsteps sounded, and Roger and Jessica re-entered the banquet hall to prepare their plan.

"I need to know more details." Rogge looked at Jessica.

No matter what plan is executed, every detail is crucial.

"I'm not familiar with France. Please revive Barbara." Jessica nodded and used magic: "Healed as before."

A green light flew out, and Barbara's pale face turned rosy.

"This...here?" As soon as she woke up, she immediately grabbed the wand alertly,

Looking around, I saw that I was not in the catacombs. The surrounding environment is both familiar and unfamiliar. The dim banquet hall made her feel uneasy.

"Jessica? Rogge!" Barbara saw them and breathed a sigh of relief, "Fleur?! What's wrong with her?"

"Don't worry, it's just excessive blood loss and it's not life-threatening." Roger and Jessica reassured her and told her what happened.

"Kevis used black magic to create a new body, causing the catacombs to collapse. Rogge and I saw that the situation was not good, so we took you away." Jessica spoke slowly, hiding most of the facts.

"Although we escaped, many places in Paris are sinking." After saying this, Jessica paused for a moment.

There was a loud noise that continued to come from outside, and the whole manor was trembling faintly.

"But it has nothing to do with us!" Barbara looked at Jessica uneasily, trying to comfort herself with words, "They are looking for Corvis VI!"

"But the Law Enforcement Department insists that we take responsibility?" Jessica asked worriedly.

"Then... what should we do?" Barbara's panic became more and more obvious, and Jessica's guess was not just speculation.

France's crows are as dark as those in the rest of the wizarding world.

Seeing that the fire was almost done, Rogge revealed his plan: "That's why we haven't been to the catacombs."

"But we've already been there, including them. You mean..." Barbara's eyes widened and she looked at Jessica in surprise, "You want to forget everything?"

"Yes, I still need to understand some details to avoid missing certain existences." Rogge nodded and asked, "Are there any elves in the manor?"

"No, I heard that they were all used by Old Crow for experiments."

"Did Corvais set a time for the banquet?"

Roger asked Barbara about the estate one by one to make sure nothing was left out of their plan.

"Come on, you guys." Barbara lay down on her seat and closed her eyes as if dying.

"Don't worry, it's just a memory after the banquet." Rogge avoided using a wand and instead used wandless casting to avoid arousing suspicion.

"I fainted and forgot everything."

Wisps of silver memory flew out from Barbara's temples and dissipated in the air.

Roger and Jessica carefully arranged everyone's seats and carefully inspected everything arranged.

Except for Corvis VI, the maid, and Bell and his son, everyone else was sitting in their original positions.

"Son, do I want to come too?" Jessica sat on the chair, looking a little helpless.

"Oh, just to be sure."

"Come on." Jessica nodded.

Rogge cast two spells, and Jessica instantly fell to the table.

"I have to come too." Rogge said to himself, and then recorded tonight's experience in Chinese on the inside of his clothes to ensure that he would not lose his memory.

Then, he left a line of writing on the table with water: Hesitation will lead to defeat, and you will faint if you use it to yourself.

Getting everything ready, Roger closed his eyes. He gently put his fingers on his temples and slowly pulled away the memory of the party.

Memories are like smoke disappearing into nothingness.

Rogge looked at the unconscious people, first in a daze, and then jumped up suddenly.

"Mom? Mom!" He checked Jessica anxiously to confirm that she had just fainted and there were no other abnormalities.

"Where is Corvis VI? And his maid, where did they go?" Rogge began to look for traces of Corvis VI and the maid. Following them, Bell and his son disappeared.

Suddenly, he saw reflective water stains on the table. My heart tightened, he was the only one here who could write in Chinese.

What on earth happened to use Stunner on yourself? Could it be said that these people have been hit by their own curse?

Just as he was hesitating, a burst of light suddenly came from the clouds and mist outside. The ground stopped sinking further, and the city gradually returned to stability.

However, crooked buildings, huge cracks in walls and deep road potholes can be seen everywhere, all silently telling the story of this thrilling night.

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