A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 209 Pierre’s sense of justice

Rogge felt uneasy in his heart. He quickly wiped away the water stain and sat back in his seat.

"Collapse!" His hand was directed toward himself, and the beam of the curse hit his face.

Instantly, a wave of dizziness hit him, and his head hit the desk with a bang.

A slightly dull crashing sound echoed in the quiet banquet hall. With the reverberation of the pendulum clock, Lestrange Manor fell into calm again.

The clouds and fog that enveloped Paris slowly dispersed, and the bright sunshine shone on the entire city. Centered in the 14th arrondissement, Paris seemed to have been hit by an explosion, with damage and chaos everywhere.

Under the pressure of ground collapse, cracks crisscrossed the streets, and some had completely collapsed; houses became crooked and crumbling.

The Muggles were disgraced and stood in groups in the street, stunned by the chaos around them.

"My cat is missing, have you seen it? Sophie, Sophie..." The plump lady shouted loudly, her eyes searching everywhere, and she was so anxious that she was spinning all over the place.

"What's a cat's name? This is my new apartment!" The man waved the rescued baguette and banged on the crooked railing.

Several young people took advantage of the chaos and asked for zero-yuan purchases, but the men beat them away with French sticks. (It seems that these people definitely don’t speak German.)

"Reno, don't you work for an insurance company? I bought the insurance, will you pay for it? I definitely will!"

"Yes." Renault replied firmly to the customer, "As long as the insurance company does not choose to go bankrupt."

"What! Bankruptcy? Damn vampire! I know you insurance companies are unreliable!"

"What's the use of getting angry at me? At least you still have a job, I'm definitely going to lose my job!" Renault yelled, pushing away the man who was dragging him.

Everywhere you looked, there were damaged houses. Not to mention insurance companies, even the Federal Reserve will run away.

When an insurance company goes bankrupt, the policies they sold with such rhetoric become worthless scraps of paper. The so-called contract is not enough friction to wipe the butt.

Even if debt liquidation occurs, major shareholders and financial institutions will ultimately be compensated first. How many divisions does an ordinary customer have? Just wait!

As for premiums and transferred policies, even if the regulatory authorities send them to the guillotine, no insurance company will be willing to take over.

"You still have recourse." Renault comforted, "I think the government will find a way."

"Damn..." The man cursed vigorously, but his anger could not change the situation.

I don't know if the Muggle government will find a way, but French wizards are very busy.

The Auror Office, the Mysterious Investigation Department... all departments launched together. Don't get me wrong, it's not about investigating who caused the collapse, it's about erasing the traces of the wizard's existence.

"What on earth is the Speaker doing?" Louis walked out of the Senate, his face full of anger and dissatisfaction.

"What else can be done?" Pierre loosened his tie and responded calmly, "The Muggle president has already said that this is ground subsidence caused by an earthquake."

"But...it's obviously caused by magic." Louis muttered.

"Heh." Pierre suddenly grabbed Louis' neck and pushed him aside.

He glanced around and reminded seriously: "Do you have evidence? Or do you want to take responsibility for the Speaker?"

"I'm just not angry."

"Boy, you are still too young. Once you have seen enough, you will learn to figure it out for yourself." Pierre pointed to the damaged houses around him, "They are all Muggle property and have nothing to do with the French Magical Senate."

"But a Muggle is dead!"

"Haha." Pierre lit a cigarette and took a long drag. "We have been busy all night. Tell me, are there any on the surface?"

"Huh, go to the catacombs in the middle of the night to party and hold evil gatherings. These guys who have enough to eat and nothing to do have nothing to do with us if they die."

After hearing this, Louis felt as if a basin of cold water had been poured on his hot heart. Dejected, he snatched the cigarette from Pierre's hand and puffed on it.

"Boss, we found out." Delon appeared as a phantom and shouted excitedly: "Kvis VI held a banquet last night, and there is still no news about the guests."

"That old crow?" Pierre put on his hat and said, "Let's go to Lestrange Manor."

"This..." Louis opened his eyes wide and looked at Pierre in disbelief.

Delon chuckled and patted Louis on the shoulder, "Boy, learn from it."

Last night, Nicole Flamel and his wife Perenelle took action just in time. They used magic to summon soil and fill the underground cavity to prevent the disaster from spreading further.

However, the area that has collapsed and subsided is still huge, and countless Muggles have been affected.

At this point, this disaster can only be blamed on natural disasters, and it must not have anything to do with magic. If the Muggles knew that the collapse was caused by magic, they might start a new witch hunt.

Pierre already understood this before the meeting. But his sense of justice did not allow him to let go of the mastermind, so he secretly sent Delong to investigate.

Delon lived up to his trust and quickly identified the suspect: Corvis Lestrange VI.

This old guy has lived in seclusion in recent years and seems to be studying black magic. Rumors about him spread throughout Paris, and some even said he was a skinned mummy.

The three of them came to Lestrange Manor and happened to bump into Barbara's husband: "Delacul?"

"Is there no one in the manor?" The three of them spread out slightly, forming a faint Zigzag shape, surrounding Delacour in the middle.

"No one!" Delacour frowned and stared at Pierre, "You doubt me?"

"No, we suspect old Covis." Pierre waved his magic wand, and the iron door opened in response.

"Delong, keep an eye on him."

Delacour followed the three people into the manor without saying a word. He was now very worried about his family, and every step he took into the manor was both eager and hesitant.

Pierre glanced around, frowning. It's so peaceful here!

"Search!" He gave the order, and Louis and Delon rushed into the manor with wands in hand to inspect.

Delacour looked worried and uneasy. He looked towards the hall, feeling a sense of fear. He was worried that if he walked in, he would see the bodies of Barbara and Fleur.

"Boss, they are in the banquet hall." Louis came back first, looked at the anxious Delacour, and added, "They are all still alive, but they were knocked unconscious."

"Huh..." Delacour breathed a sigh of relief and quickly rushed in to check.

"It's strange." Louis shook his head slightly, "I can't break the curse on them."

"Huh?" Pierre was stunned, "Are you sure?"

"How about you try, boss?" Louis shrugged, "I really can't untie it."

Several people came to the banquet hall, and wizards were lying on the table. They were asleep and seemed to have suffered a heavy attack.

Pierre stood at the head of the long table, frowning, and his eyes fell on the three empty chairs.

"Three people missing," he whispered, staring at the empty chairs.

"Four!" Delacour added: "There is also a maid in the manor."

"Thank you." Pierre nodded, and then continued to ask, "Who are the remaining two?"

"It should be Belle and her son, Jacques."

"Where are these two? I've never seen them before." Delong pointed to two unfamiliar faces.

"This is Jessica and Roger, visiting from England."

"Do they also have Lestrange blood?" Pierre's eyes fell on them.

Delacour nodded, trying to wake them up with a quick revival. However, no matter how hard he tried, nothing happened to his spell.

"Isn't it possible?" Pierre tried unbelievingly, but also failed.

You must know that quick recovery is a counter-spell for falling unconscious, so how can it be ineffective?

"The opponent's spell level is very high." Pierre was not frustrated, but showed a smile.

The mysterious disappearance of such a powerful spell caster shows that their investigation is on the right track. The underground collapse is closely related to Old Crow.

"Take them all back."

Delacour stood up and disagreed with the other party's order: "Pierre, the first thing is to save people!"

"Yes, it's to save people." He nodded, with a kind of affinity in his voice, "The anti-curse agent and vitality restoration can speed up their awakening. If this doesn't work, the Senate can also ask Nicolas Flamel to take action."

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