A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 216 Suspected Mithril

Newt used magic to cleverly create an oval-shaped hole in the tree and gently placed the bird's nest on it, with skillful and precise techniques.

In the tree hole is a piece of golden ancient magic that spans hundreds of years. It is like a guardian, protecting the extinct Jin Feixia from the outside world.

If Bowman had not left this nest of eggs in the curtain of light and shadow, this magical animal would have disappeared into the abyss of time forever.

"A few months ago, I went to the Forbidden Forest to conduct an investigation." Newt gently stroked the egg through the magic protection. "The centaurs told me that they had protected Golden Snidget more than a hundred years ago."

"The centaurs tribe? What happened next, is the Golden Flying Hero in the Forbidden Forest still alive?" Rogge asked curiously.

"It's a pity." Newt shook his head regretfully.

"The centaurs did not take any measures to protect or breed them and put them in the Forbidden Forest to live. Although Golden Snidget is fast, other creatures in the Forbidden Forest are also full of dangers.

They are too fragile to withstand attacks from other creatures. "Newt sighed, "In the end, those Golden Snidgets unfortunately became food for other magical animals. "

"This nest of eggs is probably our last chance." Newt nodded to Roger, indicating that he could unlock the magic protection.

Rogge stretched out his fingers, ancient magic gathered on his fingertips. When the fingertips lightly touch the golden mask, the originally indestructible mask instantly turns into countless streams of light.

After hundreds of years, Golden Snidget's egg returns to the magical world. They felt the vitality surging inside the egg and couldn't help but clench their fists with excitement.

Rogge activated the Eye of the Demon Pet, and the data of the bird egg appeared in front of him.

【Jin Fei Xia Egg】

Species: Jin Feixia-A

Characteristics: High-speed maneuverability (fast flight, able to pass through small spaces), sharp beak (can peck through any hard object), timid (fear of any danger)

Skill: Flash Peck

Level: lv0

Breeding plan: Detailed hatching steps have been developed based on the egg status.

Incubation environment: A warm and dry nest should provide sufficient wind protection to ensure a stable temperature during the incubation process. The optimal incubation temperature range is: 20-25 degrees Celsius.

Given moderate space fluctuations during incubation, there is a chance of hatching a Golden Flying Man with lightning talent. (Flash: Small-scale space travel)

Incubation time: 1-2 weeks

Diet: After hatching, a large amount of protein is required to support their growth and flight. It is recommended to provide insects and small fish. In addition, use magic mushrooms to balance your diet.

Intensive training…

"I didn't expect the Demon Pet's Eye to be so useful!" Rogge couldn't help but look up at Newt. Between myself and the master of magical animals, there is still a lack of love for them.

"The structure of this bird's nest is very good." Newt carefully inspected it and nodded frequently.

"It should have been built by Golden Snitch himself. It is dry and warm, and is very suitable for hatching bird eggs." Newt looked at the bird's nest in the tree hole and sighed sincerely: "They are too small, completely different from birds and snakes."

"I've heard of bird snakes. They have wings and are fifteen feet long."

Newt nodded happily: "That's right! The bird snakes have just hatched, and the chicks are bigger than the adult Snidgets. They are all blue and have the instinct of self-protection."

"Their eggshells are all made of silver. It is the softest and purest silver in the world. Even the most skilled silversmiths can't cast such magical eggshells."

"The lightest and softest?" Rogge thought about this characteristic in surprise, feeling that the silver was a bit like mithril.

However, in his impression, mithril is usually mined from the ground. For example, the dwarves in The Lord of the Rings discovered it in the mines of Moria.

Mithril is one of the most precious metals in the wizarding world, as strong as dragon scales and as light as goose feathers. It's as malleable as bronze yet shines like glass.

Rogge couldn't help but take out Gryffindor's sword. It was shining silver, its luster would never fade away with time, and it seemed to contain ingredients similar to mithril.

"This sword?" Newt stared at it with a unique look, "If I remember correctly, this is a legacy of Gryffindor House."

"Principal borrowed..." Rogge hesitated and reorganized his words: "I used very precious magic props to get them from the principal."

"Haha." Newt couldn't help but laugh, "I can see that Dumbledore has high expectations for you."

"Um...why do you say that?"

"This sword symbolizes bravery and fearlessness, and represents the spirit of Gryffindor. I think that although you are studying in Slytherin, you have amazing courage."

"Courage?" Roger recalled his experience in school.

Slaughtering giant spiders, refuting the principal, questioning the House Cup, building towers for Slytherin... His courage is indeed abundant.

However, it is all a sure thing and will happen naturally. I prefer to describe it as being well-planned and confident. It's not like Harry's mindless rambling.

"Maybe." Roger was cautious about Newt's compliment.

He handed the sword to Newt and asked: "This sword is very light and very tough. Is it possible that when the goblins forged it, they added the eggshells of snake birds."

"It's possible." Newt nodded. This was also his first close contact with the Sword of Gryffindor.

This is a one-handed sword with the overall shape of a long cross. The hilt is inlaid with luxurious rubies, and the name of Gedric Gryffindor is engraved on the blade.

The whole sword is very light, even for the old Newt, it is effortless to use it, without the slightest sense of heaviness.

If placed in the hands of a knight, it will become a most trustworthy companion.

"The eggshells of birds and snakes are also considered metal. If the goblins use them to forge weapons, it is theoretically possible."

"Wait for me." Newt said, opening the suitcase and getting in to rummage through it.

Soon, he came out with a piece of eggshell. Roger took it curiously. The eggshell was very light and soft, with a fluid gelatinous feel.

"If you want to forge it into metal ingots, extremely advanced forging skills are required. I think only goblins can forge them into weapons."

Newt said with a smile: "I once gave a box of snake egg shells to Muggles and helped him open a bakery."

As Rogge listened to Newt's memories, he couldn't help but think of Geldlock. This goblin actually had reservations when teaching blacksmithing.

Snake birds are indeed magical creatures.

Their eggshells, if not mithril, are extremely precious magical metals. If you have enough eggshells, you can build equipment. What would the scene be like when fighting?

Nifflers, bowtruckles, invisible beasts...their potential has definitely not been fully explored by wizards.

This may also be the reason why the book published by Newt is not called "Encyclopedia of Magical Creatures", but "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them".

"Do you have any extra eggshells there?"

"Usually they are eaten by the chicks. But Xiu Xiu always hides a little bit and puts it in its secret nest. Do you need it?"

“I wanted to try to build some equipment using snake bird eggshells,” Rogge explained.

Newt nodded and motioned for Roger to follow. He walked into the box and saw Xiu Xiu sleeping soundly in the tree hole.

Xiu Xiu is covered in black fur and has a mouth like a platypus. Its belly is like a pocket with infinite space, which can hold countless gold coins and jewelry.

Every time he saw it, Rogge felt that this guy had the blood of a giant dragon, otherwise why he couldn't resist the temptation of glitter.

"It's all down there." Newt picked up the dazed Xiuxiu and opened the cover of the tree hole.

The cave below was deep and wide, a full twenty feet deep, and filled with treasures that Sniff had collected.

"Eggshells are flying." Newt waved his wand, and countless jewels, gold and silver rolled down.

Xiu Xiu heard the crisp sound outside and immediately woke up and looked at his collection room.

Its collection is tumbling, and the owner wants to snatch his treasure!

Xiu Xiu immediately broke free and plunged into the treasure.

He hurriedly grabbed gold bricks, necklaces, glass beads, etc. and stuffed them into the pocket on his stomach.

"So cute." Rogge couldn't help laughing when he saw Xiu Xiu's panic.

Countless eggshells flew out and covered the ground. Rogge secretly exclaimed, is this a little secret of Xiu Xiu? Or did he misunderstand the word "a little bit"?

Birds and snakes in the trees suddenly came out when they heard the movement. They stared at their own eggshells with big eyes.

Surrounded by birds and snakes from all directions, Rogge felt a little nervous.

"Good boy, it's okay." Newt patted them gently, like coaxing a child.

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