A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 217 Golden Feixia, flap your wings!

After a week of waiting, the five golden Feixia eggs finally broke out one after another early in the morning.

The five eggs in the nest are next to each other, and the eggshell on the far right trembles slightly.

Newt and Roger waited expectantly, while Bubbles held the camera, ready to take pictures at any time.

A small paw stretched out, and then another paw followed.

The two paws stepped on the hay, supporting the big eggshell hard, and walked unsteadily.

The little guy struggled in the eggshell, and his mouth made a faint chirping sound, as if asking for help from the outside world.

Although its cry was pitiful, neither Newt nor Roger took action.

While Newt turned on his pocket watch to tell the time, he taught Roger beside him: "The life of a bird officially starts from the moment it breaks out of its shell."

"When they mature in the egg, they need to face the test of life and death. The air in the eggshell is limited, and they must peck through the eggshell as soon as possible. Otherwise, they will suffocate in the egg due to lack of air."

"Yes, I understand. But..." Rogge pointed to the chick in the eggshell, "This Golden Snidget is too strange. Why did the paws appear first?"

Typically, a bird's beak is the hardest part of a chick's body. so. They should first use their mouths to break the shell and come out head first to breathe.

However, this little guy is the complete opposite. Its legs had broken the eggshell, but its body and head were still wrapped in the eggshell.

"Maybe it's the uniqueness of Gold Snidget." Newt took out his notebook and wrote it down carefully.

Before he finished writing, four eggs were left shaking one after another. A firm and powerful knock, accompanied by a faint chirping sound.

They pecked at the eggshells one after another, one piece, two pieces, three pieces, four pieces... As the fragments on the eggs scattered, everything around them was filled with golden light.

Four small golden flying knights chirped. Their bodies are round and their golden feathers are bright and shining.

Their mouths are particularly slender, and their ruby-like eyes are sparkling, looking around curiously.

Newt carefully helped the chick finish the final shelling, and the four little guys jumped out of the eggshell and started pecking at it.

On the other side, Jin Feixia No. 1, the first to hatch, is still trapped in the eggshell. Just like the handsome brother in Pleasant Goat, who has shrunk countless times.

"Help him?" Rogge suggested.

"It seems that's the only way to go." Newt nodded and used a silver needle to make a crack in the eggshell.

With a click, the little bird shook its head and escaped from the eggshell.

Its other siblings have finished eating the eggshells and are waving their little wings happily. Although the body is small, it already has the ability to fly.

The joints of their wings can flexibly rotate, allowing them to change their flight direction with various incredible speeds and skills. In the sunlight created by magic, it seemed like a golden shuttle flashing back and forth.

No. 1 made a high-pitched cry to his companions and tried to flap his wings to fly. But as soon as it left the nest, it suddenly fell.

Rogge immediately tried to save him, but was stopped by Newt: "Wait a minute."

At the last moment when it was about to hit the ground, Jin Feixia 1 staggered into flight.

Although its flying speed is far slower than that of its brothers and sisters, it still follows them tenaciously.

"Birds have their own logic for survival. Sometimes our compassion can backfire."

"I understand." Rogge nodded, benefiting a lot.

Paopao handed over the photos he had taken, and Newt began to add notes based on the image data.

Rogge browsed through it, selected the photo of Golden Snidget 1 flapping its wings from the fall, and prepared to hand it over to the Daily Prophet.

"I don't recommend you do this." Newt looked at Roger's letter and reminded seriously: "The Golden Snidget is a very precious bird. Their feathers and eyes are important raw materials for many strange potions."

“If we tell the magical world now about the return of the Golden Snidget, their survival will be threatened or even lead to extinction again.

It is better to wait and wait until the population is stable before considering announcing it to the magic world. If you are short of money..."

"Mr. Newt, you misunderstood me." Rogge shook his head hurriedly and explained to him: "The reason why I did this is to better protect them."

"But I don't think that's possible." Newt was puzzled.

Rogge took a deep breath and slowly explained his plan: "Just the two of us...even with other wizards, we can't protect them forever."

"They have been exterminated once, and there may be a second or third time... not every time they are lucky enough to retain the eggs."

"Even if I happened to find this nest of eggs from Quidditch Marsh, something still went wrong. You know, the town hall garden is full of wizards and wizards."

"Will people in the future still have our timing and luck?"

Newt nodded, agreeing with Rogge's view: "I built this breeding house to leave the seeds for their return."

"That's too conservative. I have better ways to protect them."

"what way?"

“The UK will host the Quidditch World Cup next year and the sport’s impact on the wizarding world is unparalleled.

We can use the influence of the World Cup to announce the return of Golden Snitch to all wizards. Then contact other wizards and organizations to make Golden Snidget the mascot of Quidditch. "

Newt nodded slightly, thinking about the feasibility of the plan.

Rogge continued: "Shape consensus and make laws. Any wizard who dares to harm or sell Golden Snidget will be purified by the flames."

"I know that doing this will cause the death of a small number of Golden Snidgets." Rogge looked up and saw No. 1 tired from flying and fell back into the nest, eating the food Newt prepared for them.

"But those wizards who dare to harm them will definitely receive death notices."

"I agree with your plan, but we have to wait." Newt nodded, Rogge's plan was indeed feasible.

Once Snidget becomes the Quidditch mascot, they will immediately be protected by the best. Even if there are poachers, the Golden Snidget will not become extinct under heavy protection.

"Wait until the population is stable before releasing them. You must promise me to use ancient magic like Bowman to preserve a nest of eggs."

"No problem, can I send the letter now?"

"Yeah." Newt nodded, and then let the quill write a letter.

"I will contact my friends in the magical world and ask them to help. This magical animal breeding center will be temporarily commandeered by me." Newt said half-jokingly.

"It's an honor." Roger took a step back and bowed to Newt.

"Have you figured out the password?"

"Balala eats the big melon."

"Uh, is it a spell?" Newt stared at Roger with strange eyes.

Balala eating a big melon? It sounded like a curse, but the whole phrase felt strange to him. Especially the pronunciation of "gnawing a big melon" is very similar to the death curse.

"It has no actual effect, it's just a password."

"Okay, I remember it." Newt handed the letter to Roger and began to observe and study Jin Feixia.

He imitated the sounds of the Golden Snidgets and imitated their actions. Soon, several Golden Snidgets approached him.

Seeing how devoted he was, Rogge felt admiration from the bottom of his heart. Even if he had the eyes of a familiar, he would not be able to devote all his attention to magical animals, so naturally he would not be able to reach the level of Newt.

Newt Scamander is worthy of the title of Master of Fantastic Beasts. Now that I think about it, Mr. Newt is more suitable for research than teaching.

Holding the half-foot-tall letter, Rogge couldn't help but sigh: Scamander's connections are very strong.

Although he could have sent the photos directly to Miss Rita of the Daily Prophet, considering the other party's uncanny ability to distort facts, Rogge decided to go there himself.

Stop by and buy a third grade textbook to see if Grindelwald is in the Leaky Cauldron.

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