A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 218 Changes in Diagon Alley

Dirty and dark is the style of the Leaky Cauldron. A few rays of sunlight filtered through the tall windows, reflecting the dust floating around the house.

The wizards sat there chatting about various topics, especially the hottest news at the moment: Sirius Black's escape from Azkaban.

One wizard complained: "Isn't Azkaban the most tightly guarded prison? How could this happen?"

"It may have something to do with the reforms a few years ago."

"Reform? Can you talk about it? I haven't been back to London for several years. Tom, two beers."

Two oak wine glasses flew from the bar, and the thief-headed scar-faced wizard slowly spoke: "Two years ago, serious violations were discovered in Azkaban. That's..."

"Old Tom, a cup of tea." Roger leaned against the counter and listened curiously to their chat.

The wizard who just spoke looked familiar, as if he had seen him at the Ministry of Magic. Oh, I remembered, the Auror's temporary holding cell.

"That's it, tell me quickly."

"It's a very serious violation." The scar-faced wizard glanced at Rogge secretly, and then said: "You can check this yourself. Anyway, the entire magical world is putting pressure on the minister."

"The Ministry of Magic implemented a series of measures to smooth out the fluctuations."

"That's it? What does it have to do with Sirius Black?"

"What a big deal! The Ministry of Magic later revised the management methods of Azkaban and managed the prisoners in different levels according to the degree of danger."

"In the past, the guards of Azkaban were the dementors. Now, they are ordered to stay in the wall and only come out occasionally."

"In addition, the Ministry of Magic has also improved the treatment of prisoners. They can be visited and can also write letters to outsiders."

"Sounds good. Let's have a drink for Minister Fudge's promising move!"

"More than good!" the scar-faced wizard exclaimed, "Everyone in Azkaban is full of talents and they speak well. I like it so much that I don't want to leave at all!"

"Pfft!" The wizard opposite him spit out a big mouthful of beer, spraying it with foam on his face.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry...I didn't expect you..."

"It doesn't matter. In life, you have to experience various lives. You have to experience Azkaban once, so that your life will be complete." He wiped his face, his tone full of calmness and nostalgia, and even a little philosophical.

"This year, the Ministry of Magic has further improved the treatment of prisoners. Everyone can relax under the guard of dementors." The scar-faced wizard chatted about the new policy, and many wizards came around curiously.

Some people secretly complained that the Ministry of Magic promulgated this resolution because the Minister himself was eager to gain more exposure and support.

During that time, all the newspapers were discussing the Easter Trials, and every newspaper published a picture of Dumbledore.

As for Fudge? Everyone had almost forgotten about him.

"But Blake killed 13 people, and he was so heinous that he could still write a letter to let the public know?"

"Probably, otherwise how could he escape? His cell is at the bottom of Azkaban..."

"This man is so dangerous! Look at his appearance in the newspapers. He is completely crazy. I heard that he is also a follower of Voldemort..."

"I also heard that dementors are searching for criminals under orders from the Ministry of Magic."

There was a lot of discussion in the tavern. Everyone was curious about what he planned to do after escaping from prison. Was he going to take revenge or kill a wizard?

Rogge listened quietly, while most people fell into exaggerated fantasies. This big black dog escaped just to catch mice.

"Old Tom, is there a wizard named Grindelwald who rents the apartment? He's from Europe."

"Grindelwald?" Old Tom stopped what he was doing. This last name was not very flattering.

Decades ago, he took over his family's Leaky Cauldron. At that time, the entire wizarding world was talking about a dangerous man named Grindelwald.

What Sirius Black, Voldemort... are worthless in front of that man.

He stared at Roger, took a deep breath, and thought to himself that the child must be talking about someone else. After all, although his name is Tom, he has nothing to do with Voldemort: "No, there is no such person."

"Aren't you here yet?" Rogge muttered, "Maybe you are really going to the Pig's Head Bar."

Old Tom thought of something and added: "But there is an old wizard named Green who lives in Room 7. It's quite strange. He goes out early and comes back late every day. I don't know what he is doing."

"Grin?" Rogge remembered the name and room. This should be Grindelwald's pseudonym.

"Forget it, I'll go find the Daily Prophet first." He left a few nat behind, some kind of poor fruitful tea that couldn't be drunk without milk.

Diagon Alley is more lively than in previous years, with little wizards running around in twos and threes, like a swarm of cheerful bees shuttling between various interesting wizard shops.

Rocket crossbows are displayed in the windows of Quidditch boutiques, and children eagerly look forward to them every day.

Opposite it is a newly opened colorful magic carpet shop with a small store. Although the scale is small, the business is booming.

The witches moved through it, tugging here and there like a patterned cloth. Compared with flying broomsticks, magic carpets are more suitable for family travel.

At the junction of Diagon Alley and Knockturn Alley, the business of the Flash Golem House is still booming. Sophie was holding the picture and was fighting with the guests.

"Win, I win!" She cheered, checked her opponent's pictures, and took away the one depicting a South American wizard.

"You...how can you put Dumbledore and Grindelwald into the same deck?"

"Who says it can't be done?" Sophie responded triumphantly.

Rogge did not disturb them. The store had opened automatically through magic. What Sophie has to do is deal with some special situations.

Today, she is hailed as the Queen of Auto Chess by her poker friends. Her decks are rare, powerful, and feature rare images from around the world.

Coupled with her superb card skills, any wizard who dares to challenge her will fail.

Rogge turned and walked towards the Daily Prophet's newspaper office. As he passed by Florin Fosker's Ice Cream Shop, he noticed Harry writing a paper there.

Harry felt something and turned around to look. The two people's eyes met in the air, and then quickly separated.

He saw Rogge walking into the newspaper office, chatting and laughing with the brightly dressed woman.

"Hmph." Harry hummed softly and continued to work on his paper.

"Roger, you are almost as tall as me!" Rita invited Rogge to the office and sighed sincerely: "When I first met you, you were only this small."

She gestured with her hands, as if recalling the time when Roger was just like a little carrot.

"Thank you too, Miss Rita. Take a look at this." Rogge got straight to the point and handed over the photo of Jin Feixia.

"A very good photo, with a sense of struggle." Rita nodded and commented: "However, the shooting angle of this photo is wrong, and the lighting is not handled properly. If it is to compete for the best photography of the year, I am afraid it is not close... "

Although the Flash Golem House has monthly photography competitions, the Daily Prophet, which came from behind, is better at analyzing and comparing.

Rita used her critical eye to review every photo that was sent, and then criticized the shortcomings in a column with a sophisticated style.

Her blunt and sarcastic comments made the wizards who dared to send letters complain endlessly. But the more this happens, the higher the sales volume of the newspaper will be, and the more wizards will submit articles. Humans are such strange creatures.

Today, the Daily Prophet has become a strategic partner of the Flash Golem House. Each photography competition will drive sales of the Flash Golem House.

"It's not the photo, it's the little bird in it. That's why I came here this time." Rogge pointed out the Golden Snidget to her.

"Magical creature?" Rita put on her glasses and didn't see it for a while.

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