A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 219 Quidditch, want to be gay?

"Golden bird?" Rita seemed to have heard of this magical creature, but she just couldn't remember its name.

"I know it, it has something to do with Quidditch. It's called..."

"Golden Snidget, it was once the ending ball of Quidditch game. Only by killing it can the game end."

"Yes, yes, that's the name. The Golden Snitch was made based on it." Rita looked at the photo and asked, "They have been extinct for a long time. How old is this photo?"

"It was just taken today." Roger saw Rita's doubtful eyes and told her again: "Today is the day. I have the entire process of its hatching."

"Really? Incredible, incredible!" Rita stood up excitedly and walked around the room.

She waved the photo and said to Rogge: "It has disappeared for hundreds of years, and now it has returned to the wizarding world, especially at this point."

"Next year, the Quidditch World Cup will be held in the UK! The International Quidditch Federation and the British Ministry of Magic will buy it at all costs..."

"Ahem." Rogge interrupted Rita and reminded her: "I'm sorry, Ms. Rita, Golden Snidget is a 4X-level magical creature. According to international laws, it is prohibited to sell it."

"Haha, of course, it doesn't have to be selling." Rita smiled, as if she had expected it: "It can be donation or other names. If you are willing, they can even give you the Medal of Merlin."

"Actually, they've already contacted me. These guys have a great sense of smell and contacted me before Snidget hatched."

"Oh?" Rita summoned the quill, which wrote in the notebook: The International Quidditch Federation and the Ministry of Magic once forced wizards to hand over the Golden Snidget eggs.

They use extremely irresponsible attitudes and extremely unprofessional behavior to make a name for themselves. I'm not sure if Chairman Hassan Moose is just a figurehead for honor and fame.

But I firmly believe that those muscular athletes and rigid bureaucrats have no idea how to hatch and care for the Golden Snitch.

Roger looked at Rita's quill and couldn't help but secretly sighed. As expected of a well-known reporter, he kills people without using a knife and kills people without blood.

"What conditions did they offer?" Rita asked curiously, ready to add some spice to the article.

"It's nothing more than honor and promise. They are all empty promises." Rogge picked up the teacup and took a sip. Black tea is very fragrant and it is a good tea without adding milk.

Rita nodded, realizing that Roger was planning something. Otherwise, I wouldn't tell myself so straightforwardly.

She asked: "Can you be more detailed? For example, those honors, or where to go after graduation.

Do I know that the International Quidditch Federation is a bad guy? Every year while sitting still, tens of thousands of galleons go into his account. "

"It's not those things."

Rita couldn't help but feel a little disappointed when she heard Roger's answer.

"We have many excellent Quidditch seeds at Hogwarts, but because no one has inspected them, they can't even get the qualifications to try out for professional teams.

If I promise them, the professional team will agree to visit the school. Oh, and they tried to seduce me with the Order of Merlin. "

"Suppression and inducement." Rita became excited, what a wonderful article these two words would form together.

"Tomorrow's newspaper will feature this as a feature." Rita took the notebook and nodded with satisfaction.

"I think there's no need to be so hasty," Rogge suggested. "The return of Gold Snitch is a rare opportunity for the wizarding world and should be a testament to wizards' ability to correct mistakes."

"If done right, the entire wizarding world would be grateful to Miss Rita for her coverage," Rogge added.

Rita held the quill and couldn't help but think. What an honor it would be to receive a second Order of Merlin.

"But if you don't publish it, how can you attract everyone's attention?" Rita asked.

"It's very simple." Rogge proposed his plan. "The Quidditch World Cup is about to be held. Why not publish some stories and history about Quidditch in the Daily Prophet. You can even add some quizzes with prizes. I can sponsor the prize money. .”

"For example, Quidditch Swamp, the secret of 150 points... With enough foreshadowing, wizards will feel sorry for the extinction of Golden Snidget. Such a cute magical animal was actually exterminated by wizards."

Rita clapped her hands violently and said excitedly: "The glory of Quidditch is built on the bones of all the Golden Snidgets!"

The bright lipstick on her lips bloomed into a bright smile. Only a hard hit of Quidditch can create the preciousness of Gold Snitch.

The harsher the criticism and the deeper the wounds, the greater the honor and benefits you will gain in the end.

the truth? Oh, isn't part of the truth true?

"This sentence is too long and not suitable for a title."

"Of course I wouldn't use it as a headline." Rita opened her notebook and wrote her report herself.

The opening chapter tugs at everyone's heartstrings:

Through the window on the second floor of the newspaper office, I saw the little wizard looking longingly at the Quidditch supplies in the store. My heart couldn't help but tremble. What kind of evil are our children yearning for?

When we are intoxicated by the victory or defeat of the game, when we applaud at the moment of scoring a goal, does anyone stop to think about how many innocent lives this glory is based on?

I was flipping through the ancient magic book, and tears wet the pages.

The International Quidditch Federation, Department of Magical Games and Sports, broomstick manufacturers...this group of communities of interest united to seal the ugly history of Quidditch.

Fierce melee and ferocious attacks, every game is the final flight of Golden Flying Man. They are carefree elves, but they passively burn out their lives.

Can this kind of movement based on the extinction of Gold Snidget be called "great"? Can the so-called 150 points and the Golden Snitch cover up the sins of the past?

I looked at the sky, the group of happy birds, their silhouettes were like smoke in the wind. Behind the glory of Quidditch, in the forgotten dark corner, there are a group of sad birds that can no longer find their way home.

When Roger saw Rita's article, he couldn't help but applaud her. You can doubt Ms. Rita Skeeter's moral standards, but you cannot doubt her professionalism.

"I think this paragraph can be written like this." Rogge suggested, "I flipped through "The Magic of Quidditch" and read it carefully for half the night, and then I saw the words between the words. There were two words written all over the book. The word is "cannibal"!"

"Oh~" Rita exclaimed, "Roger, you're so surprising to me! If other reporters in the newspaper had one-tenth of your literary attainments, I wouldn't have to worry about newspaper sales every day."

"The modification is too destructive. Once it is published, the Quidditch shop below may have to close." Rita held her hair and modified the article according to Roger's suggestion.

"Thank you, they will always reopen."

Rita raised her head and stared at Rogge, and spoke slowly: "The Golden Snidget you hatched will become even more precious. It can even be said that it is Quidditch's only hope for self-salvation."

"I just want to use Quidditch to give Gold Snitch a free sky." Rogge said modestly, holding up tea and clinking glasses with Rita in the air.

In addition to the influence of the Daily Prophet itself, the Ministry of Magic will certainly use administrative means to promote reporting.

Because they were troubled by Sirius's jailbreak, Fudge was the first person responsible for this incident. Without his release order, Sirius might not have had the chance to escape.

Minister Fudge was being roasted on the fire, and the chair under his buttocks was slightly hot. He is eager to divert everyone's attention and is always looking forward to other incidents. As for the International Quidditch Federation and the Sports Department of the Ministry of Magic... dead friends are not dead. For the sake of Minister Fudge's personal interests, we must dare to sacrifice, be willing to sacrifice, and have the courage to sacrifice.

The first report received a good response, with everyone from Diagon Alley to Godric's Hollow, from Dark wizards to Aurors discussing Rita's article and opinions.

She found the feeling of reporting on Rogge again, and then made many special reports. Wizards discussed and reflected on the meaning of Quidditch.

Originally, everyone was looking forward to the Quidditch World Cup held locally next year. But under the influence of the Daily Prophet, it is uncertain whether the World Cup will be held.

The International Quidditch Federation is anxious, the bureaucrats of the Sports Department are anxious, the broomstick manufacturers are also anxious... Everyone who eats Quidditch, even the wizards who open gambling bureaus, are anxious.

How is this exposing darkness? This is ruining everyone’s jobs!

Prominent politicians, world-famous Quidditch star players... all headed to Diagon Alley.

The manufacturer learned that Miss Rita was not married yet, so he selected a large group of beautiful male wizards, hoping that Miss Rita would be noble and merciful.

Now, the storm has not yet rolled up, and Rogge, who was weaving the storm, has just left the newspaper office. He was still a student and had to go to Flourish and Blotts Bookstore to buy textbooks.

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