A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 220 The monster book looks like a dog

Flourish and Blotts is a busy place, with clerks and managers busy serving the books selected by the new Hogwarts professor.

This is a special textbook that drives people crazy. Its furry book cover has four eyes, and two lines of golden text are imprinted on the top and bottom, which read together: The Monster Book of Monsters.

They were locked in cages, biting each other like a pack of crazy, undisciplined dogs.

Store clerks and managers had to pull out two-inch-wide straps to try and trap the disobedient, gaping beasts.

The manager cursed dissatisfiedly: "I will never buy these goods again!"

"This is the fourth time you've said that today!" The clerk wore thick gloves and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Hmph, why didn't you say I was bitten for the sixth time!" The manager slapped the book, but it clung to it.

"Ouch, ouch! Help me!"

"Smooth as a mirror." Roger stretched out his wand and tapped it, and the manager's gloves instantly became as smooth as a mirror.

The spell he developed himself was very useful, but no matter how hard he bit at the monster book, he could never bite it. In an instant, it slipped from the glove.

But it still didn't give up, kept opening and closing its mouth, and rushed towards the books on the bookshelf.

"Quick, stop it!" screamed the manager.

The clerk rushed forward and held him down. After exhausting all his efforts, he tied up the magic book with a belt.

"Phew, it's too difficult!" He gasped and sat down on the ground.

"Roger, thank you so much!" The manager looked at the gloves with surprised eyes. The magic just now can actually deal with these crazy monster books.

Flourish and Blotts Bookstore and Flash Golem House were on the same street, and it was difficult for him to get to know Roger.

"You're here to buy new textbooks, right." He took the bundled books from the clerk and handed them to him.

The manager kept complaining: "The professors at Hogwarts are too weird. The last time such a weird book was written was "The Invisible Book of Invisibility."

"I bought a total of two hundred books, which is a lot of money. Guess what, I can't even see a shadow!" The manager complained to the room full of books, "I don't even know where those books are now."

"Why not try the Apparition Charm?"

"Forget it, that class isn't open anyway. I'm so exhausted every day that I don't even want to move.

I'll look for it next time there's an invisibility class at Hogwarts. "He leaned on the bookshelf, looking at the noisy monster books in the cage, and felt tired.

Why doesn't this new professor of Fantastic Beasts consider their trouble?

"Want anything else?"

"Intermediate transformation spell, standard spell, third level, and ancient magic text..." Rogge listed a long list of books. Before he could finish speaking, the manager found those books.

"I have them all here." The manager summoned the books skillfully and handed them over.

"That." Rogge shook his head, "I meant to go to the second-hand store to buy old textbooks, so this one is enough."

"Second-hand books? Roger, you are a wizard of the Travis family, how can you use second-hand books?"

The manager's eyes widened. Is the wealthy Travis family so stingy with knowledge?

He tried to persuade Rogge: "I can give you a discount, 20% off, how about it?"

"It's still too expensive." Rogge shook his head and rejected the manager's kindness.

This is not a matter of money, but the feeling that he likes to hunt for goods in junk stores. Especially at the final checkout, you can still bargain with Erwin.

This is the kind of joy in life that Flourish and Blotts Books can never provide.

"Okay, okay." The manager was obviously used to this kind of thing, and threw the money that Roger bought the book into the drawer.

From the cage over there, there was another crisp tearing sound. No need to look, another monster book was killed by a companion.

"Oh, I just can't figure it out." He pointed at the pile of books with a look of despair on his face, "Isn't the textbook used by Kettlebo bad?"

"After all, he is a new teacher, and he has his own unique ideas." Rogge looked at him and said, "When Lockhart was the professor last year, you smiled so happily."

"Don't mention Lockhart. I earned a little money at the beginning of school, but that guy cheated me." The manager looked depressed and handed over the script "Wizards and Vampires" written by Lockhart.

"Look, there were thousands of copies sold last year, but not a single one was sold. Liar Lockhart, I curse him to drink water, choke his teeth, fall when he walks, be a bachelor for the rest of his life, and give birth to a child without an asshole..."

"So cruel?" Rogge gasped, and the resentment could be smelled a mile away.

"I hope your new professor will be normal. Hagrid, right? That big guy..." The manager sighed and said after a moment of silence: "In my opinion, there will definitely be trouble in your Magical Creatures class in the new school year. Look. Can’t you just be quiet when you look at these damn monster books?”

He took a cane and knocked hard on the cage, trying to stop the commotion in the monster book.

Rogge fully agreed with him. Hagrid's understanding of magical creatures is based on his half-giant physique. He is tall, strong, and thick-skinned.

A guy who can chew rock cakes will not take it seriously even if he is bitten by a magical creature.

The monster book in Roger's hand was stimulated by the sound of knocking on the cage, and started to make noise again. Even though it was tied up with a belt, it struggled hard.

I saw it opening its ferocious eyes and staring hard at its master. In the surprised eyes of the manager and clerk, Roger loosened his belt.


The monster book was freed and bit into it with its sharp mouth.


Rogge would not tolerate it, and hit the book cover hard with his powerful and heavy fist.

There was a dull sound, and they even felt the books on the bookshelf shaking.

Two eyes of the monster book were immediately blinded, and the fur cover was also left with deep punch marks. It was severely damaged, but it still remained stubborn and opened its crooked mouth at Rogge.


Another heavy punch, and this time there was only one eye left. The clerk even felt sympathy when he saw the miserable state of the monster book.

He shook his head quickly. He had been bitten badly in the past few days, and he had long wanted to beat it like this.

"Roger, great job! What a relief!" the clerk praised.

"Still biting? You have backbone! I like it!" Rogge raised his fist again. If this punch were to hit, I'm afraid the whole book would collapse.

However, the Yokai Book had far fewer backbones than he imagined, and the remaining eyes instantly became clear. It spit out a red ribbon and licked Roger's hand carefully like a tongue.

"Hmph, it's just cheap." Rogge snorted softly and recited the magic spell: "Repair it as before."

The half-broken monster book immediately returned to its original state, with four clear and lovely eyes. It is like a docile pug, looking at its owner quietly.

At this moment, the monster book seemed to change its appearance, no longer full of threats, but showing gentleness and obedience.

"Can you still do this?" When the manager and store clerk saw this scene, they couldn't help but look at the other grumpy guys in the cage.

They clenched their fists and looked carefully. Rogge is still a half-grown child, and he can tame the monster book. How can we, two adult wizards, not be able to tame it?

Roger can do it, so can I, and I will do it for sure!

"I'll try it first!" The clerk volunteered, picked up the walking stick, and carefully opened the cell door.

As soon as he put the stick in his hand, he was bitten fiercely by the monster book.

"Pull it out, pull it out quickly!" the manager shouted from the side, "beat it, beat it quickly!"

"Look at me!" The clerk smiled evilly, clenched his fists, and began to hit the monster book hard.

He hammered it more than a dozen times, but the monster book showed no response. Those four ferocious eyes, instead of becoming clear, became even more violent. It let go of the stick and bit the clerk frantically.

"Mamma Mia, save me! Help me!" the clerk screamed and ran around the counter.

In the blink of an eye, his clothes were bitten into a beggar's outfit. The pants were in tatters, revealing boxer briefs printed with pink velvet.

The manager stood beside him at a loss. He looked at the crazy monster book and wanted to take action but was afraid of missing. I want to be bitten like this...

He couldn't even imagine such a scene, and quickly looked at Rogge with pleading eyes. Rogge stretched out his leg and trampled the monster book under his feet.

"You can try gently stroking its spine, so that it will calm down." Rogge suggested.

"Really?" The manager saw Rogge nodding and squatted down nervously to touch the spine of the book.

The monster book under his feet gradually stopped struggling, and Rogge immediately let go of it.

When the manager saw Rogge's actions, he was so frightened that he fell to the ground. He hurriedly fled out, only to find that there was no movement in the monster book did he dare to look back.

Sure enough, as Roger said, stroking the spines of books can make them quiet.

"Here you go!" The manager handed the belt to the fashion-forward clerk, who reluctantly picked up the monster book with a grimace on his face.

"I really don't bite anymore!" He exclaimed excitedly, but he also woke it up.

The clerk hurriedly stroked the spine of the book, and the monster book returned to calm again. He took the belt and tied up the monster book. Only then did I feel a chill.

Looking down, he found that his pants were torn by the monster book and his underwear was exposed. He quickly covered his butt and ran away in embarrassment.

"Thank you so much, Roger! Next time you come to buy a book, I will give you the purchase price!"

"I thought it would be for free."

"Hey, business is business, and gratitude is gratitude. How can they be confused?" The manager felt a little embarrassed and held up a tome.

"This is Mr. Newt's book, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. It will definitely help you in the future."

"Why is this so embarrassing?" Rogge said this, but his hands moved very quickly.

In the blink of an eye, it was installed into the traceless expansion pack.

"I think I can definitely bind these monster books this time." He said putting on his gloves again, and bravely put the stick in.

The monster book bites you and won't let go. The manager carefully pulled it out, stroked its spine, and another monster book fell silent.

Belts, bindings... Now, he is no longer afraid of them making trouble.

"Great." The manager breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Rogge who was leaving.

His monster book, like an obedient dog, kept spitting out red ribbons to flatter Rogge. If I tied it with a rope, I'm afraid it would follow me around like crazy.

"We are both wizards, so why is there such a big gap?" The manager sighed. He was a hard worker and had to continue working.

After Rogge finished shopping, he returned to the Leaky Cauldron and waited for the wizard named Green.

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