Percy smiled knowingly, maybe someone would come to check the authenticity of the report. But she knew in her heart that the work of that department was only done on paper. As for the actual investigation?

"Haha." Percy sneered in his heart. As long as the report is comprehensive and detailed, why should he care about anything else?

At least the property valuation issued by Thompson is very professional and the conditions listed in it are very real! There are some slight discrepancies that everyone can understand.

"Sister Percy, I would like to exchange part of the Galleons compensation for Muggle coins." Rogge said suddenly.

"Roger?" Jessica didn't understand very much and hurriedly stopped her.

"Roger, Muggle coins are completely useless to wizards. Even if they call them waste paper, they are too small." Thompson stood completely on Rogge's side and helped Jessica to dissuade him.

The three people looked at them like fools, which made Rogge a little uncomfortable, but he couldn't tell them that the Soviet Union would be gone soon. If you don't go to the City to make a fortune from the collapse of the Soviet Union now, you will really be wasting the opportunity in 1991.

What, you said Muggle coins are useless to wizards? Rogge retorted with contempt in his heart, wouldn't it be good to use Muggle currency to buy physical assets such as land and real estate?

"Mom, please believe me just once~" Roger held Jessica's hand and acted cute, begging non-stop.

"Just this once, we won't do it next time! Half of it is impossible, 100,000 at most." Jessica couldn't help but agree.

"Long live mom!" Rogge felt extremely ashamed inside, but he still kissed Jessica hard on the cheek.

Alas, who knows that I am not yet an adult, and the financial power is still in the hands of my dear mother.

"Sister Percy, if I exchange this part of the compensation into Muggle currency, when will it arrive?"

"Rogg, I still don't recommend you do this..." Percy thought this was Rogge's thanks to her and kindly reminded her.

"Don't worry, I won't regret it."

"Since you are so determined, well... Muggle currency, such as British pounds, will arrive in the afternoon. However, the exchange rate cannot reach 1:10 in the underground market. I can help you get 1:8."

"No problem!" Rogge calculated in his mind that he could definitely make back the 200,000 pounds he lost.

In the sunny ward, both parties were very satisfied with the results. The installment plan was implemented, and even part of the compensation was converted into useless Muggle coins.

This will undoubtedly please the Financial Secretary and the Minister's Office. If the work of the two is judged using the NEWT assessment method, their performance is undoubtedly worthy of an O (excellent).

Thompson was so happy that he not only gained Rogge's friendship, but also understood some unspoken rules. Thompson believed that whenever Miss Percy needed support from the Financial Secretary in the future, she would contact him as soon as possible.

"Roger, can we give Miss Percy a necklace in two days?" Jessica suggested.

"Of course, Mom!" Roger nodded, but he forgot to express his gratitude to Miss Percy.

From the beginning of July to the end of July; from Azkaban to the Wizengamot trial; from the signing of the compensation agreement to the delivery of the property... it took the Ministry of Magic nearly a month to process it. The whole thing.

As direct victims, Jessica and Roger not only restored their reputation and identity, but also received a large amount of compensation. In addition, the Ministry of Magic also provides various tangible and intangible benefits. For example, Jessica did not go to work at the Ministry of Magic, but she took a temporary job at the Ministry of Magic and received a considerable salary every month.

Other relevant parties received various rewards. Among them, Rita's benefits stand out.

This outstanding reporter from the "Daily Prophet" reported the whole process, and everyone's evaluation of her changed from making up nonsense in the past to an upright lady who dared to expose the darkness.

In order to reward her active role in this incident, the Ministry of Magic even awarded her the Second Class Order of Merlin. It was a complete leap for Rita herself, and her first taste of what truly fully accountable reporting could feel like.

However, in the days that followed, Rita's green quill still spared no effort to exaggerate the truth she heard and saw. Readers have to rely on their own judgment to identify which parts of the reports are factual and which are artistic manipulations.

Alas, in this era, even in the wizarding world, it is difficult to find a newspaper that is reliable, true, not pretentious, and can abide by professional ethics.

In contrast, the Azkaban administrator Mr. Paul Nove, who privately disclosed the matter to the newspaper, was firmly remembered by the cautious Minister Fudge.

Our dear Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge, lost a full 20 pounds because of this case, which shows his anger towards Paul.

Of course, the Ministry of Magic must reward honest employees. He himself received a promotion notice on the first day that the Ministry of Magic's decision came into effect. In the name of promotion, Mr. Paul finally left Azkaban, which he hated, and went to Wales (no man's land) to guard the floo network. Coupled with the 200 galleons in intelligence fees sent by Ms. Rita, he lived a relatively comfortable life there.

Driven by Miss Percy and Mr. Thompson, all compensation agreements were quickly approved by all departments. The Ministry of Magic's owl fell out of the window with a huge package.

It was really exhausted. The files were thick and heavy, heavier than a large crucible!

"Thank you!" Roger brought delicious owl rations, which are top-quality pet food sent by the Magic Zoo.

The ingredients include magic grass and moon neon nectar that can enhance the magic power of the owl, magic liquid fish oil and fire snake eggshell powder to supplement nutrition and calcium. There are even magic bird snails and dragon-bearded fire peppers that adjust the taste of food.

Ever since Diana tasted it, she has lost interest in regular rations. Yuumi even struggled to use magic power to fly in order to eat Diana's rations. Unfortunately, every time, Diana on the perch would peck her with her beak.

"Hurry up and replenish your energy." Rogge spread his hands in good faith, and the owl that delivered the message happily ate the food sent by the little wizard.

"Roger, maybe you need to buy another owl." Jessica's body has recovered well and she can already walk back and forth.

"Diana is so beautiful, those poachers will definitely take her away if they find her."

"Yeah, maybe I need an owl that can take on the daily task of delivering letters." Rogge touched Diana and couldn't help but think that magical creatures also have magic power in their bodies. If spells suitable for magical creatures can be found or invented, they can protect themselves and even help wizards fight.

"Mom, Diana will have to rely on you to protect her from now on."

"Don't worry." Jessica took out her wand, black walnut and dragon's heartstrings. Diana heard Jessica's call and flew over, landing firmly on her shoulder.

In a villa by the Thames River, a well-dressed middle-aged man was sitting on a leather sofa. He was wearing a fitted Henry Poole custom-made suit, with a snow-white Charles Taihua cotton shirt underneath, and a pair of extremely classic morning men's leather shoes on his feet. His hair was meticulously combed, and he exuded an elite style. .

"Roger, this is my cousin Andrew. Although he is a squib, he is very smart. It is said that he is very successful in the Muggle financial circle." Thompson introduced the two of them and took the black tea leisurely.

Just a few quick answers to some questions:

1. Travers originally corresponded to Travers, but another transliteration of Travers was chosen because of the relationship between the pronunciation and the protagonist’s name.

2. The direct transliteration of goblin is goblin. The use of goblin in the previous chapter was intended to express a feeling similar to that of a mudblood. I’m sorry that I didn’t make it clear.

3. Regarding the issue of family inheritance, the key to the vault is in the hands of Buck Travis, which is the original work

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