A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 231 George was pranked

On the last day of Roger's summer vacation at the manor, he returned to London with his suitcase and took the autograph from Jessica to Hogsmeade Village.

"I always feel like I've forgotten something..." Standing on the platform, Rogge closed his eyes and thought about every bit of his summer vacation.

Suddenly, he suddenly realized: "Oh, Alex is still in Cambridge. I want Andrew to tell me to wait until next summer to learn swordsmanship. And Rocopic, he didn't explain to me the use of snake bird eggshells..."

In fact, what he didn't know was that the second night after returning from the vault to the manor. Rocopic was coerced by a large group of goblins and came to the manor's forge through the tunnel.

They wanted to secretly get back (steal) the sword belonging to the goblin, but they felt Grindelwald's terrifying magic power and immediately left in despair.

Jessica patted his shoulder and said comfortingly: "Okay, son, get in the car quickly. If anything happens, you can use the badge to send a message to mom."

"By the way, Cambridge, the discarded samples in the laboratory have not been processed yet!" Roger finally remembered.

Since being called back to the manor by Grindelwald, Rogge has not been idle. He would either make a chessboard for Grindelwald, or go to the breeding facility to cooperate with Newt's breeding work.

"It should be okay." He muttered secretly.

Carrying his suitcase, he walked into the train and saw a middle-aged wizard with a tired face. Needless to say, he is this year's Dark Arts Professor at Hogwarts, Lupin the Moon.

Although Lupine looked young, his hair was already graying. He wore a tattered robe with patches of various sizes piled on it.

Compared to the energetic little wizard, the professor looked embarrassed and sick. Many students looked at him curiously and laughed sarcastically.

Apart from Rogge's dislike of the James quartet, objectively speaking, Lupine's own abilities are not weak, and his magic level is higher than that of ordinary wizards.

Logically speaking, his life would not be so embarrassing. Unfortunately, the wizarding world does not regard him as a wizard. Most people regard him as a werewolf, and are both afraid of and disgusted with him. It's hard to tell which is more powerful.

After all, working with werewolves is like asking Muggles to stay with rabid dogs. It is undoubtedly a kind of torture.

If you hide your werewolf identity, you might be able to get a decent job. Even if you work part-time, you won't end up in this situation. Perhaps, he is too honest and always sticks to his beliefs.

Roger put away his luggage and walked to the compartment at the rear of the car out of curiosity.

"R.J. Lupin?" Roger walked in and asked friendly.

Lupine, who was sleeping, looked up and faced the unfamiliar little wizard with an friendly smile: "Hello, how do you know my name?"

"It says it on your box." Roger smiled and pointed to the small box above his head.

The wooden box was in tatters and tied tightly with many ropes. Lupine's name was printed on one corner, and the letters had fallen off.

"I've heard about you."

Rogge's words made Lupine nervous. He was afraid that his werewolf identity would cause panic in the people around him.

"Our new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor." Rogge smiled and reminded: "That is not a good position."

"Child, are you talking about the curse of this position?" He said calmly.

"You can call me Rogge." Rogge nodded and continued, "Curse happens all the time. I hope the professor can persist for a longer time."

"Actually, the principal and the board of directors have been arguing for a long time about the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts professor."

Lu Ping was stunned for a moment, and soon realized something. He asked cautiously: "Since you know my identity, aren't you afraid of me?"

"I believe in the principal's wisdom and he will be able to handle those issues appropriately."

Lupine was a little touched by Rogge's words. He hadn't heard such warm words for a long time since the war ended.

It's a pity that Rogge didn't come here specifically to care about him or make friends with him.

"Actually, I'm here to see you on behalf of Green."

"Green?" Lupine looked at Rogge doubtfully. He did not know the wizard named Green.

"He is waiting for something to happen to you so that he can enter Hogwarts and become the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. Oh, you can feel my teacher Snape's desire for this position when you teach at Hogwarts .”

Lu Ping was confused by this sudden news. Dumbledore told him in the letter that it was already difficult to find professors from the wizarding world for this position. He never thought that someone would compete with him, and it was quite fierce.

"Peace to you, Professor. I think we'll have a lot to do at school."

Before Lupine could recover, Roger had already left the carriage. He looked at the child's back and felt that things were getting complicated.

What happened to the wizard named Green, and why was he so sure that the curse would come true.

Lupine took a deep breath and did not back down. Especially when he saw Harry's figure outside the window, his desire to defeat the curse became even stronger.

"Roger, where have you been?" Daphne took her sister and waved to Rogge.

"Come on, Theodore's drink is so fun!"

Theodore's carriage was crowded with little wizards, and everyone looked excitedly at the black drink in his hand.

"This is multi-flavored soda." Theodore poured the black liquid from the bottle into a glass.

The black soda looked like bubbling petroleum, with large and small bubbles rolling around.

"Ah, it couldn't be the potion you boiled down, right?"

"It still bubbles, it's so disgusting."

"What a weird smell."

The multi-flavored soda was not as popular as Theodore imagined, and there were many doubts among the crowd.

While everyone was noisy, Malfoy quickly hid the flashlight in his robes. Compared with Theodore's, his works look exactly like children's toys.

He admitted that he was lazy during the summer vacation. But he had his reasons. He had to practice Quidditch and didn't have time to study Muggle gadgets.

"Theodore, since you said it tastes good, let's try it for everyone."

"Yes, yes."

"Huh, watch it." Theodore drank the soda in the cup in one gulp, and then vomited it out in disgust.


Everyone quickly moved away for fear of being splashed by the black liquid.

"What's wrong? What did you drink?" Malfoy jumped up suddenly, narrowly avoiding it.

"Sewage smell."

"Pfft, stop talking, it sounds disgusting." Malfoy waved his hand to fan him in disgust, and the rancid smell of sewers soon spread from the carriage.

"I knew it!"

"Hahaha, Theodore, you farted!"

The little wizards in the carriage dispersed in a hurry, leaving only the members of the Jackdaw Club looking at each other.

"Cleaned as new." Rogge used a magic spell to eliminate the strange smell, and sighed helplessly as he looked at Theodore who was retching.

"I wrote to you during the summer vacation. Why don't you get rid of the weird smell like earwax?"

"No... ugh!" Theodore looked pale and still insisted on his opinion.

"This is a multi-flavored soda...yikes...it doesn't even count as a multi-flavored drink if it lacks one flavor."

Theodore said, taking out the braised beans from his pocket and pointing them out to everyone.

"It only has thirty-six flavors. My soda... ugh... my soda has 108!"

Rogge even rolled his eyes when he heard this number. You are here to join the heroes of Liangshan, and you are still 108.

"In other words, this is not the most painful taste?"

"Of course!" Theodore was even a little proud. He held on to the car seat and said weakly: "In addition to the smell of sewerage, there are also smelly mandarin fish, Houttuynia cordata, rotten eggs, coriander, celery..."

The more he talked, the more queasy everyone felt. Looking at the soda in the bottle, everyone felt that it was filled with poison.

"Are you abnormal?" Malfoy scolded, "The multi-flavor beans are only a little bigger, so they will only make you uncomfortable for a short while."

"But if you drink soda in one big gulp, who can bear it?"

The little wizards all agreed. They couldn't figure out why someone would create such a disgusting drink.

"It shouldn't be called flavored soda, it should be called weird soda."

In the face of everyone's crusade, Theodore remained stubborn. He insisted on improving Coke's original intention, which was to give the drink a variety of flavors. In his opinion, can a drink without these unique flavors still be called multi-flavored soda?

At this time, he thought silently in his mind: Why can't he stand up because he is feeling cold and smelling of rotten eggs?

Daphne's sister Astoria secretly took a taste while everyone was not paying attention. However, her eyes immediately widened and she vomited.

"What's wrong?" Daphne asked with concern.

"Sister, it tastes like honey. But it's too sweet!"

"Look, Theodore, I was right."

Astoria's words immediately resonated with everyone. Faced with overwhelming doubts, Theodore couldn't help but doubt himself.

Just then, the Weasley twins Fred and George walked over.

Fred picked up the multi-flavored soda and showed an appreciative expression: "Theodore, I heard that you developed a prank potion?"

"Multi-flavored soda, you are such a genius!" George poured himself a glass and tried the taste.

"Look, there are still people who recognize its value! I believe it will be welcomed by everyone." Theodore shed excited and moved tears when he heard the Weasley twins' praise.

Finally, someone finally understands me!


However, the next second, the car window was suddenly sprayed with a large cloud of water stains.

George's facial features were distorted, he was gasping for breath, and his whole body was so hot that he couldn't help himself. He was like a shrimp that had fallen into boiling water, his whole body turned red.

"Water, water!" George patted Fred hard and motioned for him to pour clear water into his mouth.

"Water is useless, the spiciness needs to be relieved with milk." Rogge said with a smile, handing over a cup of multi-flavored soda: "Why don't you try it again, what if it tastes like milk?"

George shook his head quickly and firmly refused. He supported Fred and walked out of the car tremblingly.

Before leaving, he did not forget to shout to Theodore with difficulty: "Who else (multi-flavored soda)..."

His tongue was so painful that he couldn't curl it, so he could only extend his thumb to Theodore in appreciation.


The carriage was instantly filled with cheerful air. The Weasley twins, who had always teased others with pranks in the past, were finally embarrassed by Theodore's multi-flavored soda today.

Rogge couldn't help but hold his stomach: "George's expression is so funny. I bet this will definitely be the most popular prank this year."

"Theodore, you really opened our eyes!"

Theodore blushed as he heard the laughter in his ears. Well, he finally admits he went a little too far with his soda.

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