A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 232 The stopped express train

"Yes, but I think multi-flavored soda should be like this..." Theodore persisted unwillingly, but his tone became very weak.

"How about you take apart the smell inside." Rogge shook the soda bottle and made his own suggestion. "The normal smell is divided into one kind, and the strange smell is another."

"I think we can reduce the intensity of the flavor and dilute the flavor inside."

"You can also set a base flavor to quickly change the taste of the soda in your mouth."

Everyone was talking and sending their own suggestions. Theodore kept nodding and took note of every suggestion.

"Malfoy, did you do something interesting?"

"I invented a flashlight that changes light." Malfoy's eyes flashed and he said exaggeratedly: "It's ten thousand times better than Muggle flashlights."

"Hurry up and let us take a look."

"I, I didn't bring..."

Before he could finish speaking, Neville exposed him: "I saw it, it was in your sleeve."

"You..." Malfoy looked down and saw his butt exposed by his flashlight.

"Did you not do it well? Are you afraid to show it to everyone?"

"No!" Malfoy blushed, and under the scrutiny of everyone, he fumbled and took out the flashlight.

"How to use this?"

"Hold it." Malfoy clutched the flashlight tightly, beads of sweat forming on his palms.

When Summer Vacation first made it, it could only shine. Later, after reading Rogge's reply, he made some improvements.

Although some optimizations have been made, compared to other people's works, his is actually a bit inferior.

Malfoy's magic poured into the flashlight, and it began to glow with an uneasy red light.

"That's it?" Neville snorted and brought over the cultivated hair growth grass.

Before he could show it to everyone, Malfoy fidgeted and retorted: "It can change colors according to your mood."

"Really?" Daphne suspected that Malfoy was bragging, so she took the flashlight and imitated Malfoy to use it.

The light from the flashlight literally changed from red to bright green.

Daphne played for a while and said regretfully: "But its light is too weak, almost like a candle."

"Malfoy, I have a great idea." Hermione looked at the flashlight and thought of a Muggle item.

"What?" Malfoy asked curiously.

"Muggles have an ornament called a mood ring, which changes color every day after wearing it."

"Like my flashlight?"

"It's still different." Rogge added, "It's made by Muggles using temperature-sensing materials. Different temperatures show different colors."

"But your flashlight can change according to your mood. If it can be reduced to the size of jewelry, it will definitely be very popular."

"Really?" Malfoy jumped up excitedly. He held the flashlight tightly. It turned out that his work was not useless.

"Thank you, Hermione." Malfoy thanked Hermione sincerely. He must make the kind of ring everyone talked about.

"It's my turn!" Daphne excitedly took out a picture album from her pocket.

"I haven't introduced you yet." Neville muttered, holding your hair growth plant in front of him.

"Just by hearing the name, you know what it does."

Everyone smiled, Neville's herbal medicine was too stable and not novel at all.

"Look!" Daphne showed the picture album to everyone, which contained Tom and Jerry copied from Muggles.


"No, no, no, Muggles call them cartoons."

"But our pictures can also move."

"It's completely different." Daphne shook her head and explained: "Their cartoons have plots, and the cats and mice in them fight."

Seeing everyone's mediocre response, Daphne couldn't help feeling a little frustrated: "Look, this cat named Tom wants to catch Jack."

"That rat?"

"That's right!" Daphne said proudly, "The picture book I made can change the plot at any time."

She said as she put her hand in, and the chair at Tom's feet was instantly pushed over, causing it to fall to the ground in confusion.

"Hahaha...Sister, give it to me quickly!" Astoria grabbed it and played tricks on the cat and mouse inside with great interest.

“It’s sure to be a hit at Flourish and Blotts.”

"That's right." Malfoy nodded in agreement, "I want to play with it."

Everyone's eyes couldn't help but turn to Hermione, wanting to know what transformation she had made as a Muggle.

"It's a projector." Hermione took out the big machine and started it to play the scene she saw in France.

"Is this the Eiffel Tower? Why is it so crooked?"

"I heard there was an earthquake there. Hermione, it looks like a Polaroid."

"It can record video all the time and can also hear the sound. This way, you can review the knowledge taught by professors in class at any time."

"What!" Everyone looked at Hermione dumbfounded, then turned to look at the machine in her hand.

Why should we transform this evil machine, and why should it be related to learning? Wouldn't it be nice to make something fun?

"There are conflicts between my twelve courses, so I can use it to record videos so that I don't miss other courses. It's also very helpful when reviewing for exams."

"But doesn't the school have a solution?"

Hermione nodded and explained quickly: "But it is more useful. I can even ask senior classmates to help me record classes."

Hermione said kindly: "I can lend it to you if you need it."

"It's so scary~" Everyone quickly shook their heads in gratitude for Hermione's kindness.

Anthony and Terry worked together to make a flying bicycle, and Susan made a full-length mirror. Before they could show it to everyone, the weather outside the train suddenly turned gloomy.

Through the car window, the clouds above our heads are getting thicker and thicker. It was dark, with a cold wind mixed with drizzle.

Crookshanks in the wicker basket stared out the window. He jumped on Hermione and looked outside in fear.

Everyone looked at each other. This kind of bad weather is not common.

"Is there something in the clouds?" someone shouted from other carriages.

The train is getting slower and slower, and the sound of crazy eating is gradually becoming less and less audible. The sound of wind and rain became more violent, as if countless tiny needles were hitting the car window, trying to get in.

"Do you think the car broke down?" Malfoy stuck his head out and looked into the aisle. Countless heads emerged from the compartments like his.

With a thud, the train stopped abruptly. The luggage fell off the frame with a bang.

For no apparent reason, all the lights in the train went out. A cold and terrifying atmosphere filled the air from outside the car.

"Then, what is that!" Neville's voice trembled as he saw the black shadow flashing outside the window.

Because of the sudden darkness, everyone couldn't see anything and fell into chaos. Either you step on my feet, or I hit you on the head. He has the attitude of seeking revenge and not waiting until the expiration date.

Of course, the senior couple took advantage of the rare darkness and prepared to have some excitement on the express train. The two hugged each other, feeling each other's hot breath, praying that the darkness would last longer.

"Are you at school?"

"The car must have broken down...Hey, you stepped on me!"

Rogge used magic to amplify his voice and said in a calm and secure voice: "Use fluorescent lights! Everyone stay in the compartment and wait for the driver's notification."

Rogge's voice finally stopped the chaos, and the successive spells lit up countless fluorescent lights in the darkness.

The oppressive darkness was finally dispelled slightly, but the coldness still kept creeping into people through the cracks in windows and doors.

"Huh~" Malfoy held the flashlight and shined it on the white vapor he breathed out.

"Isn't it summer now? Look, the windows are frosted!"

Marcus came from the prefect car in front, leaned in and shouted to Roger: "The student union and the prefects are meeting in front, do you want to come?"

"Go ahead and be careful. By the way, the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor is in the last carriage."

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