A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 233 Disgusting little luck

"Professor? Why is there a professor on the train?" Marcus looked towards the back of the car in confusion, his heart full of confusion.

He thought for a moment, then finally shook his head and turned away. Obviously, they don't want to invite each other to their meetings.

The student council or prefects hold a kind of abnormal power. To the school and professors, they are the representatives of the students; but to their classmates, they have become the spokespersons of the school.

Although it seems to be blocked at both ends, it seems to be in a dilemma. But in fact, they are a group of their own and run their own independent kingdom.

They have little regard for the well-being and needs of their classmates and instead work hard to highlight their own importance and solidify their status in the school. More importantly, they can often show off their status and show their dignity and specialness.

On the Hogwarts Express, they enjoyed the Prefects' carriage. This also means that they have the right to be free from school supervision. Inviting professors to join meetings would threaten their fragile authority.

Rogge looked at Marcus's back coldly, with a contemptuous smile on his lips.

His attitude toward the prefects and the student union was ridiculed, as if to say: "These people who think they have power are just a group of mediocre people who only show their appearance."

At this time, many people had noticed the dementors outside. They surrounded the entire train and floated leisurely in the sky.

At such a critical moment, Marcus and others did not think about rescuing the professor. Instead, they hid within the high walls of their own courtyard and staged vulgar and boring comic performances.

"Sister, it's a Dementor!" Astoria pointed at the terrifying black figures in horror, and hid in Daphne's arms with a trembling voice.

She hugged her sister and clenched her wand tightly: "Why are there dementors? Aren't they in Azkaban?"

"Black escaped from Azkaban and was probably being hunted." Malfoy looked solemn and seemed to know more about the inside story as he explained to everyone.

Suddenly, a gust of cold wind blew in from the direction of the front of the car. The train door was quietly opened at some point, and the passage was instantly filled with cold and biting rain.

The cold wind howled by, like a ghost crying and a wolf howling, making people feel chilly. What followed was a chill in the sky, which was intertwined with the fear in the darkness, like a sharp knife cutting through the skin, making people tremble.

The temperature in the carriage seemed to drop below freezing in an instant, and everyone could not help but shrink and shiver under the attack of coldness.

"Fluorescent flash~"


More and more people are taking out their wands and using fluorescent flashes to protest against the darkness and cold. Although the light in front of them was weak, it somewhat soothed their nervous and panicked hearts.

But soon, the source of fear and cold came in through the open car door.

It was a dementor, swaggering into the Hogwarts Express. It greedily scanned the cars, starting with the second car for some reason.

The flickering fluorescent lights in the carriage were extinguished one by one, replaced by screams one after another. Fear breeds in people's hearts and spreads like a plague, making the atmosphere in the train even more tense.

Outside the car window, more dementors were wandering around unscrupulously. They floated around, enjoying the screams in their ears and the fear rising in the train.

Many little wizards huddled tightly in their seats, closing their eyes tightly, trying to find some warmth. But the coldness brought by the Dementors reaches right into the soul, like the cold claws from hell, mercilessly attacking their positive emotions.

In the car behind them, the wizards became more and more panicked. Before the dementors could come over, the fluorescence on the tip of the staff went out. Darkness once again enveloped everyone, with only a few compartments remaining with faint light.

"Roger?" Hermione tried to remain calm and covered her chest with her trembling hands, trying to calm the panic in her heart.

"Relax, it's not a big problem." Rogge showed everyone a relieved smile, as if warm sunshine penetrated the darkness and shined into everyone's heart.

He stood at the door of the compartment and looked forward, his eyes burning. Looking at that familiar figure, Rogge's expression gradually turned cold.

He has been waiting for this opportunity for a long time. Now, he still needs a reason to take action.

The happy times of the past began to resurface in my mind. The longer the memories are, the more mellow the happiness will be.

The intense joy exudes a scent as sweet as honey, shining like a morning star in the endless darkness.

The dementors in front were attracted by this high-purity emotion. After a cursory inspection, they drifted towards Rogge greedily like a shark smelling the smell of blood.

Its dirty claws leaked out of its robes, gray-white and shining eerily. There was greasy mucus floating on it and it was covered with mottled spots, like a rotting corpse that had just crawled out of a mass grave.

Rogge faced the darkness under the Dementor's hood with a sneer on his lips. The closer the dementors were, the stronger his inner joy became. It attracts it like a magnet, making it irresistible.

The dementors outside the car window also stared at Rogge greedily, as if they were seeing a delicious feast.

"Stay inside, don't come out." Rogge warned everyone, the unicorn wand in his hand fluttering between his fingers.

He faced the ugly monster without any fear and allowed the other person to greedily press his face against it. A bone-chilling chill that pierces your soul rushes towards you, like a dark wind from the abyss, even freezing your thoughts.

It opened its mouth like a black hole and slowly took a long breath towards Rogge's face. The cold breath was like a knife at this moment, trying to completely separate his soul from his body and throw him into the bottomless abyss of darkness.

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

The joy in the body in front of him remained indifferent, even more intense. The Dementor looked at Rogge in confusion, and the darkness rolling under the hood seemed to swallow his heart.

"Have you sucked enough?" Rogge's tone was cold, and a sharp light flashed in his eyes, like a sharp sword, piercing the darkness.

The wand that was flying in his hand stopped spinning at this moment and stopped right at the tiger's mouth. Rogge took off his black wizard robe, revealing his close-fitting combat attire: a white long-sleeved shirt and a black vest with dark patterns.

"Call the gods to protect you."

Rogge pointed the wand at the Dementor in front of him, and a large amount of silver light erupted from the tip of the wand, instantly turning into a vivid patron saint.

The raven lunged towards the Dementor, clawing hard at the face under the hood with its sharp claws.


The scratched area made a harsh sound, as if fingernails were sliding hard on a blackboard, making one's hair stand on end.

The dementors panicked when faced with the attack of the patron saint and fled quickly. It twisted its ugly body and walked through the corridor of the train, emitting shrill screams from time to time.

However, Rogge never thought of letting it go.

If the express train hadn't been protected by magic, it would have gotten out of the car and escaped. But now, it can only run along the narrow aisle and try its best to escape to the dim light at the front of the car.

The silver-white raven chased the Dementor like a god of death, and its gaze was like a sharp arrow, pecking at the target from time to time.

The dementor howled in pain and used all its strength to fly forward. It didn't dare to look back, let alone hesitate for a moment. The shimmering car door is its only hope.

Wherever the raven flies, a little bit of silver shines. Like sun flakes, burning away the cold and fear.

The students, disturbed by the dementors, peeked out secretly. Only a silver shuttle was seen flying by, followed by a human-shaped black shadow passing by.

Just when the Dementor ran to the exit and thought he had escaped, Rogge issued a death sentence.

"Raven, kill it!"

The raven suddenly accelerated and turned into a bolt of silver lightning, instantly passing through the carriage and stabbing at the Dementor.

Its figure is gorgeous and poetic, as if it comes from the divine object on Odin's shoulder. In those piercing eyes, the Dementor has nowhere to hide.

The dementor looked at the lightning that pierced the darkness in horror. It tried to resist, but was unable to save it.

The silver lightning seemed to penetrate the boundary between reality and illusion, penetrating the Dementor's body with endless power. It fell heavily against the door of the car, half of its body hanging in the air, as if hanging upside down.

This executioner who had tortured countless wizards, at this moment, his life left him.

The raven slowly landed on it, without any fluctuation in its eyes. It tore at the dementor's cloak, slowly chewed it up, and then spat it out.

Rogge slowed down and looked up at the gilded plate on the front compartment of the car: Prefect's Car.

In stark contrast to the cold darkness of the other carriages, the room behind the door was a warm and bright orange.

The solid wood walls are hung with various exquisite decorations, exuding nobility and elegance. The flames in the fireplace danced, dispelling the chill that crept in under the door.

The prefects were smiling and talking. Because they were lucky enough not to be disturbed by dementors, they felt quite happy and a little bit proud.

They make a deal with the dementors surrounding the train, allowing them to inspect other cars on the train. As for the conditions, naturally we can’t disturb everyone.


However, this tranquility was broken by a sudden heavy kick. Rogge appeared at the door, tall and tall, like a knight in the dark

In an instant, all the laughter and laughter disappeared, and fear and uneasiness filled the carriage. The prefects stood up in panic, drew their wands and pointed them at the black shadow at the door.

"Who opened the car door?" Rogge's eyes were like lightning, illuminating the darkness a little.

"Roger...Rogg?" Marcus asked tremblingly.

"Let me ask for the last time, who opened the car door?" Rogge did not answer, but just repeated the question coldly.

No one answered, only silence and the wind and rain remained.

"Split into pieces!" Rogge pointed his wand at the prefect's carriage. The entire carriage exploded and then turned into countless fragments flying everywhere.

The originally cozy carriage became like a Shura field, making people feel frightened.

Many fragments hit the bodies and faces of these guys, completely shattering their neat clothes and elegant makeup.

As for their little luck, even kneeling down to polish their own shoes felt dirty.

The cold wind and rain hit them, making them soaked in an instant. These guys who opened the car door and let the dementors in deserved it.

"I'm glad I haven't graduated yet." The murderous look in Rogge's eyes was as cold as a knife, filling everyone's eyes with fear.

The raven slowly tore at the dementor's body, and the sound of tearing cloth echoed in the air, making the whole world even more terrifying.

Seeing their kind being slaughtered, the dementors gathered madly. The sky is getting darker, and there is no trace of the sun.

Marcus and the others shrank in fear, looking up at the sky filled with dementors, praying that someone would come to save them.

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