A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 245 Time is a wild donkey

The ancient magic text class and the divination class were held at the same time. According to the original class schedule, there was a compulsory Transfiguration class after they ended. But Professor Bathsheda started the class without stopping. After class? what is that!

Due to her concentration in class, more than half of the students were absent from the Transfiguration class. Dean McGonagall had to readjust the class schedule and arrange the class in the afternoon.

In the third-grade Transfiguration class, McGonagall was preparing to teach everyone about the Animagus. This is an extremely difficult magical skill that requires the wizard to have dual talents in transfiguration and potions.

Rogge was full of expectations, but there was an atmosphere of tension and fear in the classroom. Everyone was whispering to each other and talking about Harry Potter who walked in.

He seemed to have become the god of plague, and everyone avoided him, not to mention looking at him. Harry Potter, who was despised by everyone, was full of anger. He hated the divination class and even more hated Trelawny's prophecy about his misfortune.

In order to avoid attracting too much attention, Harry and Ron chose seats in the back row. It's relatively secluded there, out of everyone's sight. Even so, the students couldn't help but cast furtive glances at him.

Harry felt like he was being put in the spotlight and being scrutinized. He frowned, his ears filled with whispers about his misfortune. It seemed that the next moment, he would fall to the ground and return to the underworld.

Rogge did not take the divination class as an elective, but he was somewhat impressed by this matter. He poked Hermione's shoulder lightly and asked quietly: "How was the Divination class?"

"It's terrible." Hermione wrinkled her nose and complained to Roger: "Professor Trelawney is like a big glowing beetle, please forgive me for describing her like this."

She described Trelawney's class vividly and regretted taking this class. What's even worse is that Trelawney actually said that she had no talent for divination.

Hermione clearly remembered every word the professor said to her: I feel that the aura surrounding you is very small, and your ability to accept future resonance is very poor.

She confided everything she saw to Rogge and described the divination class as worthless.

The classroom is in the remote north tower, decorated like an old-fashioned teahouse selling floral fabrics. Students crowded around more than twenty round tables and sat on floral cloth chairs printed with Bharatanatyam patterns. The curtains in the room were tightly drawn, and everything was illuminated by scarlet light.

The room was warm, and there was a big copper kettle on the fireplace. It kept steaming out, and the whole classroom was sickened by the fragrance inside.

Listening to Hermione's description, Roger inexplicably felt that the Divination classroom looked like a weird old house full of red lanterns. It seems that I was really foresight in not taking the divination class.

Hermione made two large lenses with her hands and placed them on her face to imitate Trelawny: "At that time, the professor walked out of the shadows like this. The two glasses were so bright that they looked like a big beetle."

"She was sparkling, and her neck and fingers were covered with necklaces and rings. I have never seen such a strange outfit!"

Hermione shook her head at Trelawney's unique image and couldn't help complaining: "Like a bluffing Muggle pretending to be a fortune teller!"

Roger agreed with Hermione. Trelawny does act strangely, even a little neurotic.

You could say she is uneducated, but she can make predictions that will affect the future of the magical world. Call her knowledgeable, but she's almost like a wandering gypsy witch.

After thinking about it, he could only say that the profession of divination relies entirely on talent. Trelawny is a purely talented player who does not rely on any hard work.

"She also told Patil to be wary of men with red hair."

"Red hair? Isn't the Weasley family the school? I heard that the Indian sisters are very close to Harry and Ron." Roger rolled his eyes, pulled Hermione and asked softly: "Who is the professor? Wasn’t it predicted that Ron would compete with Patil for a man?”

Hermione opened her mouth in shock and looked at Roger in surprise, as if she had discovered some terrible secret. She suddenly realized something and turned to look at Harry and Ron in the back row. The relationship between the two of them is a bit abnormally close. Could it be...

In Great Britain, Muggle robbers usually rob female Muggles of their property, but they may take even worse actions against male Muggles. For example, the robber stopped by to check on the victim's development. We would use one word to describe this behavior: robbery.

Hermione shuddered, not daring to think too much. Boys must protect their bodies when going out!

"I think Trelawney is a liar anyway." Hermione crossed her arms and muttered dissatisfiedly. "She predicted that Neville would be late for the next class, and she also predicted that Harry would be unlucky this year."

"Haha..." Rogge laughed softly.

Hermione rolled her eyes at him and asked, "What's so funny about this?"

"Mr. our savior, misfortunes happen around us every year." Roger smiled playfully, thinking that this year's misfortune was also closely related to Harry.

Hermione opened her mouth, realizing that this was really the case. When Harry went to protect the Sorcerer's Stone in his first year, Professor Quirrell died. When he encountered Riddle's diary in his second year, Lockhart was ruined and Dobby died heartbroken.

If this reasoning continues, I am afraid this year will not be peaceful either. Could it still be related to Voldemort?

"Okay, you're right." Hermione reluctantly accepted Roger's opinion.

"Actually, Professor Trelawney is okay. Our Magic Texts professor is exaggerated." Rogge stared into Hermione's eyes and muttered: "She is like a plate of sweet potato that has just been served on the table. She talks endlessly during the lecture. , as if I never have to take a breath.”

"What?" Hermione frowned and looked at Roger in confusion, "Sweet potato?"

She tried to imitate the Chinese pronunciation but had no idea what the word meant. She even subconsciously touched the time turner on her chest. She didn't know when she went to take the ancient magic class.

In order to avoid being discovered by Rogge, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and sigh: "It's really a headache. I'm afraid I've never seen anyone so eloquent in my life."

"Why do you call Professor Bathsheda Sweet Potato?" Hermione asked.

"Sweet potatoes are a kind of delicacy, made from sweet potatoes and sugar." Roger introduced the process of making sweet potatoes to Hermione in detail, which made Hermione laugh.

He looked at Hermione's bright smile and couldn't help but think. Did he tell Hermione about the sweet potatoes first, or did he come up with this metaphor under the influence of future Hermione?

Rogge was confused and couldn't figure out their relationship.

Time is like a wild donkey, it keeps running. When it started spinning, no one could figure out where the donkey's head was and where its butt was.

The bad learning atmosphere in the Transfiguration class left Professor McGonagall confused. She talked about the knowledge of the Animagus, but almost no one listened. When she transformed from a wizard into a cat, no one gasped, and many didn't even look.

"Seriously, what's wrong with you?" Professor McGonagall returned to her original form and looked around at everyone. After many years of coaching, this was the first time she encountered this situation.

"Professor, that's because Harry is going to be in trouble!" Malfoy said impatiently, his tone full of schadenfreude.

The selection for the school's Quidditch team is about to begin, and if something unexpected happens to Harry, it will undoubtedly be a good thing for the Seekers of other colleges. After all, without a strong competitor, they are more likely to become regular players.

As for Malfoy himself, he had successfully shifted to the position of Chaser, avoiding direct competition with Harry.

After a summer of hard training, he is confident in the selection of the school team. He was even imagining the scene in which he showed outstanding skills in the game, won points, and won honor for Hogwarts.

Malfoy felt uncomfortable at the thought of possibly being on the same team as Harry. He couldn't help but imagine Harry getting in the way during the game, and even giving him a broomstick. The possibility made him irritated and more convinced that something bad would happen to Harry.

Backed by this belief, Malfoy rejoiced in Trelawny's prophecy. He even prayed secretly, hoping that the prophecy would come true. In this way, Harry would not be able to participate in the school team, and he would be able to become a star player at Hogwarts without any hindrance.

"Tea leaf divination?" Professor McGonagall frowned, stared at Harry in the back row, and said, "Potter, you should know that Trelawney has predicted the death of a student every year since he came to this school. .So far, none of them has died.”

"Predicting death is her favorite ritual to welcome new students." Professor McGonagall was a little disgusted with this colleague's weird habits. She calmed down and continued: "Divination is the most inaccurate subject in magic. No. To tell you the truth, I have the least patience for divination. In the entire magical world, there are very few people who can predict the future. As for Trelawney..."

When Professor McGonagall said this, she suddenly paused. Her eyes seemed to express her distrust of Trelawney's prophecy, and she seemed to have something she couldn't tell everyone.

This is a weird and awkward feeling, just like Rogge's evaluation of Trelawney, it all depends on talent and the weird wizard who predicts the future by mistake.

If Dumbledore hadn't appointed her a professor at Hogwarts, she might have died of poverty and starvation in her tent.

Despite the damning prophecies issued every year, her position is very secure. Because she had predicted the savior, Dumbledore would never let her leave the school.

Professor McGonagall sighed inwardly, feeling conflicted about Trelawney's talents and actions. She silently lamented that this colleague's character was very frustrating.

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