A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 246 Hagrid is a new teacher

Although Professor McGonagall patiently comforted Harry, the reason was very believable. However, he was still worried about the black dog in the teacup.

Harry wanted to tell Professor McGonagall that he had witnessed things related to black dogs more than once.

He had seen it in the shadows of Magnolia Crescent the night he left the Dursleys'. Seen again on the cover of The Omen of Death in the Diagon Alley bookstore.

Even if the black dog in the teacup was a prank by Professor Trelawney, his two encounters with the black dog were by no means a simple coincidence. No matter how much Professor McGonagall emphasized the unreliability of the prophecy, Harry Potter's heart was still shrouded in shadow.

He frowned, worried. Unconsciously recalling the black dog in the shadow, he felt the claws of fate approaching him little by little.

Professor McGonagall sighed and made a rare announcement to end get out of class early. This is the first time in her coaching career. She could see the worries in Harry's heart and the nervousness of other students, so she decided to give everyone more time to relieve their stress.

Moreover, the Animagus is a difficult and complex technique, and it would be unwise to explain it in this atmosphere.

This disappointed Rogge, who had been waiting for a long time. He was originally eager to learn more about the Animagus in this class, but now he can only leave the questions in his heart for next time.

The continuous rain in the Scottish Highlands finally stopped, and the dementors were like dark clouds, polluting the blue sky. They looked like black sewer stains, clinging to the hem of my skirt and making them disgusting and difficult to clean.

Everyone stepped on the soft and wet grass, hugged the thick "Monster's Book of Monsters", and hurried to the hut by the Forbidden Forest.

Malfoy complained as he walked, "How come there is such a shabby book! The people at Flourish and Blotts told me that I had to stroke its spine to make it quiet."

He glared at the book of monsters fiercely, tugged on the belt, and tied it tightly.

In comparison, Rogge's monster book is much more well-behaved. There is no leash and no biting. It kept spitting out the red ribbon, using the beautiful and pitiful eyes on the cover to please and flatter Rogge.

The wizard who noticed this sign quickly shook his head, thinking how could a magic book be flattering? I must have thought wrong.

Hagrid had been waiting for his students at the door of the hut early. He was wearing a moleskin coat and his hunting dog Fang was at his feet. Yaya seemed to feel Hagrid's joy and excitement today, wagging his tail excitedly.

"Come on, come on, come on!" Hagrid greeted the students in the distance enthusiastically.

His face was filled with the joy and excitement of becoming a teacher for the first time, and he couldn't wait to start today's course.

When the students came closer, he just glanced around and shouted excitedly: "I have something good for you today! The most exciting lesson is about to happen! Is everyone here? Okay, come with me!" "

Rogge looked at Hagrid confused, are you asking yourself a question? He sighed quietly, hoping that everything would go well and there would be no accidents.

Other students followed, curious as to where Hagrid was taking them.

Seeing Hagrid heading towards the Forbidden Forest, Goyle, at Malfoy's signal, suddenly shouted to Hagrid: "You want to take us to the Forbidden Forest?"

Hagrid stopped and shouted with a red face: "It's the edge of the forest, not the Forbidden Forest."

"For questioning Professor, five points will be deducted from Slytherin." Hagrid's beard trembled happily, and after the points were deducted, his steps seemed much brisker.

Harry and Ron looked at each other proudly, and couldn't help but smile. They looked back and saw the gloomy expressions of the little snakes, and smiled even more happily.

After enrolling for so long, Gryffindor has been making things difficult for Snape. In Care of Magical Creatures, they finally felt home advantage. Now, it's their turn to feel proud!

Hagrid had good reasons for deducting points, and Snape always did the same. The little snakes were holding back their anger, but they were helpless about the deduction of points.

Daphne turned to glare at Malfoy and Goyle, scolding them for their recklessness. Malfoy rubbed his head and stepped heavily.

He stared at Hagrid's back with resentful eyes, cursing Dasha in his heart. This idiot actually dares to deduct points from us?

Malfoy thought so and had bad thoughts. All it takes is for Hagrid's lessons to cause trouble and Dad...

He was suddenly stunned. The Malfoy family had left the school board and could not interfere in the school's teaching affairs. So, he walked a few steps quickly and came to Rogge's side.

"President, please help me." Malfoy begged.

"Huh?" Rogge asked curiously, "What are you going to do?"

"Hagrid actually deducted points from us. I'm going to give him some trouble." He covered his mouth with his hand and whispered in Rogge's ear: "If the first lesson doesn't go smoothly, or even an accident occurs. Hagrid He can no longer be so proud and allow the school board to expel him."

"It depends on the situation." Rogge was noncommittal about Malfoy's suggestion. He just hoped that this guy would not hurt himself, so as not to affect the selection of the school team.

Seemingly knowing the dangers of the Forbidden Forest, Hagrid led everyone to walk on the edge of the Forbidden Forest. Five minutes later, they arrived at an open space that looked like a paddock.

"Everyone, come to this fence and stand where you can see it." He shouted enthusiastically and said, "Now, the first thing you have to do is to open the book."

Except for Roger, everyone's books were tied up with leather straps. Everyone caressed the spine of the book in unison, and the whole book shivered with comfort, and then lay quietly in their hands.

"Very good, this is definitely the easiest thing in the world!" Hagrid beamed with excitement when he saw the students mastering the skills of reading monster books.

He felt that he had underestimated them before and actually thought that there would be people who didn't know how to open the monster book. Now it seems that his first class will undoubtedly be a success. Hagrid's eyes shone with anticipation, and his confidence became stronger.

"The clerks at Flourish and Blotts Bookstore are so smart, they actually came up with this way to keep it quiet." Malfoy said slyly, "If it weren't for their belts, this biting monster would have destroyed everything in the book box. .”

"Goyle, what do you think of this book?"

"I...I think it's ridiculous." Gore smiled innocently.

"It's ridiculous," Clark agreed.

The others smiled knowingly and nodded in agreement. Seeing this scene, Hagrid couldn't help but feel a little frustrated. The monster book was carefully selected by him.

Fortunately, Rogge didn't know what he was thinking, otherwise he would have been unable to help but launch a fatal last strike: "The result of careful selection is like this, wouldn't it be worse if not careful?"

Oh, maybe the teaching materials will become normal again.

"Shut up, you guys!" Harry immediately retorted to the three of them. He could see that Malfoy was resentful about the deduction of points just now and wanted to ruin Hagrid's first lesson.

Hagrid was dejected and said to himself: "Then...then you turn the book to page 49.

After he finished speaking, he turned around and left, disappearing into the Forbidden Forest. A group of little wizards were left looking at each other, not knowing what to do next.

"Hagrid is so irresponsible!" Daphne complained dissatisfied.

Hermione sighed helplessly when she heard Daphne's words. She was well aware of the dangers of the Forbidden Forest, which was filled with all kinds of magical creatures. Last school year, she and Rogge fought against the Acromantula in the Forbidden Forest...

Thinking of this, her cheeks turned red. Secretly looking at Rogge's side face, he pursed his lips slightly.

"Merlin, Hogwarts is really getting more and more depraved!" Malfoy stood up high and began to make alarmist remarks: "The dementors are still wandering outside, and he actually left us alone!"

The people around them suddenly felt a chill coming over them, as if dementors were hiding in the shadows of the forest, peeping at them.

"How could Dumbledore let such an idiot teach? He's finished!"

"Hahaha." Goyle and Clark laughed mockingly, seeming to see the future of Hagrid being expelled from school.

"Shut up, Malfoy!" Harry Potter's eyes were full of anger, and he walked towards Malfoy with his eyes widened.

The people around them dispersed to make room for them to fight.

Seeing Rogge's indifferent expression, Malfoy laughed in a relaxed mood: "Oh~huhuhu~"

He seemed to be saying, yo yo yo, Harry dares to fight with him? It was really an old woman getting under the covers and making me laugh.

Malfoy threw his backpack to Goyle and stepped forward with a proud and very unsatisfied smile.

Harry stared at Malfoy, refusing to let go. Suddenly, Malfoy's expression became extremely nervous, and his eyes were filled with fear.

He backed away in panic, looked behind Harry and shouted in panic: "Dementors! Dementors!"

Harry was startled and quickly turned around to look. With nothing behind him, he realized he had been deceived.

Then he heard Malfoy's harsh ridicule. Many little snakes imitated Malfoy's example, put on pointed hoods, stretched out their hands and showed their claws. They pretended to be dementors and made strange whining noises at Harry.

Everyone's eyes seemed to say, Coward Potter!

Harry's heart welled up with anger, and he rushed towards Malfoy.

If Grindelwald is written to death, who is in favor and who is against it?

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