A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 263 There is something dirty on the bed

Snape said that he was not interested in Animagus, but he did not hesitate to teach Rogge everything he knew.

"Animagus is involved in the field of potions, and it seems that it still requires a little potion talent." He said in a dismissive tone, looked at Rogge, and said: "Looking at your current level, It’s considered barely passing.”

He stared at Rogge and then added: "As for the transfiguration, as long as your head is not a funnel, you should be able to remember everything Professor McGonagall taught you."

"Now, you should continue to study the blood curse." Snape placed the experimental record in Rogge's arms and said coldly, "Or you can find a stupid werewolf and try the effect of the constant blood potion."

"Of course, you can also look through those stupid animal encyclopedias and find the target you want to transform." Snape pointed to the door, indicating that Rogge could leave.

"I hope the wizards who learn Animagus will be smart enough not to be caught by Muggles or wizards. Hmm, I don't want to read in the newspaper that someone is treated as a pet or food by Muggles."

Faced with Snape's expulsion order, Rogge left quickly. He kept wondering in his mind, was Snape born in the year of the dog? His face changed so quickly.

Holding the notes and potion, Roger began to think about the next step of research. First, he had to put Nagini on an iron chelator to see how it worked.

After returning to the dormitory, Rogge opened his bag and Nagini slid out nimbly. Although the body is large, it is still flexible.

She quickly approached the master's hand, gently rubbed Rogge's fingers with her smooth body, and whispered: "Master, have you missed me?"

"What do you think, how about taking it in the bag?" Rogge looked at Nagini's big snake-pupil eyes, which shone with gentle light and showed full of intimacy.

"Except for being a little narrow and boring, everything else is fine." Nagini complained. She saw Rogge taking out the test tube and asked curiously: "What is this?"

"Iron chelate, a magic potion, is good for you. Come on, Nagini, drink this." Rogge shook the test tube gently, and the iron chelate inside showed a charming light. He pulled out the gag and motioned for Nagini to take it.

Nagini leaned over curiously and stared at the test tube with big doubtful eyes. She caught a glimpse of the blood-red color in the liquid and couldn't help spitting out the snake core to smell the smell in the air.

The snake's tail rolled the test tube over, and she asked in a low voice: "Master, does it taste good?"

"Well, it should taste like rust, like blood. Don't worry, it'll be fine."

"Blood?" Nagini's eyes lit up.

She raised her tail, raised the snake's head, and bit the test tube. In an instant, she drank the potion in the test tube.

Roger sat cross-legged on the ground, holding a quill and a parchment, staring at Nagini, observing her reaction.

"How is it?" Roger asked.

"Master, do you mean the taste?" Nagini's big snake eyes were shining brightly, and the joy in her heart could be heard from the hissing snake language: "The taste is a bit sweet. After drinking it, I felt a warm current in my body. It’s flowing.”

"Yeah, my body feels so hot!"

Nagini's body gradually underwent some wonderful changes. She felt hot all over her body, and a pleasure she had never felt before spread through her body. She squirmed uneasily, her cold-blooded snake body swaying back and forth, as if looking for relief.

"Perm?" Rogge looked at Nagini's body carefully. There was no change in appearance.

He stretched out his hand, touched it gently, and exclaimed: "It's so hot!"

Iron chelate contains a large amount of metal elements, and combined with phoenix feathers, it can activate the blood. The vitality contained in it made Nagini unknowingly excited.

At this moment, Nagini's body temperature was almost the same as that of a human being. This is an abnormal temperature for cold-blooded snakes and may even cause heat stroke. But Naginig was so good at it, it seemed like he was a little over the top.

Her snake body wrapped around Rogge, twisting and turning as if pouring out the thirst for blood. The snake's head rubbed against his hand, and kept spitting out the snake's core, uttering a vague snake language.

The originally pitch-black snake skin began to change color, and its twelve-foot-long body had rings of pink patterns, which looked extremely gorgeous.

"Nagini? Nagini?" Rogge caught the swaying snake body and stroked it gently.

Under the influence of the iron chelator, Nagini completely collapsed. She tightly wrapped around Rogge's body, rubbing non-stop, trying to get something from the other's equally hot body.

Rogge thought for a moment and finally knew what she was doing. Nagini went into heat under the influence of iron chelation.

"Collapse!" Rogge chanted a spell at Nagini, and it fell directly on Rogge.

"Such a side effect..." Rogge complained helplessly and gently placed Nagini on the sofa.

He picked up a pen and carefully recorded the changes that had happened to Nagini.

1. After taking iron chelator, Nagini responded well and had no obvious discomfort. Based on its reaction, it is speculated that the potion tastes slightly sweet.

2. Iron chelators are harmless to snake-like blood monsters, but it may be due to the difference in taste perceived by the Jacobson organ of snakes, or other creatures may perceive the taste differently.

3. Iron chelators can promote the blood flow of snakes, increase their body temperature, and bring them into estrus. During the experiment, Nagini showed obvious symptoms of estrus, including elevated body temperature, rapid breathing, and body swinging.

The experimental conclusion is that currently iron chelators do not inhibit the effect of the blood curse. What happens next remains to be seen.

Rogge turned his head and glanced at the sleeping viper. The patterns on its body were even more beautiful, and its tail was still waving unconsciously.

Therefore, Rogge added in the experimental record: "The iron chelator has a strong effect."

He sat at his desk, holding a pen in one hand and his chin in the other, thinking deeply. He kept writing down his opinions and questions on paper, trying to clear his mind.

"The iron chelator is not taking effect. Is it because the dosage is insufficient? Or is it delayed in taking effect?"

"Is there any significant change in Nagini's blood after drinking iron chelator..."

Rogge's eyes shone with wisdom, and a thoughtful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth from time to time. As his thoughts spread, Rogge listed multiple possible research directions on paper, and the method to break the blood curse might be among them.

Time passed unconsciously, and Roger was immersed in busy experimental recording and thinking. The silence of the night was broken by the sound of his pen hitting the paper. After being busy until late at night, he stretched out in an attempt to relieve his physical fatigue.

Looking out through the window, the moon in the dark night gradually becomes rounder. Soon, Lupine will undergo his full moon transformation. He closed the window and returned to his desk, preparing to rest.

The Scottish wind blew the moonlight on his face. Roger lay on the soft quilt and fell into sleep.

Slowly, Rogge dreamed that he was in a dark space, surrounded by silence. Suddenly, he felt a heat flowing through his body.

The thermal flow is warm and smooth, making you feel intimate and comfortable. It starts at the toes and flows up the quilt. Little by little, it goes around the bends of the legs, waist and abdomen, making people feel numb.

It is like a fiery snake, snaking tightly along the curves of the human body. It licks the skin intimately, bringing a tickling feeling that makes people fall into irresistible intoxication.

It boldly shuttles between the skin, like the uninhibited beating of fire, and like the soft and refreshing moonlight. It makes people have the urge to hold it in their arms and rub it hard

The heat circled around for several times, and finally touched his chest gently. It gradually intensified, like a kitten licking incessantly.

Rogge only felt that his skin had become sensitive, as if he could sense every small change in the air.

Rogge turned over in his sleep and tightly held the heat. Slowly, the warm current stopped swimming and wrapped around him quietly.

The wind blew by my ears, and the moon slowly sank.

The sun climbed above the horizon, illuminating the golden top of Slytherin's tower. Rogge's dream slowly faded away, and the morning sunlight filtered through the window and shone warm on his face.

He blinked, his mind gradually clearing up, and he immediately felt something was wrong!

There seems to be something dirty on the bed!

He turned around and saw a huge beautiful woman's head on the pillow. When the quilt was lifted, there was a pink-ringed snake body under the beauty's head.

Rogge suddenly remembered that the heat in the dream seemed to come from there. The overlap between dreams and reality made his thoughts confused.

An inexplicable shock filled his heart. Rogge recalled every detail of the dream while staring blankly at Nagini, who had the head of a human and the body of a snake.

Pay attention to your health, drink more hot water, and wear a mask when going out T.T

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