Nagini was still sleeping soundly, her long snake body coiled around Rogge.

Rogge felt sore all over his body, as if he had experienced a fierce battle. He struggled to get out of the comfort of the snake's body, and it took a lot of effort to escape from the entangled snake's body.

"Well, is this a snake twist?" Rogge exhaled two breaths, turned to look at the head of the beautiful woman who was still sleeping soundly, and couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

Nagini's head rested on the pillow, her long black hair spread out in a mess. The beast transformation of the blood curse froze time, and the head still looked like a young big sister.

Thick eyelashes cast soft shadows on the face. Her breathing was soft and the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, as if she was having a beautiful dream.

Facing her East Asian face, Rogge didn't know how to call her for a while.

"Here comes paper and pen." Rogge chanted a spell, leaning half against the bedside, writing down the subsequent changes in last night's experiment record.

There is no doubt that the iron chelator did take effect and had a positive effect on Nagini, who was almost completely transformed into a beast. Not only does it interrupt cellular reorganization, it also restores cells infected by the Blood Curse.

Unfortunately, however, it can only restore some of the cells destroyed by the blood curse. Also, there are some side effects.

If the process of the blood magic curse can be compared to a chain, then Rogge has made a breakthrough in the key link of converting wizards into blood magic orcs.

The beauty snake looks more terrifying, but it shows that his research is effective and the results are good.

Roger put on his clothes and stood up to check the formula of the iron chelate. The organic chelate and phoenix feathers had already exerted their maximum effect. What he has to do next is to continue to improve his research through the gaps until he finds the location of the blood curse and takes it down in one fell swoop.

"Hey, wake up!" Rogge shouted, but Nagini had no response.

He walked to the other side of the bed and slapped her face: "Nagini, it's time to eat!"

The body under the head curls up into a beautiful snake shape, and the snake scales shimmer in the sun, making it look mysterious and charming.

The tender face felt as soft as silk, and Rogge couldn't help but pat it a few more times. He couldn't help but smile softly when he saw Nagini sleeping soundly.

"I remember I used it on her and she fainted. How did she get up?" Rogge suddenly remembered what happened last night and couldn't help but feel a chill running down his back. "She couldn't get up just by instinct, right?"

If Nagini had bitten him to death with her fangs last night, she might not have been able to react.

"The curse stops immediately."

As she was untied unconsciously, the eyes on the beauty's head trembled slightly. She curled up the snake's body into a ball and waited for a long time before slowly waking up.

Roger held the wand and stared at her intently.

"Master?" Nagini said in snake language, "Why are you pointing the wand at me?"

"Oh, it's nothing." Rogge relaxed a little when he saw Nagini's innocent eyes.

He then asked: "Do you remember your name?"

"My name is Nagini."

Rogge looked at Nagini, his eyes full of complicated emotions. He watched her answer his questions with a smile, but he couldn't help but feel a surge of doubt in his heart.

He frowned and asked, "Do you know your name? Do you remember what happened before you transformed into a beast?"

"Of course, Nagini's name was given to me by my master." Nagini said softly, her eyes clear and bright.

She then asked: "What is animal transformation?"

"Oh, a kind of transformation." Rogge scratched his head and put away the wand.

It seems that the long-term transformation has made her forget the past. However, he didn't know whether Nagini had temporarily forgotten or had permanent amnesia.

Perhaps, when she fully recovers, she will be able to remember the past.

Facing a young and beautiful female face, Rogge couldn't help but murmur to himself. He was surprised that after the wizard completely transformed into a beast, the blood curse could actually solidify the human state. If the Blood Curse could be continuously improved and its flaws eliminated, wouldn't it be possible to achieve the goal of eternal youth?

If a magic item could be developed, whether it was a potion or a spell... Rogge fell into thinking, and he knew in his heart that the possibility of realizing this was both slim and full of difficulties.

The snake's body stood upright, and the beauty's head dangled in front of Rogge's eyes. Rogge saw her actions, and for some reason, goosebumps appeared on his skin.

"Master, why do I have black hair on my head?"

"That's called hair."

"Master why is my nose down there."

"Because the nose is down there."


Nagini followed Rogge, asking curious questions. Roger answered her questions while looking for tools.

Nagini would sometimes straighten her body and raise her head to the same level as Rogge.

As soon as Rogge turned around, he saw a snake body with a beautiful woman's head suddenly appearing in front of him, which scared his heart and beat wildly in his chest.

"You are no longer an ordinary snake." Rogge calmed down and pointed to the mirror on the table.

"Look there, that's what you look like now. You're already a beautiful snake."

"Beautiful snake?" Nagini swam over curiously, rolled up the mirror with the snake's tail, and looked at her face.

"Oh, this is hair." She shook her head, looking at the messy hair, pouting her mouth to look naughty and cute.

Although the expression on her face is vivid, paired with the snake body that is more than ten feet long, it makes people feel shuddering.

"Master, I look the same as you now."

"Huh?" Rogge picked up the blood collection tool and asked, "Where is it the same?"

"Eyes, nose, and mouth." She said and opened her mouth, showing her bright white teeth.

"And tongue."

Although Nagini's tongue is no longer bifurcated, it is still much longer than normal. What came out was a long and thin S-shape, moving around and looking extremely flexible.

"Oh, this makes your mouth smell bad." For the first time, Rogge felt that Nagini was so annoying, and he never stopped hissing.

This also shows that after Nagini became a beautiful snake, her IQ improved a lot and she was no longer as dull as before.

"Extend your tail and get some blood." Rogge took out the tool and said to Nagini.

"Ah ~ you want to take blood again?" Nagini had a frightened expression on her face, but she still stretched out her tail obediently.

"Will you eat raw beef or cooked beef in the future?"

"Just like the master."

"Where are you going to live?"

"Just like the master."

However, Rogge was stunned after hearing this. He firmly refused: "This is absolutely not acceptable!"

The thought of waking up every day with a beautiful snake lying on the bed made Roger feel uncomfortable all over. Especially when he saw the long snake body under her head swimming unconsciously, Rogge felt as if there were countless ants crawling on his body, which was unbearable to him.

Roger knew he had to solve this problem, otherwise he would not be able to rest peacefully in this room.

"You still live in the bag at night and can move around in the house during the day."

"Yes." Nagini agreed immediately, put her head outside the window, and looked into the distance.

"Master, can I go out to play?"



"Because there are flying centipedes outside." Rogge thought of the lessons he had learned in his previous life and stared at Nagini's back. The more he looked at it, the more horrified he felt.

He silently told himself that this was not Sanwei Bookstore, this was Hogwarts.

Nagini's head turned around in an instant, and Rogge almost jumped in fright.

A curious expression appeared on her innocent face: "Master, what is the Flying Centipede?"

"A magical animal from the Far East that is usually kept in a box. It has a hundred legs and sharp horns on its head. It also has a pair of wings and two pairs of pincers, and its whole body is red. Not only can it fly, but it can also It’s highly toxic.”

Nagini was not afraid when she heard Rogge's description. Instead, she asked about other things: "A box, is it something like a bag?"

"Uh... that's right." Rogge was a little confused by her strange brain circuit, and quickly brought the topic back on track.

He continued: "The flying centipede is installed on the body by wizards from the Far East. When it encounters a snake, it will be released to deal with it."

"It will fly to your head, use its horns to pierce your skull. Then it will burrow in. It will suck out your brain bit by bit."

"Empty brain?" Nagini looked at Rogge in confusion, it was hard to imagine what that looked like.

"Just like a watermelon." Rogge waved his wand and transformed the ink bottle next to him into a watermelon.

"Make a hole, crawl in, and eat everything inside. In the end, all that's left is an empty shell. Do you understand?"

"Oh, I understand!" Nagini showed a clear expression, thought for a while and then asked, "Why didn't the centipede eat it all? I used to swallow it all."

"Because you are a snake and it is a centipede." Rogge quickly blocked her mouth. If he continued to ask this question, he would not be able to answer a hundred thousand questions.

"Remember, there are flying centipedes out there that specialize in eating the brains in your head." Rogge said, putting the hollowed-out watermelon at his feet and threatening: "At that time, your head will become like this."


Rogge stepped on it, and the watermelon was crushed to pieces, turning into broken glass.

"Ah, how scary!" Nagini got into the bag in fear. Rogge's actions obviously had a critical impact on her young heart.

"Huh..." Rogge exhaled a long breath and said faintly: "How scary? What you look like now is scary, okay!"

He said, closing the door and heading to the courtyard to prepare for the Jackdaw Magic Society's first exhibition. It's time for Hogwarts to feel the power of Project Coke.

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