In the courtyard, the early morning sunlight shines on the long table. The members of the Jackdaw Magic Club had proud smiles on their faces, and they enthusiastically invited students to come and see their carefully crafted magic props.

In addition to students, professors from various colleges were also attracted, and even Principal Dumbledore. Everyone stopped in front of the table and curiously asked about the functions of various novel items. After hearing the introduction from the members, they were all amazed.

As at the last orientation party, Malfoy and Susan's belongings were warmly welcomed. While others' creations were equally novel, none seemed to match their practicality.

"Malfoy, can your mood gem tell when others are lying?" A senior Ravenclaw witch walked to the table and picked up a ring inlaid with gems and asked curiously.

"Lying?" Malfoy shook his head and said to her: "It can only respond to color based on mood, and cannot directly determine whether the other party is lying."

"What a pity." After hearing this answer, the witch couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

She looked at her male companion beside her. The wizard kept shaking his legs nervously. Judging from the situation, her male companion was a little nervous and seemed to be hiding some secret from her.

The wizard noticed her gaze, his face became more nervous, and he hurriedly explained: "I really have nothing to do with her. I went to Hogsmeade with other people last time. If you don't believe me, you can ask my friends. !”

"I will." The witch snorted coldly, her eyes full of suspicion.

"However, there is nothing we can do." Malfoy said and took out a booklet, which recorded the relationship between color and mood in detail.

He smiled and said: "I researched this based on a variety of books and a lot of knowledge."

In fact, Malfoy just cut and pasted Muggle knowledge and plagiarized it without hesitation.

"Look here, lying generally has three emotions: nervousness, guilt or anger. You can find the corresponding color based on these three emotions."

"Really?" The witch took the booklet, looked at the contents inside, and couldn't help nodding her head in praise: "It's really interesting. Is this booklet for sale?"

"It's free." Malfoy added: "As long as you buy a ring, it will come with it."

"How much does a ring cost?"

"1 Galleons." Malfoy looked at the other party nervously. If the deal was concluded, this would be the first time he made money on his own.

"A bit expensive."

For students, the price is really not cheap. The witch hesitated for a moment and kept picking and comparing. Finally, she chose a relatively delicate ring.

When Malfoy received the gold galleons she handed over, his hands actually trembled a little.

"Rogg, did you see it? A whole galleon!" He turned his head and shouted to Rogge.

However, what responded to him was not Roger's congratulations, but Snape's stiff face.

"Dean... Dean." Malfoy immediately hesitated and said hello in a low voice.

Snape walked indifferently, like a human-shaped cold turkey, and everything he passed suddenly became silent. He picked up a ring at random and handed the Galleons to Malfoy.

Then, he walked up to Theodore, picked up the nearest glass of soda, and drank it in one gulp.

Theodore looked at the dean nervously. That was a whole glass of multi-flavored soda. No one had ever drank like this.

For a moment, Snape's pale face became extremely beautiful. First there was red inside the white, and then there was black inside the red... No one knew what the taste of the drink was, but seeing his frown, one knew that the taste was very strange.

The students had already heard about the power of strange-flavored drinks, and Weasley, an expert in pranks, was the victim. Just now, Snape drank a whole glass of weird soda.

Everyone stared at Snape's expressionless face with admiration and fear. Many people exclaimed in their hearts that Professor Snape must be some kind of freak.

"Dean, how about something fruity?" Theodore raised the pink soda and suggested cautiously.

Snape didn't respond to him, but stared at him with deathly eyes. Theodore took two steps back in fear, swallowing nervously.

Dumbledore walked over with a smile, took the pink soda, and asked curiously: "Fruit soda, does it have fruit flavor in it?"

"Principal, there are many kinds of fruit flavors." Theodore suddenly became excited and quickly introduced: "There are thirty-six kinds, but I still recommend it, multi-flavored soda!"

"Oh?" Dumbledore took it and smelled it. He turned to look at Snape who looked uncomfortable, smiled and shook his head and said, "I'm an old man and it's better to drink some fruity drinks."

He took a bite as he spoke and immediately twitched the corners of his mouth: "Sour lemon!"

Immediately afterwards, his expression instantly became happy: "It tastes like pineapple and grape again..."

"Hmm~ Very good." Dumbledore's compliment made Theodore jump for joy, and he quickly sent sodas of other colors for Dumbledore to taste.

"Thank you for your kindness." Dumbledore said, took out his woolen wallet and handed a few galleons to Theodore.

"Principal, it's too much!" Theodore quickly declined and said, "A bottle of soda only costs three knuts."

"So cheap?" Dumbledore couldn't help but look around. These interesting magic items were all expensive.

For example, Susan's magic mirror and Malfoy's mood gem are both priced in galleons. Even Luna's flying bicycle costs dozens of Sickles.

Generally speaking, the items of the Jackdaw Magic Society are not provided for ordinary wizarding families, which is in line with the background of their society.

"This is the price that the president and I set together. We are going to promote these sodas to all magical circles."

"Really? This is a grand plan." Dumbledore said with emotion: "Its price is really affordable and suitable for promotion to more wizards."

He turned to look at the president of the Jackdaw Magic Society. President Rogge responded with a smile, saying that everyone would live up to Dumbledore's expectations.

"If possible, could you please send me a few bottles of fruity drinks every week? Maybe next time the password in the principal's office will be changed to it." Dumbledore made no secret of his affection.

He looked at Snape's wonderful expression and asked with a smile on his face: "Severus, what do you think of Theodore's soda?"

"It's a bit potion-level, but not much." Snape's face was stiff, and his lips were trembling as he spoke.

"That's a very high compliment." Dumbledore took the soda from Theodore and left the courtyard with Snape.

"Phew, you scared me to death!" Theodore breathed a sigh of relief and nervously pulled Rogge to complain: "President, did you see that just now? The dean's eyes were too scary!"

"You should thank the principal." Rogge nodded. Snape's terrifying eyes were like a wife-stealer standing in front of him, which made people shudder.

Theodore was stunned for a moment, and then it dawned on him. He nodded hurriedly and complained: "Yes, yes, I should thank the principal. It seems that the principal didn't give me any money."

"Ah?" Rogge looked at Theodore with doubtful eyes, raised his cup and asked, "Aren't these for tasting?"

"Try it?" Theodore shook his head firmly, "How is that possible!"

"Roger, why don't you calculate the cost?" He said, raising his fingers, "The material cost of each bottle of soda is 0.2 Nat, plus the labor cost and packaging fee, the total is 1.5 Nat."

"This cup is one-third of the amount. Even at the cost price, it is still 0.5 Nat. There are so many people in our school, and each person needs a cup. At least 300 cups are needed, which is a full 150 Nat!"

Theodore said distressedly: "So much money!"

Rogge couldn't help but curl his lips. 150 Nats sounded like a lot, but in fact it was less than one-third of a Galleons. With a ring, Malfoy could buy everyone in the school three drinks.

"Otherwise, you go to the dungeon and give the dean a fruity drink. If you put it all together, he will give you just 1 knut." Rogge's tone was slightly sarcastic.

Theodore nodded and seriously considered Rogge's suggestion. Although he admitted that the dean was scary, he felt that Nat was more important.

"I think you're right!" After careful consideration, Theodore decided to collect debt from Snape.

Rogge looked at him in surprise, even though he had known that Theodore's family was not well-off. But he never expected that he would be willing to face Snape's cold eyes for a Nat.

If it were other people in the school, even if they had 10 Galleons, they wouldn't necessarily go to Snape.

Theodore's carelessness is more due to his personal character than to his family environment. Even if everyone is raised by Grandet, they will not close their eyes to save a candle.

"Roger, you said that if I deliver soda to the principal, should it be at cost price or market price? In addition, do I need to charge a delivery fee?" Theodore thought about this question seriously and calculated how many bottles of fruit would be needed for the galleons given by the principal. Flavored soda.

Looking at Theodore who was bent on getting money, Roger patted him on the shoulder and said, "I believe you will become a famous big businessman in the magic world (the kind known for being stingy)."

"Hehe, is it true?" Theodore touched the back of his head and laughed sheepishly.

However, before he could continue to outline his grand plans for the future, a heated argument broke out between the twins Malfoy and Weasley, attracting everyone's attention.

"Draco, can your ring really flash colors according to your mood?" George picked up the booklet and asked, pointing to the instructions behind the red color.

He continued: "Angry, enthusiasm, and excitement are all red. Obviously, it is impossible to accurately distinguish emotions. I think..."

"Color cannot express mood." The twins said in unison.

Fred pointed at the book and continued in a skeptical tone: "The things in it must have been fabricated by you. There has never been a book on color and mood in the magic world. These are all written randomly by you."

The wizards around heard what they said and felt that what the Weasley twins said made sense. How can colors accurately express people's moods?

"This must be some kind of deceptive magic."

"But when I see green, I feel better." Some people believe Malfoy's book.

Malfoy was lucky enough to understand that they were here to cause trouble.

As for the reason, yesterday on the training ground, George hit the Quaffle and almost knocked him off the broom. Malfoy immediately clashed with them, and the three of them almost had a fight.

They separated under Mrs. Huo Qi's scolding. However, no one looks down on the other.

Malfoy called the two of them cunning, random guys who didn't deserve to be on the Hogwarts team.

The Weasley twins called him a coward who avoided the Seeker and didn't dare compete with Harry Potter for the same position.

Malfoy's face turned green with anger when he heard the comments from the people around him. He yelled at the two of them: "You poor Weasley family, if you can't afford it, get out of here!"

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