The word "poor" deeply hurt the Weasley twins. Others around him also jeered harshly.

Although George and Fred are famous troublemakers at Hogwarts, many classmates compare them to Peeves. But all along, they have proved through various magical inventions that they are not inferior to other students, especially wizards from wealthy backgrounds.

However, Malfoy's sarcasm and the ridicule of the people around him directly revealed the cruel reality to them. No matter how hard they try and how much laughter they cause with their pranks, they are still poor people without money.

In particular, the wizards who had been pranked by them with various props pointed at them unabashedly. The Weasley twins were livid, clenching their fists tightly, holding back the anger that was about to explode.

George stared at Malfoy, his eyes blazing as if they wanted to devour him. He sneered and said: "Do you think being rich is great? Although our Weasley family is not as rich as your Malfoy family, we have self-respect and backbone. We do not rely on our parents and rely on our own efforts to gain a foothold in this world. You People like this who rely on family power will never understand what true bravery and perseverance is."

Fred couldn't bear it anymore and said: "Yes, we may not have the wealth of the Malfoy family, but we have our pride. We never bow to anyone, let alone succumb to shameless people like you."

"Oh, pride?" Malfoy let out a long laugh and said sarcastically: "Aren't you all waiting for Mrs. Prewett to die? Even if I rely on my family, so what? You can't rely on me even if you want to!"

"Besides, being rich is really great!" Malfoy said to them arrogantly, "I don't know how many candies you have to sell to afford a ring I made. Poor people, even if they make money, they can only earn through hard work. money."

"Roger, I think Malfoy is scolding me." Theodore wrinkled his nose and complained angrily.

"You can scold him back when you are richer than him."

"Okay." Theodore nodded and secretly made a note of Malfoy.

Their quarrel became louder and louder, attracting the professor's attention.

"What are you doing?" Lu Ping suddenly came over, frowning and criticizing, "Wealth is not the standard to measure each other. The real warriors are those who have integrity and face difficulties bravely."

His words had an immediate effect, and the powder keg that was about to ignite temporarily calmed down.

Malfoy's eyes widened, he looked Lupine up and down, and he pretended to agree: "Professor, you are absolutely right."

"Wealth, it's really not important." He said, smacking his lips, and threw the Galleons he had just earned directly onto the table.

His eyes wandered between the mood gem and Lupin's shabby clothes, seeming to imply that if you were not a professor, who would listen to a poor man's words. Wealth is a direct sign of success. If you don't even have a decent wizard robe, you must have come in through the back door.

"Don't you two believe in mood gems?" Malfoy picked the largest ring, his eyes kept scanning, and he quickly found Ginny in the crowd.

He raised the ring and smiled: "Then let's make a bet. If this mood gem can prove someone's emotional changes, how about you apologize to me?"

The plan I had thought of back then was now a good time to execute it. Ginny, let me prove it to you.

"Just bet, what if you lose?"

Lupine heard about their bet and immediately stopped them: "Malfoy, you..."

"Professor, we can handle this matter." The three of them replied to him in unison.

"Hmph, I'll eat a table full of rings if I lose!" Malfoy sneered at the Weasley twins and walked towards the magic mirror.

"Malfoy, what are you doing?" Harry noticed him walking towards Ginny and stood up to stop him.

"Oh, great saint, don't meddle in other people's business." Malfoy said, pushing Harry away and telling him in a low voice: "Don't think that the Weasley family treats you as a friend. Do you know that they are hiding something from you?" Big secret.”

"Secret?" Harry didn't believe Malfoy's words, and his first reaction was that he was sowing discord.

"Well, don't say Draco cheated. Let your sister verify whether my mood gem is useful. I am also a generous person, so I gave this ring to her as a thank you for training. Quaffle."

"You!" The Weasley brothers glared at Malfoy and roared in unison: "Stay away from my sister!"

"It's not for you, why are you excited?" Malfoy walked straight to Ginny, walked in front of her and suddenly turned around to look at Harry.

Everyone was shocked by his coquettish movement. What on earth was Draco going to do?

"Harry, Ginny is your little girlfriend. How about you give her the ring?" Malfoy said with a sly smile on his face, "Maybe she will betray the enemy who betrayed your parents." Tell you."

"Malfoy, what are you talking about!" Professor Lupine suddenly felt bad and yelled at him.

"Professor, am I really talking nonsense?" Malfoy said firmly, "Except Harry Potter, our savior, the Boy-Who-Lived, who doesn't know about this?"

"You!" Lupine clenched his fists involuntarily and said to Harry, "Harry, don't believe his words."

Malfoy pointed at Harry and said to Lupine: "My father told me that you are a good friend of his parents."

Harry looked at Lupine with disbelief. Lupine lowered his head and fell silent. He gradually believed what Malfoy said and looked at Ron, who quickly avoided his eyes.

Harry's eyes were red, he rushed over and grabbed Malfoy's collar and shouted: "Malfoy, tell me!"

"Why should I tell you?" Malfoy knocked him away fiercely and showed a very unbeatable smile: "You should ask your best friend, Ron Weasley. Otherwise, there is also your little girlfriend Ginny."

He arrogantly stretched out the hand holding the ring, gently released it in front of Harry, and deliberately let it fall to his feet. This humiliating action immediately aroused the anger of Harry and Weasley.

Their eyes widened, their faces flushed, and their fists clenched, looking extremely annoyed. Seeing their appearance, Malfoy felt more and more happy, as if he had found the joy of provocation.

He shouted in his heart: "That's it, be angry! Then, escape from the school to seek revenge on Black."

Malfoy smiled triumphantly, his eyes showing contempt for Harry. As for the ring, it would be more appropriate for Harry to give it to him. It was all for Harry's benefit.

Harry gritted his teeth and tried to control his emotions, but the sparks in his eyes still revealed the anger inside him. At this moment, what was more intense than his anger was his suspicion of Weasley. What on earth were they hiding from him?

"Rogg, I think Malfoy has learned bad things from you." Daphne walked up to Rogge and snickered, "Before, he didn't know how to use his brain."

"It's just too exaggerated." Rogge responded with a smile.

"Malfoy, go to hell!" The Weasley twins looked at each other and kicked away the table filled with mood gems.

Lu Ping secretly yelled, and other professors quickly came over to stop them. Unfortunately, it's a step too late.

When Malfoy saw the fruits of his labor being kicked down by them, he instantly pulled out his wand and struck the Weasley twins into pieces.

The red curse struck George and Fred. The two brothers didn't expect Malfoy's reaction to be so violent.

"Come quickly."

Lupine chanted a curse quickly, and the fallen table stood in front of the two of them, beaten to pieces by Malfoy's curse.

"Expelliarmus." Lupine pointed his wand at the three of them in an instant, knocking all the wands out of their hands.

The other professors breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Lupin, a Hogwarts graduate, with admiration. In a short period of time, he was able to lock a target in a dense crowd and eliminate the danger with the fastest and most accurate spells. His strength was highly praised by many professors.

For most wizards, they are basically unable to resist after handing over their wands. What awaits the three of them will be deductions and confinement.

However, this rule obviously does not apply to Malfoy, or members of the Jackdaw Magical Society.

Malfoy picked up the soda on Theodore's table and threw it at the Weasley twins.

"You!" Before the two of them finished speaking, Malfoy punched the two of them alone.

One for two, and in front of so many professors. Rogge secretly sighed that Malfoy was a true warrior and he should be given a song called The Lonely Warrior.

At this time, not only Lupin, but also other professors looked at Malfoy in stunned silence.

"Hit him!"

"beat him!"

Seeing that Malfoy was at a disadvantage, Goyle and Crabbe also joined the battlefield, and even Pansy rolled up her sleeves and rushed in. Then, Ron and Wood, Marcus, Angelina...

The conflict between Slytherin and Gryffindor, or to be precise, the two house Quidditch players broke out. The main players fighting on both sides are all official members of the team.

In game after game, both sides accumulated a lot of grievances. After entering the school team, there were endless disputes over competing for the starting lineup. Now, one by one, they all rushed in to fight.

"Roger, do we want to help?" Daphne and Theodore stared at him at the same time, and Rogge shook his head firmly.

"What will happen to Hermione and Neville if we take action? We are not only students of Slytherin, but also members of the Jackdaw Magical Society."

"If you don't want the Magic Society to fall apart, don't take action."

In the blink of an eye, a group of wizards were dueling with their fists instead of wands. The way they fought was very unsightly and could even be said to be insulting to the wizard's identity.

The professors looked at the chaotic scene in front of them, first shocked, then puzzled, and finally furious.

"Everyone is petrified." Professor McGonagall stood up, and the tip of the wand emitted a dazzling light, instantly freezing the group of people in place.

She glanced at everyone with a stern look. This was the most serious fight that had occurred in Hogwarts since she had been teaching. It could even be said to be unheard of since the school was founded.

Especially this way of giving up the wand and engaging in hand-to-hand combat like Muggles is simply a disgrace to magic and a failure of Hogwarts magic education!

Professor McGonagall cast her eyes on Rogge. The chaotic yet familiar scene in front of her reminded her of the beating incident of someone on the court.

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