A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 277 Shaman or Wizard?

Hermione sat there frowning, Susan's words made it difficult for her to give up the Divination class. She glanced at the divination books, then stared at the crystal ball, thinking seriously about a question in her mind: Should she give up the divination class?

For a moment, she felt two little people popping up on both sides of her head. A villain said: Don't give up, or you will use yourself to prove that the professor's prediction is reliable.

Another said: The divination class is meaningless to you. You are not good at it, why don't you give up?

Hermione was unwilling to give up. She believed that she had been working hard and should not give up easily. However, when she saw other people talking about various omens, but she was still in the same place, she couldn't help but feel frustrated.

She shook her head violently, sweeping the two villains into smoke. Luna stared at Hermione and saw the harassment cleared from her mind.

"It's only October, there's still a long time before next year's Easter, not around Easter!" Hermione muttered unconvinced.

"Yes, I am giving up the divination class now, not before and after Easter!" She repeated it unwillingly, as if she was performing self-hypnosis.

Finally, she made up her mind and said loudly: "Okay, I give up the divination class."

Her voice was full of determination and firmness, and there was no longer any hesitation.

After Hermione made her decision, she immediately stuffed the scattered divination books into her backpack, got up and ran outside.

She now understands that she needs to devote more time and energy to the subjects she really likes. A subject like divination that both dislike each other is not worth wasting your time and emotions.

Hermione firmly believed that this decision was the right one for her!

Roger looked at Hermione's back, happy that she had made a wise choice, and shouted: "Hermione, your crystal ball!"

"I'll send you off!" Hermione didn't even look back and went to Professor McGonagall to withdraw from the class without hesitation.

Roger looked at Hermione's disappearing back and smiled knowingly.

Susan looked at the door and sighed softly: "Although what Hermione said makes sense and the time of the prophecy was wrong, it still came true."

Rogge was noncommittal. He himself knew nothing about divination. If the time of the prophecy is wrong, will the prophecy still be considered successful?

He picked up the crystal ball and looked at it carefully against the light. Whether in the magical world or the Muggle world, natural crystal is a magical substance full of charm.

Wizards and Muggles alike pursue the purity of crystals without limit. In the concept of magic, the fewer impurities in a crystal, the stronger the energy it contains and the easier it is to be manipulated by wizards. In some accounts, they can even be used to store energy.

The purer they are, the more expensive they are. But if it were replaced with glass, it would immediately become worthless. To put it simply, the more it looks like glass, the more valuable it is, but it becomes worthless when it becomes glass.

"Roger, there is something in the crystal ball, have you seen it?" Luna suddenly said.

"No." Rogge shook his head, "My divination talent is not as good as Hermione's, and I don't even think about trying hard. What's in it?"

Luna took the crystal ball and looked at it carefully: "There is a fog, but I can't see clearly."


Hearing what Luna said, everyone else gathered around. Everyone stared at the crystal ball for a long time, but couldn't find the fog in her mouth.

"Luna, are you sure you didn't see it wrong?" someone asked doubtfully.

"I'm sure." Luna nodded seriously, "I really saw the mist."

"What is it specifically?" someone asked curiously.

"I don't know either." Luna shook her head, "But I really saw it."

"Don't ask, this is talent." Rogge rolled his eyes at the others and said, "Luna, please don't tell Hermione about this."


"I'm worried she's going to get more depressed."

"Will there be more harassment?"

"Yes, that's what I mean." Rogge nodded and took the crystal ball back.

Since Hermione no longer needs it, she can transform it into a castle crystal ball. In this way, Nagini no longer has to live in a bag.

He took the crystal ball away and prepared to transform it.

The room gradually became quiet, and everyone was busy with their own things. Theodore was mixing new flavors of soda, Susan was busy adding spells to the magic mirror, and Luna was designing her own protective charm... As for Rogge, he temporarily put down his research and checked the letter from Alexander.

They have discovered the werewolf camp, but unfortunately they have not found a suitable target. However, Alexander brought him a message from Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga is a notorious old witch. She has a pointed nose and sharp teeth, and her breasts are made of iron. She lived in a house with chicken legs, with windows facing the forest and a door facing away from the wall.

A wizard once saw her flying on a flaming cauldron, and even stole children to cook and eat. There are rumors in the magical world that her son-in-law is an evil dragon, but no one knows whether it is true or not.

This information is similar to what Roger found in the library, all proving that Baba Yaga is a terrifying old witch.

However, Alexander discovered other records and sent copies of them with the letter. It was an ancient manuscript from the southern region of Russia.

According to this manuscript, Baba Yaga was once the faith and guardian of the ancient Slavs. Possessing extraordinary strength and compassion, she guides Muggles lost in the forest and protects them from all kinds of dangers.

However, a twist of fate occurred when the Muggle Archduke Vladimir was baptized by Eastern Roman missionaries. After a great ceremony, the ancient faith was declared pagan.

Sadly, Baba Yaga was betrayed by the Muggles she once sheltered. They brutally gouged out her eyes and killed her in the forest.

The Muggles stuffed her body into a tree stump and used the tree trunk to support the "coffin", which was suspended in mid-air. Eventually, they set fire to her body in an attempt to reduce her to ashes.

However, Baba Yaga miraculously came back to life. With deep resentment and unwillingness, she launched a crazy revenge against Muggles. She kidnapped their children, fried them on a spatula, baked them in the oven, and devoured the tender flesh with every last bite.

Rogge closed the note and remained silent for a long time. He could not tell whether the contents in the manuscript were true or false, but it was closely connected with the records in other documents, and could even be said to be in the same vein.

Even the legend about Baba Yaga's evil nature is inextricably linked to the Codex, even inextricably linked.

"The International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy was established in 1689 and officially came into effect three years later. In other words, wizards and Muggles lived together before that." Roger thought of something and immediately found a history book about the Orthodox Church. .

Based on the information in the codex, he quickly identified a key historical node through the Muggle Archduke Vladimir: Eastern Europe began to convert to Christianity in the tenth century.

"Yes, that's it!" Rogge's eyes lit up. Before the Slavs converted to Christianity, their original belief was Deism.

If the content in the manuscript is true, this Baba Yaga is probably a believer in the God of Nature. Rather than saying she is a witch, it is better to speculate that she is a shaman.

The arrival of Eastern Roman wizards pushed her from the guardian of Muggles to pagans and monsters.

Roger was a little curious and wanted to know what Baba Yaga did that caused her eyes to be gouged out by Muggles and her body stuffed into a tree stump.

After all, pagans are lost lambs who can be saved. Heretics are unforgivable, and the only way out is the burning rack.

"This Baba Yaga won't come up with anything extraordinary, right?" The more Rogge studied in depth, the more doubts he had in his heart.

Since the principal mentioned Finnista and Baba Yaga, he could reasonably surmise that she had communicated with the wizards of Eastern Rome.

"Did she kill the Eastern Roman wizard and seize the phoenix?" Rogge was full of doubts and even more curious about Baba Yaga.

He was suspicious of the manuscript and had reservations about the story of Baba Yaga eating children. These things are probably influenced by religious slurs and historical prejudices.

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