A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 278 The school team goes on an expedition

Just after the last class on Friday, the Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw school team members gathered happily on the Quidditch pitch. They were about to represent the school in the Quidditch Minor League.

In contrast, Malfoy and Harry had mixed emotions. His qualifications for the school team were temporarily frozen, and he could only watch the opponent go to the competition field.

As captain, Cedric felt that Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff were enough for the school team. One of the two colleges is known for its intelligence, and the other is known for its integrity.

Together, they have a harmonious relationship, and there is no need for a pushy lion or a cunning snake.

When Malfoy and the others received the notice to go to the stadium, they all howled with excitement and ran over with their broomsticks on their shoulders. Then, they realized they were sending off their teammates.

Mrs. Huo Qi stood on the edge of the court, looking at the distinct players in the distance, her eyes full of distress.

In her original plan, there were a total of 14 players on the school team. But because of the fight, the Slytherin and Gryffindor players were suspended.

The sudden loss of nine official players was a huge blow to her tactical arrangements and team strength. Mrs. Huo Qi had to select four people from the losers to form a nine-person team for the expedition.

She knew that although these nine people were brave, their strength and cooperation were lacking. Deep down she was worried about how challenging the first game would be.

"Minerva, can't you be accommodating and bring over one or two team members?" Mrs. Hooch looked at Professor McGonagall with a bit of pleading in her tone.

"Rolanda, these children must be responsible for the mistakes they made. Even if..." Professor McGonagall took a deep breath, looked at the little wizard on the court and said, "Even if failure is the price."

"But there has to be a time limit, right?" Mrs. Huo Qi said quickly, "We can't always prohibit them from participating in the competition!"

The first game of Hogwarts went to Neon, and they lost the right time and place for playing away from home. If the team members are not aligned, there will be no human connection.

"Wood, Harry, Malfoy, they are all very talented children. It would be a pity if they lost the opportunity to participate in the secondary league because of one mistake.

It is an irreparable loss to them and the school. "

"I understand." Mag adjusted his glasses and hesitated for a moment before saying, "But at least this time, they can't go."

Mrs. Hooch sighed regretfully when she saw that Minerva had made up her mind. She knew that Minerva was right, this was the setback and growth that children had to go through.

However, as the school team coach, she felt uneasy. If she lost the first game, and also lost to the Neon Magic House... this possible outcome made her feel stressed and anxious.

Mrs. Huo Qi took a deep breath, gritted her teeth, picked up the broomstick and walked to the court. She knew she had to bring confidence and encouragement to the team, despite the gloomy outlook.

After a loud whistle, the stadium became quiet, and the players looked at Mrs. Huo Qi with excitement. Seeing their excitement, Mrs. Huo Qi silently took back her original speech and changed it to a brief encouragement.

"Tomorrow will be the first match of the Hogwarts Quidditch school team. Even though we are traveling to a foreign country, the team members don't get along well enough."

She turned to look at the frustrated Malfoy and others, and continued: "But I firmly believe that with our strength and wisdom, as long as we unite, we will definitely win the game!"

Mrs. Huo Qi's speech was full of strength and determination, and the students shouted: "Victory, victory!"

With cheers, the crowd rushed them into the fireplace and through the Floo Network to the neon.

"Is Professor McGonagall going too?" someone asked.

"The dean is responsible for school communication."

"Hey, I also want to visit the Neon Magic House. I heard they have wands made of cherry blossom wood."


The crowd slowly dispersed amidst the enthusiastic noise, but Harry came to Roger with his broomstick. Following him was Ron holding a Firebolt. As for the Patil sisters, they followed them empty-handed.

"Hey, isn't this the injured saint Harry Potter? Why, the injury healed so quickly? Where is your wand?" Malfoy stepped forward and deliberately took out his wand to show off.

"Clear water like a spring!" He chanted the spell, and suddenly a stream of water spurted out from the tip of the wand, soaking his clothes.

"Withdraw the cloud curse!"

Malfoy then chanted a spell, and the damp clothes instantly became dry. However, Harry on the other side didn't care about his tricks. He was only interested in getting his wand back.

Seeing Harry's lack of reaction, Malfoy had no choice but to turn to Ron: "Oh, and your loyal assistant Weasley."

He suddenly thought of something and quickly dodged away, teasing: "I heard you vomited slugs all night? How disgusting."

Ron's hand holding the broom couldn't help but secretly tighten, forcing himself to ignore Malfoy's taunts.

"Harry, what do you want to do?" Roger asked.

"Competing with you." Harry raised his broomstick and shouted to Roger, "It's better than flying lessons in first grade."

"If you lose, you have to give me your wand back."

"And mine." Ron quickly agreed, "I'll fly with you too."

Malfoy was stunned for a moment. Who didn't know that Roger was bored with flying lessons and didn't like broomsticks at all.

"Are you deliberately looking for trouble?" Malfoy asked.

"Draco, it's okay." Rogge patted him on the shoulder to tell him not to be so excited.

"Which wand?" Rogge took out four wands at once, shocking Malfoy.

He looked at the four Harrys and then at Roger, and asked: "These wands... So Harry's wand is here with you! Roger, how did you get it?"

Malfoy thought of a bad idea and asked quietly: "How about I keep it for you?"

"Here it is, Mr. Weasley's." Rogge threw Weasley's wand to him, and Malfoy quickly took it and looked at Ron with a smile.

"Harry, I still have three wands in my hand. Assuming you win, which wand are you going to take?"

He said and looked at the Patil sisters, the twins were looking at Harry expectantly.

The two pairs of shining eyes, full of hope, filled Harry's chest with courage. He said firmly: "I...it's enough for me to beat you three times!"

"Beat me? Three times?" Rogge smacked his lips and smiled contemptuously: "Although I'm not good at flying broomsticks, I won't let you look down upon me like this, right?"

Roger's words made Harry's heart tighten, but he still maintained a determined expression. He felt that with his talent in Quidditch, he would win every time he competed with Roger, and he would win big.

"Harry, Harry, why do you think I will lose and lose to you three times?" Roger felt a little cold behind his back and glanced back unconsciously.

Lupine and Snape stood in different directions, staring closely at them.

Lupine has always been concerned about Harry's relationship and wants to see Harry grow and improve. As for Snape, I wonder if he was worried about his students beating Harry.

"Well, for Teacher Snape's sake, I agree to compete with you."

Hearing that Rogge agreed to his challenge, Harry clenched his fists excitedly and couldn't help shouting.

"Wait a minute." Rogge interrupted him and said, "If you lose, don't bother me."

"Hmph, just wait. I won't lose!" Harry held the broomstick with confidence.

On the other side, Malfoy was playing with Ron's wand, gesturing for us to compete.

"Draco, don't screw up." Rogge reminded.

Malfoy patted his broomstick and signaled Rogge not to worry. He raised his head and stared at Ron with his nostrils, and said: "Firebolt, right? Hey, I can crush you with Nimbus 2000."

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