A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 283 You taste it, you taste it carefully

"Six o'clock in the morning." Roger reminded from the side.

"Yes, yes, that's six o'clock in the morning!" Malfoy sighed that Rogge's calculation was fast and accurate. He took a bite of bread and complained: "It has been more than two hours now, and there must be a result."

"The competition is at six o'clock?" Daphne was a little surprised and said, "Doesn't that mean they will start preparing while we are sleeping? It's so hard!"

"They may have slept for three or four hours, or even not slept at all." Rogge wiped his mouth with a napkin and explained: "The last class on Friday ended at around three o'clock in the afternoon. Even if they took the Floo Network, they arrived at Ni When I arrived at the Rainbow Magic Center, it was already one or two in the morning over there."

Malfoy continued: "It's actually just staying up late to play games. Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff wouldn't be able to survive without us."

"Draco, can't you say something nice?" Daphne put down the milk and retorted: "Even if you didn't go, they are still representing Hogwarts. Aren't you a part of the school?"

"I, that's not what I meant." Malfoy argued in a low voice, "It's already nine o'clock, and they haven't come back yet. Either the battle is hard, or they are lost."

The students were anxiously waiting for the results of the game, and many even ran to the fireplace, looking forward to the return of the school team. Some witches even held flowers in their hands, ready to greet the victorious heroes.

However, what they saw were the serious and downcast faces of Professor McGonagall and Mrs. Hooch, as well as the dejected players coming out of the fireplace. Obviously, the result of the game was not what they expected. The Hogwarts school team suffered a lot of setbacks in the competition.

"Cedric? How was the result of the game..."

The students tightly surrounded the team members who walked out. Although they had a premonition in their hearts, no one said it out loud. Everyone kept that hope in their hearts.

"160 to 340, lost." As the captain, Cedric said the final score with difficulty.

The score difference is within 200, which means that the opponent caught the golden snitch and ended the game. Even not counting the 150 points gained by the Seeker, Hogwarts' Chasers and Beaters were still 30 points behind.

"What?" Marcus rushed in, grabbed Cedric by the collar, and yelled: "180 points, did you lose? You failed miserably!"

"You actually lost to those Kaba monkeys? Even if you let seven pigs ride broomsticks, you wouldn't lose so miserably!" Marcus denounced, sarcastic words one after another.

Facing Marcus's denunciation and sarcasm, all the team members on the expedition frowned and sighed. They also had unspeakable hardships. They were playing away from home, and they had to stay up late to play the game. More than half of the official team members were missing, and there were no cheering people on the court. They could only fight hard.

Some team members wanted to refute Marcus's denunciation, but were stopped by Cedric. Although there are many reasons, the fact is that they lost.

Everyone pointed at their fiasco, and some witches threw down their bouquets and ran out crying. Some cursed them loudly and even seemed to want to take action.

At this time, Rogge suddenly raised his voice and said, "Let them rest first."

Faced with Rogge's proposal, the crowd gradually became quiet and they silently made way for them. Cedric looked at Rogge gratefully. Compared to a day and night without rest, the fiasco at the Neon Magic House made them even more exhausted. Especially the condemnation from classmates made everyone even more frustrated.

"Rogge..." Cedric walked over and looked at him gratefully, "We..."

"Let's have a good sleep first. We can talk about the game process in the auditorium tonight." Rogge smiled, making Cedric feel warm in his heart.

"I'm telling you, we lost..." Malfoy saw the others staring at him with unkind expressions, and quickly changed his words: "I was wondering how we could lose."

Hogwarts suffered a disastrous defeat in the first game of the Quidditch Minor League, which cast a heavy cloud over the entire school, and everyone was discussing this topic.

The professors' faces were also very serious, because Neon Quidditch is still related to their Hogwarts. It can be said to be a great shame for the school team to lose to them.

"I found it!" Hermione held the "Magic House on the Volcano" borrowed from the library and read to everyone the record of the Neon Magic House.

"Neon Magic Academy is the only magic academy in Asia, located in the palace at the highest point of Neon South Iwo Jima."

"Huh?" Rogge showed a puzzled expression and asked, "Where?"

"South Iwo Jima?" Hermione looked at Roger with strange eyes. She then looked at the record in the book and said, "This is what it says. Is there any problem?"

"Yes." Rogge nodded, "According to the Muggle post-war agreement, except for the four mainland islands, Neon has nothing to do with it."

"Iwo Jima is very famous among Muggles, especially in the United States. I just wonder why the Neon Magic House still exists."

"Exist?" Hermione and others stared at Rogge with strange eyes, not understanding what he meant.

"It's okay." Rogge smiled and motioned for Hermione to continue talking.

According to his deduction, 80% of the Neon Magic Institute is supported by the Magical Congress of the United States of America.

"They start school at the age of seven and ride the storm bird to enter the magic house for training. After they turn eleven, they start boarding."

"So early?" Everyone sighed and motioned for Hermione to continue her story.

Feeling everyone's expectant eyes, Hermione felt happy. She unconsciously raised the decibel level and said: "The Neon Wizards train many outstanding Quidditch players, and their Quidditch team is also a top team. The Neon Wizards train in storms and on the ever-changing sea, While keeping an eye on the Bludgers, keep an eye out for the Muggle air base on the neighboring island."

Hearing this, Rogge couldn't help but smile. From these clues, it can be seen that this magic place is definitely related to the Magical Congress of the United States of America.

After all, according to the timeline, from the Black Ship to the Five-Star Emperor, America is the master of neon in all aspects. During the bloody battle on Iwo Jima, there were definitely American wizards keeping an eye on that magic house. After all, the wizard had to do some tricks, and the Muggle soldiers could only leave dog tags all over the floor.

"Hey, their wizard robes can change in size with the age of the students." Hermione said in surprise, "The school robes will be light pink at first. In the end, if students can get the best in all magical subjects results, then it can turn into gold.

If the robe turns white, it means that the student has betrayed the Neon Wizard Code, acted illegally, or violated the International Statute of Secrecy. "

Malfoy didn't care about these things and asked, "Is there anything else about their Quidditch?"

"I'll look for it." Hermione flipped through the book and quickly found the source of Neon Quidditch. She was surprised: "No way!"

"What's wrong?" Everyone asked quickly.

"Their Quidditch was actually brought to Hogwarts by their seniors!"

Hearing what Hermione said, the students gathered around curiously. There are three floors inside and three floors outside, and the surroundings are impenetrable.

"Speak quickly," they urged.

"A few reckless students at Hogwarts tried to use broomsticks to sail around the world. They were blown off course by a storm and were rescued by a wizard who observed planetary movements with neon magic." Hermione quickly told everyone.

She turned to the next page and continued: "They immediately stayed as guests at the Magic House for a long time. In order to express their gratitude, several students taught the local wizards the basic rules and gameplay of Quidditch. .”

"So that's how it is." Everyone had tangled expressions on their faces after hearing this piece of history. They never thought that Neon Quidditch originated from Hogwarts.


Suddenly, someone banged on the table. Everyone followed the sound and saw that it was Grande, the school team goalkeeper.

He said in a sullen voice: "No wonder their team is called Kamikaze. It turns out they are mocking us!"

"Huh?" The people around him immediately became indignant after hearing this.

After all, the word "kamikaze" can easily make people think of the seniors of Hogwarts who were blown off course. Rogge smacked his lips, wanting to tell them that it might actually mean something else. However, their explanation also makes sense.

So, Rogge faintly told a joke: "Do you know why the Neon people are thin and most of them are elderly?"

Everyone looked at Rogge in confusion, not understanding the reason for this.

"Don't they have enough to eat? There are more dumb guns?" someone speculated.

"No." Rogge shook his head, showed a mysterious smile, and said softly: "Because both the fat man and the little boy exploded."

He laughed heartily, leaving a group of people in a daze among the cold jokes. Roger reminded them to taste carefully.

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