A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 284 Special Quidditch Funds

The disastrous defeat in the secondary league couldn't help but cause a huge storm on the Hogwarts campus, and the Daily Prophet even reported the matter in a large space.

Rita Skeeter seems to have found a good opportunity to describe the failure of Hogwarts Quidditch in an almost mocking tone.

She wrote: "The Hogwarts school team under the leadership of Principal Dumbledore suffered a disastrous defeat in the secondary league, which made people question his leadership ability. The white wizard, known as the greatest wizard in the wizarding world, is now But we are facing unprecedented difficulties..."

As for who raised the doubt in the report, I don’t know from beginning to end. Anyway, in Rita's words, the magical world is free and anyone can express doubts. Just because others haven't said it doesn't mean no one questions it.

She seemed to want to negate all of Dumbledore's achievements through this failure.

Rita's report made the school team's failure even more intense than Sirius' wanted order. This made the school board extremely uneasy, and they had to hold an emergency meeting with Dumbledore to discuss league matters.

Even Minister Amelia wrote to ask if Hogwarts needs strong support from the Sports Department. However, these disturbances were kept out of the school by Dumbledore, and the students were not unduly affected.

In the common room, Malfoy eagerly found Rogge and wanted to find out some information.

He asked: "What does the school board say? Can we lift the ban?"

Rogge was concentrating on writing a rune essay. When he heard Malfoy's voice, he put down the quill in his hand, looked up and asked, "Can't wait?"

Malfoy's tone was filled with complaints: "It's all the fault of Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff for such a tragic defeat. They are not as smart as those reckless lions."

Then, he said with confidence: "As long as we play, we will definitely beat those Kappas to their teeth."

Rogge agreed with Malfoy and said: "My mother Jessica did write a letter. The school board decided to donate an additional amount of money as a special fund to support the Quidditch school team."

Hearing the news, Malfoy's eyes lit up, and he asked excitedly: "Really, can we also participate in the league?"

Rogge smiled and nodded: "Not only that, the school has purchased the latest Nimbus 2001 for official players. In the future, we will also invite professional Quidditch players to guide you in training."

"So good?!" Malfoy showed an expression of disbelief, "The school board would never be so generous before."

A playful smile appeared on Rogge's face, thinking to himself: The reason why the school board was so stingy in the past must have something to do with Lucius.

Of course, Dumbledore's dominance also made other directors very unhappy. After all, no director is accountable to the principal.

He shook his head gently: "There is nothing we can do. It was so embarrassing for us to lose Quidditch. We were almost beaten to pieces by others. Don't be too happy too early. The school board also has additional requirements."

"Request? What request?"

"To reach the finals."

"Don't worry, it's absolutely fine." Malfoy assured him without hesitation, patting his chest.

"Don't be careless." Rogge reminded: "Our opponents are also very strong. We have lost one game now and there are five games left before Christmas."

As he spoke, he took out a blank piece of parchment and began to write the schedule for Malfoy.

"The seven magic schools alternate between home and away games, and they compete every three weeks. We will play at home on the 23rd of this month, and we will play away in November."

He continued to count: "After the New Year, there will be 4 games before Easter and 3 games after Easter. The last game will be on May 28."

Rogge's calculation ability shocked Malfoy. He took the schedule and asked expectantly: "Then we can reach the semi-finals?"

Rogge shook his head and explained: "There are no semi-finals, only finals."

"I received news from the International Quidditch Federation that the final will be held at the same venue as a warm-up for the World Cup. The winner can have a friendly match with the winner of the previous World Cup."

"Really?" Malfoy screamed excitedly after hearing the news.

He jumped and ran out to tell everyone in Slytherin the exciting news.

In contrast, Rogge was somewhat disappointed with the resolution made by the federation. The second-tier league champion can only perform one friendly match. As for the qualification of the host country, it will not take effect until the next session.

Hassan did fulfill Rogge's request and promoted the reform of the World Cup and Quidditch rules. However, he cleverly avoided the possible criticism of these decisions by using more bureaucratic methods.

As for the double insurance that Rogge envisioned, he bypassed all of it. Although this wave of benefits was brought by Rogge, they could not enjoy it directly.

The only thing that can be considered a substantial gain is the Hogwarts professional team. However, now Hogwarts can only barely make up the school team, which makes Rogge feel a little helpless.

He couldn't help but sigh in his heart: "The ideal is very full, but the reality is very skinny."

Now, Hassan used these to borrow Golden Snidget, and Rogge had no excuse to stop him. He could only accept this fact, provide some material help to the school team, and hope that they would win the championship.

Alas, Roger sighed and continued his paper work.

Lupine gave everyone the red hat after the boggart. They are a bunch of unpleasant little guys, extremely sensitive to blood. They lurk in the castle towers and in the pits of the battlefield, and then violently attack those who are lost.

After that, there was a group of Kaba, water monkeys that everyone regarded as neon wizards. They were given a hard lesson by everyone using magic to vent their resentment for losing the game.

In Professor Cassidy's class, Roger continued to delve into the arrangement and combination of runes. If the permutations and combinations of 24^24 are compared to the vast ocean, all the wizard has to do is filter every drop of seawater to find available deuterium.

Even more frustrating is that even though there are many old formula combinations. But no matter what method is used, those runes are no longer effective.

Learning this effectively dead magical language is even more boring and frustrating than Professor Binns' History of Magic. Especially with professors who like to chatter endlessly, many people feel that this elective course is torture.

Despite this, Rogge was still passionate about runes. He studied the rune matrix, trying to find the cause of the runes' death. He even wanted to build his own rune matrix and use the magic of the full moon to deconstruct blood magic.

He enjoys this challenge and is willing to find answers to difficulties.

As the home game in October approaches, everyone in the school is full of expectations and gearing up. Unfortunately, this time the opponent is not the Neon Magic Kamikaze Team, but Ouagadu in Uganda, East Africa.

"They don't use wands, but use gestures to cast spells." Hermione found a book about Ouagadu, sat on a bench in the auditorium and read to everyone.

"Gesture casting?" Harry heard her say this and quickly asked, "Are they casting spells without a wand?"

"No." Hermione shook her head, "They don't know how the wand is made at all, so they can only use other methods to perform magic. For example, when casting a spell, they make a series of gestures to replace the function of the wand."

She continued: "In addition, they have a special talent for transformation. Many students become Animagus before graduation."

"Giraffes and hyenas?" Malfoy interrupted, holding Nimbus 2001, "I also have a rug made of lion skin at home, hehe."

While showing off his family wealth to the poor Weasleys, he looked at Harry: "Potter, you'd better fly faster in this game."

"Otherwise, we can end the game before you catch Jin Feixia."

"Just your Chasers?" the Weasley twins retorted, "Can you handle the Bludgers without our Beaters?"

Malfoy laughed contemptuously: "Oh, you two can start first and then talk about it!" Then he left a string of laughter triumphantly and turned around and left arrogantly.

The Weasley twins sat down a little frustrated. In recent training, their performance was poor and Mrs. Huo Qi was disqualified from starting. As for the reason, it is naturally because I want to make more inventions to repay debts.

Taking their place in the starting lineup were Slytherin's Bol and Montague. Although the two of them were slightly inferior to the Gemini in terms of coordination, the bludgers they hit were at a tricky angle and with great force, making it difficult to guard against them.

As long as he is hit, he will definitely be bruised and bruised, and he may even fall off his broomstick and be unable to continue the game.

As for competitive camaraderie? In the words of Cedric, to hell with it. Only losers use friendship to whitewash themselves, and winners always speak with honor.

They have had enough of failure and don't want to be surrounded by classmates again. They want to avenge their shame and take ruthless revenge. Every player who has ever been to a game at Neon Magic hopes that their opponent in this game will be those Kabbah monkeys.

Under tremendous pressure, the school team's new starting lineup came out: chasers Malfoy, Roger, and Angelina, batters Bol and Montague, goalkeeper Wood, and seeker Harry Potter.

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