A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 293 Heading to Hogsmeade

Facing Mrs. Huo Qi's invitation, Rogge said modestly: "To be honest, if that Amin hadn't been so stubborn, he kept hitting the ball to me.

I'm afraid that before Ouagadu's team members were kicked off the broom, Wood and the others had already been admitted to the campus hospital. "

"Besides, I can't fly fast or high. If I continue to stay in the team, I'm afraid I will become a burden to everyone." Rogge smiled, and his refusal was gentle but firm.

Mrs. Huo Qi still refused to give up and advised: "But you react very quickly. As for the flying speed and skills, they can be improved through training."

"The batsman doesn't have to be as cohesive as the chaser, nor is he as agile as the seeker. As long as you don't fall behind and have firm control of the bludger, you can dominate the game with the bat."

"Thank you for the compliment, Mrs. Huo Qi." Rogge smiled gratefully, then shook his head firmly.

He had a gentle attitude, but said in a very determined tone: "Compared to Quidditch, I prefer to focus my time and energy on learning and researching magic. These are the fields I love more. Besides, Snape The important topics assigned to me by the teacher still need to be completed.”

"Perhaps, you need to develop more flexible tactics to allow Malfoy to perform better." Rogge suggested. "If the team wins the league championship, it will have to perform friendly matches in the World Cup. Professional Quidditch team , I’m afraid there are many powerful players like Amin.”

Seeing that Rogge had made up his mind, Mrs. Huo Qi couldn't help but sigh and murmured to herself: "What a pity, what a pity..."

Rogge picked up the bat and asked with a smile: "Coach, can you give me this bat?"

"Of course." Mrs. Huo Qi said with a smile on her face: "When you are free in the future, you can come to the stadium more often. I hope you will achieve more outstanding achievements in the field of magic."

After saying that, she gave Rogge a warm hug, but looked at Rogge with eyes full of regret.

The next game of the school team is in mid-November. They will go to Brazil in the southern hemisphere to play against Castrobushe. The senior wizard was talking about sunny beaches and passionate Latin witches with a slightly lewd smile on his face.

A notice was posted on the old notice board: There will be the first weekend trip to Hogsmeade at the end of October.

Third-year students are about to usher in their first weekend in Hogsmeade. Everyone is looking forward to it and can’t wait to play. But in the cheerful atmosphere, some people are exceptions.

The school team won its first victory, but Professor McGonagall still hadn't completely lifted the punishment. Malfoy and the others must stay in school and take responsibility for the fight.

Poor Malfoy, his arm was heavily bandaged. He limped into the professor's office, hoping to use his miserable appearance to make Professor McGonagall look on.

"Malfoy, Madam Pomfrey said that your arm is not healed yet." Professor McGonagall looked at Malfoy with concern and comforted: "While you are taking advantage of this period, you should rest and recuperate at school instead of thinking about going to school." Playing in Hogsmeade.”

"The next game is in mid-November. If the injury is not healed by then, you will have no choice but to miss it."

Under Professor McGonagall's earnest teachings, Malfoy returned in despair. He, Marcus and others stood in Clock Square, watching Rogge and the others heading to Hogsmeade.

Professor McGonagall explained the precautions to everyone, and finally reminded: "If you discredit the school, you will never have this benefit again."

Harry ran out of the castle. He took the application form, looked at Professor McGonagall and said, "Professor, my aunt and uncle... forgot to sign."

He took a deep breath, not daring to look up at the bright eyes behind the square frames.

"Harry, the headmaster has told you. You cannot leave the castle even half a step before you get your wand back." Professor McGonagall sighed and shook her head, reminding: "Sirius has not been captured yet, let alone your application form. No signature."

"No matter what you consider, you are more suitable to stay in school." Professor McGonagall refused him in a firm tone and took the students to Hogsmeade Village.

"Hahaha..." Malfoy and the others looked at the unwilling Harry and laughed happily.

"Harry, you should feel happy." Malfoy came over and joked, "At least we can still accompany you. But, did you know? That hippogriff...the monster named Buckbeak is going to be executed. , just in these two days.”

Harry ignored Malfoy's provocation and returned to the castle alone to the Gryffindor common room.

The first and second grade students gathered together to talk and laugh. When Colin saw his idol Harry, he happily ran over to say hello to him.

"Harry, aren't you going to Hogsmeade? Really not going? Why not? Hey..." Colin asked around Harry and invited: "If you are willing, come Sit with us..."

"Oh, no! Thank you, Colin." Harry rubbed his temples and quickly found an excuse to leave.

Wandering around the empty corridors of the school, he meets Filch, the administrator. With those vigilant eyes, I had to avoid him.

boom! boom! boom……

There was a familiar sound in the distance. Harry followed the sound and saw Marcus, Wood and the others training together. Malfoy sat on his broomstick and kept talking, making a lot of noise.

"Where's Ron?" Harry said to himself, "Didn't he get kept at school because of a fight?"

Harry noticed that Ron hadn't been seen in the morning. Did he also find something to do? All of a sudden, a feeling of loneliness suddenly surrounded me. Harry walked dejectedly in the castle and turned into Lupin's office unknowingly.

"Harry? Can't we go to Hogsmeade?" Lupine saw through him at a glance and chatted with him in a calm tone.

On the other side, Roger was walking on the streets of Hogsmeade with a crystal ball. In fact, this is his second visit. The last time I just passed by in a hurry, I accidentally smashed Professor McGonagall's house.

He felt a little strange. Why did Professor McGonagall live on campus when he was so close to home?

Hogsmeade is located above the snow line. It's only the end of October, and the crooked houses are already covered in snow.

The prefects walked in front and introduced this place to everyone. The first thing mentioned is the Three Broomsticks bar at the entrance to the village.

"Hogsmeade was founded by Hangis of Hufflepuff more than a thousand years ago. In 1612, the goblins launched a rebellion, and the wizards at that time set up their headquarters here..."

"Can you drink a few more glasses of butterbeer while commanding the battle?" Rogge muttered.

Suddenly, he felt a big bulge under his school robe. He quickly patted it and signaled Nagini to retract the crystal ball.

"There is the most famous haunted house in the UK, the Screaming Shack..."

Rogge looked into the distance, which was the house Dumbledore had built specifically for Lupin. The secret tunnel under the Whomping Willow was probably built by the principal.

While others are asking about the mystery of the Shrieking Shack, Rogue sneaks away. He moved the crystal ball into his wide sleeve, and Nagini's head quickly emerged.

"I...I've been here." Nagini took two breaths of cold air and sneezed violently.

"Any other impressions?" Rogge asked.

"A little, but not much." Nagini frowned in distress. She looked at the surrounding houses, her eyes full of doubts.

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