A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 294 The Origin of the Pig Head Bar

"I...I've been here." Nagini frowned in distress, as if thinking about something.

She took two breaths of cold air and suddenly sneezed, seeming a little uncomfortable with this environment.

"Any other impressions?" Rogge asked.

"A little, but not much." Nagini answered, her eyes wandering over the surrounding houses, as if trying to find something.

Her brows were full of doubts, and fragments of memory flashed through her eyes.

Rogge thought to himself that if Nagini was really related to Hogsmeade, it would probably only be the Pig's Head Bar. Because the bar owner is Dumbledore's biological brother Aberforth, and his son once saved Nagini.

"Nagini, do you know the Pig's Head Bar?" Rogge asked tentatively.

"Pig's Head Bar?" Nagini was confused and didn't know why he had such a name.

"It's okay, I'll take you to drink butterbeer." Seeing that Nagini had no reaction to him, Roger took her towards the Pig's Head Bar.

As Dumbledore's younger brother, Aberforth ran a sleazy bar in Hogsmeade. No matter how you look at it, it's all weird.

In his opinion, the relationship between the two brothers is definitely not incompatible on the surface, and must be a secret connection. Otherwise, why would there be a secret passage leading to the Room of Requirement in the bar.

Many of the people who frequent this place are dark wizards of unknown origin. Whether it's secret meetings, conspiracy, or illegal transactions, they are all under Aberforth's nose.

What is this called? This is a blatant fishing law enforcement, or it’s straight hook fishing.

A tattered sign depicting a severed pig's head hangs from a rusty shelf. The blood seeped into the white cloth wrapping the pig's head, and drops of red blood dripped from time to time.

Roger pushed open the dilapidated door, and a strong smell of mutton hit his face, which made people frown. Following this, there were several pairs of secretly scrutinizing eyes.

The room was small and dark, like an Eskimo igloo, making it impossible to stretch out. Moreover, the air here is turbid and there is goat excrement on the ground. If he were an ordinary student, he would probably turn around and leave.

"Student of Hogwarts?" A wizard saw the Slytherin logo on Rogge's school robe, muttered a few words and stopped looking at it.

Others lowered their heads, hiding their faces in their stand-up collars. While drinking firewhiskey, they chatted about the latest secret topics in the wizarding world.

Roger stepped on the floor that had accumulated dirt for centuries, and the soft feeling on his feet made people feel sick. He looked at the old wizard behind the counter and said softly: "Hi, two butterbeers."

The tall, thin, gray-haired Aberforth looked at Rogge and picked up two worn wooden cups.

On the wall behind him hung a huge boar's head, which was the most prominent symbol of the Pig's Head Bar.

The whole pig's head was dirty, and the stiff pig hair was shiny and greasy. There were several big black warts on his face, which made him look even more rough and uneasy.

Even though only the head is left, the pig's head is still humming and moving. The pig's eyes were wide open and bloodshot. The four fangs were covered with various mold spots and swayed as the mouth squirmed. From the corners of its mouth, white foam would appear from time to time and flow along the pig's face, which was very disgusting.

Rogge stared at the foam with suspicion, wondering whether it was wine foam or spit.

"The reason why this place is called the Pig's Head Bar is because of the two oak barrels." Roger took the foaming butterbeer and blew them away gently.

Aberforth looked at Rogge seriously and said disdainfully: "Little devil, this is not the place for you to show off your knowledge."

"Hey, Aberforth, it's rare for a young wizard from Hogwarts to come to the shop. How can we not let him talk more?" A drunken wizard came from the corner and rang his sign to ask for a drink. Firewhiskey.

There was a joking smile on his lips, and there was a hint of provocation in his eyes: "Butterbeer is what witches and immature children drink. Real wizards should drink this: firewhiskey."

His tone was mocking, and he deliberately pushed the firewhiskey in front of Rogge's eyes.

Rogge looked at the glass of firewhiskey in front of him, and then at the drunken wizard. He shrugged lightly and said nonchalantly: "Actually, I prefer drinking milk."

"Uh...milk?" Charlie looked a little surprised. He didn't expect the kid in front of him to be so vigilant.

He squinted his eyes, looked at the golden Jackdaw Society badge on Rogge's chest, and asked with a belch: "You said Aberforth's Hog's Head Bar was because of those two barrels, burp, why...why?" "

"If you can convince me, I will take you to Honeydukes store to buy candies." He understood that children of this age have no resistance to candies.

Aberforth silently observed this scene behind the bar, a cold light flashing in his eyes. He knew that Charlie's words were not simple drinking talk, but weaving a conspiracy. However, he chose to remain silent and continued to make soup for other customers.

Roger picked up the butterbeer and accepted Charlie's challenge: "Those two oak barrels are called Hogshead barrels, which are specially used to store wine. They actually have a more elegant name, restructured barrels."

"Reassembly barrel? What do you mean?"

"Oak barrels reassembled from second-hand bourbon barrels can generally hold 50 gallons of wine. However, the literal pig's head barrel is more impressive and easier to say, so it is called that." Rogge The tone reveals confidence and knowledge.

"Is that so, Aberforth?" Charlie looked at his boss and asked.

"Ha, Hogwarts students always think they are very smart. Don't draw conclusions too early. The world is much more complicated than you think." Aberforth's tone was quite disdainful, and he snorted coldly. Then he said: "When I took over, this place was called the Pig's Head Bar. I don't know anyone with a barrel or a barrel."

"The bloody pig's head sign outside doesn't lie. Today's students are really inferior to each other. They don't even know this." Aberforth teased Rogge, his eyes full of warning.

Rogge raised his head and met Aberforth's gaze. He smiled slightly and nodded slightly. Although Aberforth's words sounded a little vague, he understood the pronunciation of Aberforth's words.

But he was really not afraid of the wizard next to him, so he looked indifferent and drank butterbeer leisurely. A rich caramel aroma mixed with the aroma of cream blooms in the mouth. After a careful aftertaste, the freshness and smooth and delicate taste of the beer make people linger.

He couldn't help but raise his glass again and drank the remaining beer in one go.

"Aberforth, you are illiterate, how do you know these things?" The drunken Charlie was obviously anxious. He slapped the table to express his resignation.

Then he stretched out his arm and patted Rogge heavily on the shoulder. Rogge glanced at the hand on his shoulder indifferently, wondering what the other person wanted to do.

"Let's go, I'll invite you to Honeydukes house for some candy." Charlie drank the firewhiskey in one gulp and patted his chest as he promised.

"Charlie, you have money to treat me to candy, but you don't have money to pay back the bill?" Before Rogge could answer, Aberforth stared at him closely, his voice low and threatening.

"Well... Aberforth, if you believe me, I will pay you back in a moment." Charlie quickly smiled charmingly and winked at Aberforth.

Rogge noticed his little movements and probably understood what the other person was thinking. I'm afraid that when I see that I am a student, I want to rob him. Are the students at Hogwarts just like little white sheep?

Is this guy so drunk that he thinks Hogwarts not far away is a decoration?

"Wait until my pet finishes drinking, okay?" Roger asked in a low voice, looking at Charlie with his big innocent eyes.

"Pet?" Charlie scratched his head and looked up and down at the little devil in front of him.

If I remember correctly, students at Hogwarts could only keep cats, toads, and owls as pets. Could it be that the toad in his sleeve can drink? No wonder I ordered two butterbeers.

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