A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 296 Purified Golden Cup

The Three Broomsticks Bar is lively, warm and bright inside. Compared with the Pig Head Bar, it is completely a five-star hotel.

The boss lady Rosmerta was chatting and laughing with an old wizard. She is plump and wears a deliberately low-cut dress. Two pieces of snow were hanging around in the store, no wonder they had good connections and good business.

"Grindelwald?" Rogge muttered when he saw the wizard talking and laughing with Rosmerta.

Grindelwald had a relaxed smile on his face and seemed to be in a good mood. Rogge frowned, well, I haven't seen him for so many days, and I didn't expect him to be flirting in Hogsmeade Village.

"Green, where is my gold cup?" Rogge sat at the bar and asked bluntly.

"Oh, Rogge. Long time no see." Grindelwald seemed to have encountered something happy, smiling as if he had eaten bee dung.

"Jinbei? You haven't come to me. I thought you didn't want it." He said and handed over a box.

Rogge quickly opened it, and inside was Hufflepuff's golden cup. He looked at Grindelwald with suspicious eyes. Didn't the gold cup go to Professor Sprout before?

What method did he use to get the professor to hand over the relics of the founder of the college to him again.

Grindelwald smiled and asked the landlady to give Rogge a glass of cherry juice. He said with a relaxed look: "It's just a gold cup, you can find someone to make it."

"Huh? Fake?" Rogge looked at Grindelwald in surprise, then looked down at the box.

"What else? Your Potions teacher, Snape, asked me to teach him how to purify Horcruxes..."

Rosmerta presented a plate of freshly baked cookies and looked at Green with sweet eyes: "Try the snacks I made."

"Thank you, my beautiful lady." Green nodded slightly at Rosmerta, and his deep eyes fascinated Rosmerta.

Rogge's eyes wandered between the two of them, and he asked quietly: "Have you entered the closet?"

"Huh?" Green looked at Rogge doubtfully.

"I mean, what do you think of Ms. Rosmerta? Can she take care of your old age?"

Grindelwald looked at Rogge seriously and said, "I think the position of Professor of Dark Arts is very good."

"It's a pity that the principal teaches a Defense Against the Dark Arts class." Rogge picked up the gold cup and retorted while inspecting it.

"It's just a name, it doesn't matter. I'm responsible for teaching you the knowledge of black magic. It's up to me to decide what to teach you."

"Aren't you afraid that the principal will expel you?" Roger took a sip of the sweet and sour cherry juice and couldn't help but take another sip.

Grindelwald said confidently: "Will he?"

Rogge curled his lips, instead of asking Dumbledore if he would let it go, it would be better to ask him if he would let it go.

He took out the Hufflepuff Gold Cup and asked, "How do I know if it's real or fake?"

"It's very simple." Grindelwald chuckled, picked up the cherry juice on the table, and poured it into the golden cup.

The badger pattern on the gold cup suddenly flashed, and then the full cup of cherry juice disappeared without a trace. Grindelwald poured the cookies into it again, and they disappeared quickly.

He smiled and explained: "Ms. Hegar, the founder of Hufflepuff, is a good cook. This golden cup can preserve all kinds of food, but..."

Grindelwald deliberately played off his words. He knocked on the golden cup and then said: "Two cookies."

As soon as he finished speaking, the golden cup shook twice, and the cookies that had been poured into it magically flew out.

Roger caught it quickly. Not only was the biscuit not moist, but it also retained the warmth of having just come out of the oven.

"Before, this golden cup could only take out all the food at once, which was very suitable for the Great Hall of Hogwarts. But now, with Voldemort's soul, you can let him manage food for you."

"Just tell him what you want and how much you want."

"Voldemort's soul fragment? Did you really do it?" Rogge's eyes widened and he looked at Grindelwald in disbelief.

He raised the Hufflepuff golden cup and looked at it carefully, up and down, trying to find out the mystery hidden in it.

Grindelwald smiled and asked an enlightening question: "What is the most important thing about the soul?"

Rogge pondered, not knowing how to answer for a while. Integrity? No, Voldemort sliced ​​himself into pieces. reason? If human beings could be rational, there would be no crazy people. desire? …

He thought of many words, but it felt like something was missing. Grindelwald was not in a hurry and slowly tasted the mead in the cup.

"Self." Rogge said suddenly. He stared at Grindelwald and repeated: "If the soul does not have a self, it will completely lose the meaning of existence."

Grindelwald nodded slightly, agreeing with Rogge's view. He continued: "The soul in the Horcrux is a cross-section of Voldemort. Although it is incomplete, it is himself.

That part of the soul contains all of his character and emotions, whether strong or weak. "

"Although that guy is full of ambition and desire, he is also afraid of death and failure. And his brain is not very good..." Grindelwald obviously looked down on this junior, "However, under the shadow of darkness, there are still emotions such as kindness. .”

"Kind? Him?" Rogge involuntarily raised the decibel level, unable to believe that the other party had such emotions.

"Not necessarily kind to wizards, maybe cats and dogs," Grindelwald responded.

Rogge pondered for a moment and said, "Okay, what does that have to do with purifying Horcruxes?"

"That's the weakness of human nature." Grindelwald's smile was quite cold. He explained: "Use magic to confuse the soul, let the weak parts of its character grow, and suppress or even abandon other parts."

"In this way, you can get a pure soul fragment, such as the one in the golden cup."

"What is the character of the soul fragment inside?" Rogge asked quickly.

"Seriously." Grindelwald deliberately mixed several drinks together and poured them into the golden cup.

Then, Roger saw an incredible scene. The beverage in the cup is gradually separated up and down in the whirlpool, and then stored in batches. Grindelwald tapped the golden cup and ordered: "Lemonade."

I saw crystal clear lemonade flying out of the gold cup and flying into the wooden cup accurately. Roger took a sip curiously. It was 100% lemonade without any impurities.

"It is already part of the Golden Cup, completely abandoning other emotions. Don't worry, it is completely cut off." Although Grindelwald said it lightly, Rogge did not believe that the purification process was as gentle as his tone.

Completely obliterating a person's self and turning him into a mere machine. Even if he was dealing with a Horcrux, it would not be easy.

Behind the scenes, there may be all kinds of cruel mental torture hidden. So much so that the fragments of Voldemort's soul had to reduce themselves, and in the end only a certain pure character was left to survive.

"Now that the golden cup has been handed over to you, where is the other Horcrux?" Grindelwald's tone was a little more serious.

"At school, I'll take you there." Rogge put the gold cup away and the two of them walked out of the bar together.

Grindelwald put on his black hat and looked towards the Shrieking Shack in the distance.

"What's wrong?" Rogge followed his gaze and looked over.

"A dog got in."

"Black dog?" Rogge sneered. No wonder the dementors around the castle couldn't catch Sirius.

Grindelwald looked at Rogge in confusion and asked, "Do you know that dog?"

"I don't know him, but I saw it on the wanted poster." He saw Grindelwald walking that way and called out to him quickly: "The Shrieking Shack was built by the principal. It has been cast with a lot of magic. No one can escape from it. Go in outside.”

"No one... what about just now?"

"You said it was a dog that went in." Roger guessed that Sirius was waiting for Ron and his mouse in the village. Unfortunately, that guy was disqualified by Professor McGonagall and should stay in school.

"I don't know animagus, can you?" Rogge asked meaningfully.

Grindelwald frowned and looked at Hogwarts Castle in the distance. He believed that the Animagus must have gotten Albus' permission to get into the Shrieking Shack.

The two did not discuss the matter further and returned to school along the snowy road.

On the way, Roger felt a little bored and asked: "When will you have class?"

"next year."

"Ah, so late?" Rogge was a little surprised.

"Yesterday was a full moon on Friday, so that wolf cub can have a good rest after Halloween. The full moon at the end of next month happens to be on a Sunday, but your principal has adjusted the class schedule. There are no Defense Against the Dark Arts classes on Monday and Tuesday."

"What about December?"

"Christmas, what do you think?" Grindelwald's tone was filled with complaints. As a substitute teacher, he was now completely put aside.

Still, he remained patient. No matter how hard Albus hides, he can't escape next year's class.

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