A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 297 Ravenclaw’s Riddle

Rogge took Grindelwald, instead of going directly to the Room of Requirement to search for the diadem, they went to Ravenclaw's tower first. Ravenclaw's common room is located at the top of the west side of the castle, and its entrance is marked only by a bare bronze knocker.

There is no password required to enter Ravenclaw, as long as you answer the questions on the bronze door knocker correctly, you can enter. Obviously, these self-proclaimed scholars who are clothed in darkness but see through the darkness have a kind of pride that can be called arrogance.

"I can go anywhere, but I can't move." The crow-shaped bronze door knocker tells a riddle to the visitor.

"Shadow." Rogge's answer came out without hesitation, almost as soon as it was finished.

Grindelwald blinked and looked at Rogge. Did this kid already know the riddle? He didn't even have to think about it.

As soon as he finished speaking, the wooden board opened in response. In the wall niche behind the door, a half-length white marble statue stands silently. She is the founder of the college: Rowena Ravenclaw.

"Aren't you going to go in and find out?" Grindelwald encouraged, standing nearby.

He was secretly proud that the other Horcrux Rogge mentioned was indeed Ravenclaw's diadem. In this case, the Horcrux is most likely hidden in their academy.

Grindelwald's eyes moved away from Rowena's bust. Although there was a crown engraved on the top of the statue's head, it was only part of the sculpture.

He looked further into the common room, a large circular room with elegant arched windows hung with blue and bronze silks.

The scenery outside the window is pleasant, and the entire school has a panoramic view. The dome above the lounge is particularly beautiful, almost the same as the ceiling of the auditorium, showing a brilliant starry sky.

"Did you see the Slytherin tower over there? We only had reason to build it because Harry sneaked into our college last semester." Rogge shook his head firmly and shouted inside: "Helen was deceived. Is Na here?"

"Witch?" Grindelwald asked.

"No, it's a female ghost." Before Rogge finished speaking, a cold wind suddenly blew through the Ravenclaw lounge, and then Helena floated towards Rogge angrily.

"Look, the silly girl is here." Rogge teased softly.

Grindelwald looked at Rogge in surprise, not expecting that he would even dare to tease a ghost. After all, once you are haunted by a ghost, it is not an easy thing to get rid of.

Helena slammed through Roger's body, teaching the rude little wizard a lesson. The icy coldness on the ghost's body caused Rogge's body temperature to drop suddenly, his face turned pale and he shivered.

Helena stared at Roger and asked sternly: "Are you Roger Travis from Slytherin? How dare you call me a stupid girl? Do you know who I am?"

"Of course I know, the daughter of Rowena, the founder of Hogwarts. Now, your mother is looking at you." Rogge raised his chin slightly, indicating that there was someone behind her.

When Helena heard this, she looked behind her with some fear. There was a statue of her mother.

"You..." Helena was very angry. No one had ever dared to play tricks on her like this.

The first- and second-year Ravenclaw students looked at the door curiously. They did not expect that there were wizards from other houses who could answer the door knocker's riddle correctly.

"Didn't the prefect say that for nearly a thousand years, no one except Ravenclaw could pass through that simple barrier?" The eaglets looked at Rogge at the door curiously and started discussing.

From the moment they enter school, they are instilled by their prefects with a sense of superiority based on wisdom, calling themselves smart people and enjoying the satisfaction of having a panoramic view of the beautiful scenery of the school.

However, the appearance of Rogge made them doubt themselves. Some people even whispered privately: "Could it be the old wizard next to me who solved the mystery?"

"It's possible. Why did he come to see our academy ghost?"

"I don't know. I didn't expect Ms. Gray's real name is Helena."

Rogge heard the chattering discussion in the distance and whispered: "Not smart lady, we need to find a place to talk."

His title clearly annoyed the other person. As the daughter of Ravenclaw, Helena has always been known for her intelligence and intelligence. However, the little wizard opposite described her as stupid, and she couldn't help but turn around and leave with an angry look on her face.

"About your mother's crown."

Helena stopped suddenly. She floated over and stared at Rogge: "If you lie to me..."

"Deception is a form of wisdom, isn't it, unintelligent lady?" Rogge responded with a smile.

"You are not allowed to call me that!" Helena was obviously angry. She shouted: "I am Helena, who is full of wisdom, wisdom and knowledge."

"Of course." Rogge quickly corrected his statement and followed her intention and said: "Miss A Piao, who is full of wisdom, wisdom and erudition, and is very self-centered, can we talk now?"

"You!" Helena stared at Rogge, feeling that the anger was about to ignite her cold heart.

Many years ago, a wizard in Slytherin had tricked her. As for the purpose, it was her mother's crown.

Now, another handsome Slytherin stood in front of him, also talking about the crown. Although she didn't use the same rhetoric as that person, she still felt like it was a scam.

However, she couldn't help but use her intelligence to compete with Rogge in order to expose the wizard's tricks in front of her.

"Helena, please accept my apology." Bloody Barro came at some unknown time and bowed down to apologize to Helena, touching his cold heart.

"Go away!" Helena roared angrily, completely refusing to accept Barrow's apology.

She turned to look at Rogge and said, "Let's go, I want to see how you use your wisdom to weave a lie, and how you use the crown to deceive me?"

"Try it." Rogge smiled and glanced at Barrow beside him: "It's a shame that Slytherin has such a ghost."

Helena's attitude improved slightly, with an expression of approval on her face. She would never forgive the guy who stabbed her to death.

"Hogwarts has a rich history." Grindelwald said leisurely.

The two of them walked towards the eighth floor, when a black shadow suddenly flashed across the corner corridor.

"What is that?" Helena said and was about to float over.

"Perhaps some little wizard is doing role-playing." Rogge called to her, "Don't disturb others, we have our own things to do."

Rogge secretly looked at the oil paintings on the wall. The knights and lords in them were all eyeliners.

Barnabas on the tapestry is still being beaten with sticks by six trolls. He secretly sighed that this guy's head was really hard, maybe it was made of titanium alloy.

"I need a room where I can refine potions." Rogge walked up and down the corridor, and soon a secret entrance appeared on the wall.

"Why did you call me to the Room of Requirement?" Helena looked at everything around her and couldn't help frowning: "You want me to give you advice on the potion? Where is my mother's crown?"

"Ms. Helena, your mother's crown is here." Rogge explained with a smile, and added: "To be precise, it was hidden in the Room of Requirement."

"The wizard who lied to you is called Tom Riddle. Of course, you can also call him Voldemort." Rogge said, turning to Grindelwald and extending his hand as an invitation: "The crown is hidden here. If you can find it, just It’s up to you.”

He shrugged and sat leisurely on the chair with his legs crossed.

In fact, Rogge knew where Ravenclaw's diadem was. Just think "I need that hiding place" to walk into the room where the Ravenclaw Diadem is hidden.

But he wanted to see if he could figure out what the so-called Room of Requirement was through Grindelwald and Helena. After all, the two of them are Grindelwald, who is on par with Dumbledore, and Helena, the daughter of the builder of Hogwarts Castle.

Since Dumbledore can open a secret passage from the Room of Requirement directly to the Pig's Head Bar, there's no reason why Grindelwald can't.

Rogge stared at the panel. There was a line of prompts on it: [An independent space was found. Do you want to connect to the system? 】

The panels are much smarter than when you first entered the Room of Requirement. Roger clicked "No". He didn't want to connect to the Room of Requirement in a daze, let alone alarm Dumbledore again.

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