A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 298 Helena and the Room of Requirement

Helena stood quietly in the Room of Requirement, her eyes full of complex emotions, and she seemed to have a special memory of this place.

Grindelwald carefully inspected the room, and a wand slipped out of his sleeve, emitting light from time to time. He took the wand and touched it gently in every corner, as if he was looking for something.

"Hey, aren't you prohibited from using the wand?" Rogge asked curiously.

Grindelwald smiled slightly, his wrist flicked, and the wand instantly turned into a crutch in his hand.

"It's a cane, not a wand," he corrected.

His eyes were sharp as he wandered around the room, occasionally stopping to lose himself in thought. It seemed that the magic of the Room of Requirement had left him slightly confused.

"Is the crown really here?" Helena slowly floated in front of Rogge, her eyes fixed on him.

"Of course, I swear by Voldemort's soul on Merlin's beard." Rogge said firmly. He always told the truth, but sometimes he didn't finish it.

He took out the golden cup and knocked it lightly, and a pleasant metallic reverberation echoed in the room.

"Two cookies. Do you want one?" Rogge handed over a cookie, and Helena rolled her eyes at him.

She looked around and muttered to herself: "He clearly promised me that he would bring the crown back for me. Also, why is Hufflepuff's golden cup in your hand?"

"Professor Green made a replica and gave this to me. Can you tell me more about the crown?"

Helena didn't think much and said: "Decades ago, he solved the riddle of the bronze door knocker like you, and then found me in the Ravenclaw lounge..."

"Wait a minute." Rogge quickly interrupted her, "We are different. I am aboveboard. Besides, I didn't join Ravenclaw."

"Humph, is there any difference?" Helena sneered and asked, "The entire castle was designed and built by my mother. When you stand here, it is the same as standing in the Ravenclaw lounge."

"Slytherin is new," Rogge retorted.

"Except for that brash red-haired man from Gryffindor who doesn't know how to build a house, you and Hufflepuff both built their own colleges. Is there any difference between the new one and the old one?" Helena asked back.

Seeing that Rogge didn't speak, she showed a winner's smile on her face. Then, she said arrogantly: "This castle has its own thoughts and attitudes. It is precisely because it recognized your new college that the tower was admitted into the castle."

"Did you know that your original college has not been abandoned yet?" Helena had a show off expression, as if to say: Come and ask me, come and ask me. Roger somewhat understood why Gryffindors hated Hermione.

He calmly analyzed: "Hogwarts only has four colleges, and the principal has not said anything about expansion. If it is true that the old college is not abandoned as you said, there is only one possibility...that is, the Black Lake Mermaid: Seth Erki tribe.”

"You...how did you know? Did you go there secretly?" Helena stared at Rogge with wide eyes with an incredible expression on her face.

"You can think of such a simple thing with just your little toes. Besides, I've been to their tribe once. They were all houses built of big rocks, and they have no beauty at all."

Rogge saw Helena's surprised expression and smiled: "They have their own community and their own magic education. However, the underwater environment is not good.

Our old college is right by the Black Lake and can be used with a little renovation. In addition, they have a good relationship with the principal, so it is understandable that they borrow the abandoned college. "

Rogge felt that the topic had suddenly strayed a thousand miles away, and quickly brought it back: "How did Voldemort lie to you."

"He said that he had read my story, sympathized with my plight, and was willing to help me get the crown back. Then, I told him that the crown was hidden in a tree hole in Albania." Helena was a little angry, "It was agreed. He wanted to give it back to me, but he actually hid it.”

"Anyway, Ms. Ravenclaw built the Room of Requirement. Placing it here is equivalent to giving it back to you."

"You are sophistry." Helena obviously did not agree with Rogge's view. She floated around the room, landed and said, "I know there is a place to hide things."

Grindelwald turned to look at her, frowned and asked, "Here too?"

"Yes, but we have to go out first." Hai Lian nodded, not knowing why the substitute professor in front of her looked so stern.

"Roger, you have to think that I want a place to hide things." As a ghost, Helena could not make the Room of Requirement sense her wish, so she could only remind Rogge.

Roger agreed and walked back and forth in front of the tapestry three more times. Pushing the door open, the scene inside is completely new.

The original crucible and test bench were gone, replaced by a towering pile of debris. All kinds of utensils are crowded in every corner, including statues, broken furniture, schoolbags, textbooks, magic toys... everything is like a mountain of garbage.

Grindelwald looked at everything around him and said firmly: "This is still the same room."

"You mean, with the previous pharmaceutical house..."

"That's right." Grindelwald nodded to Rogge and explained: "To be precise, the Room of Requirement is a secret room."

"It can completely reset itself according to the user's request, then divide the space, arrange the interior, and finally hand it over to the requester."

"Where did the reset room go?"

"Of course it is saved. Just like the archives of the Archives Management Office of the Ministry of Magic, you can just call them out when you use them. However, the hidden things require a lot of cover-up.

Moreover, you have too many things to hide. It has only taken about a thousand years to fill this place to the brim. Opening this save now means that the Room of Requirement cannot open other rooms. "

"Perhaps, you can also imagine the room directly here, and it can change directly." Grindelwald said and wanted to give it a try.

He imagined a room in his mind. Surprisingly, the surrounding "garbage mountain" suddenly began to shake violently, as if an earthquake had occurred.

The piles of furniture that were originally piled up seemed to be controlled by an invisible hand, floating one after another, and then quickly combined and transformed. Some furniture became walls, some became ceilings, and some became various facilities and decorations...

He showed a smile that was indeed true, and then stopped the thoughts in his mind and the desires in his heart. The Room of Requirement slowly became quiet and returned to its original appearance of a mountain of waste.

"Ms. Helena, am I right?" Grindelwald looked at Helena, and Miss Ghost snorted coldly.

She gradually felt that the two wizards in front of her, an old one and a young one, were not normal. This little-known substitute teacher had never attended a single class. He was in and out of the principal's office all day long and didn't know what he was doing. From what Rogg said, he seemed to be banned from using wands by the Ministry of Magic just like Hagrid a few years ago.

"Some crime must have been committed!" she thought quietly.

As for Rogge, he used various answers to make himself look stupid for asking the question. She hated being around these two guys, but had to stay here for the crown.

"You are right." Helena said reluctantly, "The only purpose of this room is to hide things, and it cannot be discovered or found. Therefore, the flying spell cannot be used here.

If we really want to find something hidden, we can only find it slowly, piece by piece. "

Suddenly, Helena felt two people's eyes staring at her at the same time. They smiled to themselves, apparently silently urging her to find the long-lost diadem.

"You..." Helena felt a little aggrieved. How could these two wizards do this? She is not only a witch but also a ghost. Do you have any humanity?

Rogge smiled and said: "Miss Helena, you don't want your mother's crown to disappear in the magic world."

"What if it's not hidden here?" Helena asked unconvinced, with a slightly depressed mouth: "If Voldemort randomly found a room and hid it, then we would never find it. Even if we look through the Room of Requirement a thousand times , can’t be found either.”

"Don't worry, that idiot won't be as smart as you." Rogge felt from the bottom of his heart that Helena's idea made sense.

If Voldemort had just randomly thought of a room and threw the Horcrux in it. I'm afraid it will take hundreds of years before someone late will try their luck to find it. Without Dumbledore at that time, wouldn't he be able to return from the dead?

"Professor Green will also help with the search." Rogge pointed to Grindelwald next to him. It was his job to find the crown and purify the Horcrux.

"Humph." Helena snorted dissatisfied and glared at Rogge angrily. Then, he plunged straight into the pile of debris without looking back.

She was full of resentment and kept thinking silently: She must tell Dumbledore about this and let the principal deal with these two unreasonable guys.

"Professor, we still follow the old rules. You provide a purified Horcrux, and I will tell you the whereabouts of the next one." Rogge picked up the cup from the side and poured a glass of mead for Grindelwald.

"If all the Horcruxes have to be found like this, then I will be in a big loss." Grindelwald stared at Rogge and looked at him seriously: "So, I have to borrow an additional thing as compensation."

"The next Horcrux will definitely not be so complicated." Rogge noticed Grindelwald's stern face, slowly put away his smile, and asked seriously: "What do you want to borrow?"


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