A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 299 The Strange Grindelwald

"From the Department of Mysteries?" Rogge frowned, and what immediately came to mind was the time turner around Hermione's neck.

"It's not yours."

"Mine? But I still..." Rogge suddenly thought of something, and there was even a hint of panic in his eyes when he looked at Grindelwald.

Malfoy didn't bring the time-turner to his family until after Christmas. How could Grindelwald know about it now? Even if he could see into the future, why would he see this?

No, he doesn’t know! All he knew was that he had a time-turner, but he hadn't gotten it yet.

What worries Rogge even more is that Malfoy's time turner is unlimited and can go back decades. Does Grindelwald want to change history by borrowing it? Or is it that he has seen the letter left by his future self?

In an instant, countless questions rolled through my mind. Rogge put down his wine glass and stared at the other party: "That's very dangerous."

"You mean, I might have accidentally killed myself?" Grindelwald's serious face suddenly broke into a smile, but the crutch in his hand was placed under Rogg's jawline.

"You and I are here, history remains the same, what's the danger?" Grindelwald asked righteously, "History is the same as prophecy, we are all its creators, experiencers, and witnesses."

His voice was full of persuasion: "History is made up of countless choices and decisions, and each of us is creating history every moment. The time turner just proves that what we are doing now is part of history. .”

Grindelwald's words seemed to be trying to find rationality for his actions, and also seemed to be explaining the true purpose of the time turner to Rogge.

After listening to this, Rogge couldn't help but resonate with what he said. He admitted that what Grindelwald said made sense and was even elaborating on the truth of time and space.

But Rogge always felt that something was wrong, and a kind of uncertainty cast a heavy shadow on his heart.

"Don't worry, I'm just borrowing it for use. When the time comes, I'll give you something good in return." Grindelwald smiled affectionately, and the crutch in his hand was slightly tilted up to press Rogge's carotid artery.

"Good thing?" Rogge was not dazzled by the benefits promised by Grindelwald, but he looked at the wand around his neck and reluctantly agreed.

"The time-turner won't be available to... lend to you until at least after Christmas."

"Okay." Grindelwald took back his crutches, picked up the wine glass and drank it all in one gulp.

He strolled among the clutter in the Room of Requirement, looking for Ravenclaw's diadem with Lady Helena.

Looking at Grindelwald's disappearing figure, Rogge always felt that he was going to use the time turner to do something big.

"No, he will definitely get a time turner in the future." Rogge muttered, then lowered his head to check his various equipment. Everything is there, nothing is missing.

As he reminisced about the past, he muttered, "What on earth is he going to do?"

Although everything he knew had not changed, and the historical events in his mind remained the same, he had a firm suspicion: Grindelwald must have used the time turner to change history.

"Could it be that the history I know has been modified by him?" With deep doubts, Rogge left the Room of Requirement.

The castle was empty, there was no sign of anyone, not even a ghost could be seen. As he was thinking about it, he heard Crookshanks' cry at the corner of the corridor.

Rogge squatted down and shouted to it: "Come, I have delicious food here."

Crookshanks hesitated, then turned and jumped into Roger's arms. It ate cat food and let Twoleg rub its messy head.

"Why did Hermione lock you out?" Rogge asked in a low voice. Crookshanks was snoring and obviously would not answer his question.

Its pancake face is very distinctive, and every time Roger sees it, he will be reminded of the greedy Garfield cat who eats mille-feuille pancakes. However, Crookshanks' hair is so messy that it needs some grooming.

Gryffindor is on the eighth floor of the tower, and Roger is preparing to send Crookshanks back. Cold air drifted in the corridor, and the portraits on both sides of the stairs all showed frightened expressions.

The movable staircase stopped in front of a huge oil painting, and it seemed as if a sharp scimitar had been slashed across it. It had been vandalized, with large and small canvas fragments scattered on the floor, and a large piece of canvas missing.

"Oh, Peeves saw the bad boy." The colorful Peeves came out of the wall and hung upside down in front of Rogge, with a mean smile on his lips.

"Then what?" Rogge waved his hand, signaling Peeves to get out of the way. He turned to the other paintings and asked, "Does anyone know where the Fat Lady went?"

"You ignore me? I'm going to the auditorium to complain to the principal!" Peeves jumped down angrily, pinching his waist and staring at Rogge.

"What are you suing me for? Destroying oil paintings?" Rogge smiled disdainfully, "The oil paintings all over the wall are witnesses. Who will believe you..."

"Hmph, wait!" Peeves shouted unconvinced, "The bad boy wants to enter Gryffindor! The bad boy wants to enter Gryffindor..."

It moved through the walls, its disgruntled voice tinged with mockery, and its cry echoed in every corridor of the castle.

Roger curled his lips slightly and continued to groom Crookshanks. His eyes roamed the murals on the wall, looking for the Fat Lady.

He understood that Peeves was playing tricks again. The bad boy in its mouth does not refer to itself, but to Sirius Black.

Peeves' report really shocked the principal and classmates. Percy Weasley, the Prefect of Gryffindor and Head Boy of Hogwarts, was the first to rush out of the Great Hall, the first to run into the tower and jump up the movable staircase.

He held his wand and shouted, "I'm Head Boy!"

"Percy, do you want to go back to Gryffindor?" Rogge stared at him with interest, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

"Unfortunately, I don't know where the fat lady went." His calm voice made Percy's body tremble violently, and he almost missed the step on the movable staircase.

"Rog...Rog?" Percy stared at him and the cat in his arms with wide eyes, a look of shock on his face.

He never expected that the "bad boy" Peeves called who wanted to break into Gryffindor was actually Rogge. However, when I think about it carefully, this title seems very appropriate.

"I...I heard Peeves say that someone wants to break into our academy." Percy noticed Rogge looking at his wand and quickly hid it behind his back.

He glanced back and saw that the Gryffindor students had returned. They rushed up in a swarm, which gave Percy some courage and asked, "Why are you at the gate of our college?"

"I met Crookshanks wandering around outside and brought it back to Hermione on the way. Unexpectedly, the Fat Lady was scared away by something." Roger raised his head towards the oil painting at the entrance of the college and motioned for Percy to take a look.

The Gryffindors were crowded on the movable staircase, and Hermione looked at Roger with doubtful eyes. Just now in the Great Hall, Peeves was hanging upside down from the ceiling and yelling that a bad boy was trying to break into Gryffindor.

When Rogge appeared here, everyone subconsciously regarded him as the bad boy called Peeves.

Hermione couldn't help but ask: "Roger, you..."

"It's not me. Peeves knows a lot of bad boys, right?" Rogge turned to look at Peeves who had crawled out of the wall. The other person made a face but didn't answer.

"I saw Crookshanks outside, so I brought him over for you."

"Huh? Thank you." Hermione quickly caught it, and then looked at Ron with stern eyes.

She asked: "Ron, did you throw Crookshanks out?"

"It's not me!" Ron shook his head and argued, "Maybe it ran out on its own."

Ron shouted at Hermione: "My Scabbers is scared to death of him. Can't you lock Crookshanks in the dormitory? Don't let him run around in the college!"

Hermione wanted to retort, but just then, Dumbledore and other professors came over. The students immediately moved out of the way. When the principal saw the damaged oil painting, his face became very serious.

He touched the cracks on it and asked, "Roger, what happened?"

"The bad boy in Peeves' mouth wanted to break into Gryffindor, but was rejected by the Fat Lady. I just came to send the cat, and unfortunately, I was the first to see the damaged painting.

However, the Fat Lady was gone by then. "Rogg looked at Peeves, who looked happy, and indicated that the principal should ask it.

"You obviously went to another college!" Peeves accused loudly, his tone full of cunning provocation. No one else could imitate this strange accent.

"I did go to Ravenclaw today, but just to find Miss Helena." When Rogge spoke, he looked at Dumbledore with a firm look.

"Ms. Grey? Where is she now?" Dumbledore asked.

"She was looking for something on the eighth floor." Roger deliberately did not mention the Room of Requirement.

After all, it's a secret that only a few people know. Once everyone knows, how can it be called a secret room?

Dumbledore turned to Peeves and asked calmly: "Peeves, what do you mean, where is the Fat Lady?"

When Peeves faced the principal's question, the mocking smile on his face slowly faded away. In an extremely smooth tone, he complimented like a court jester: "Your Excellency, the principal, she is deeply ashamed, and she doesn't want to be seen."

"I saw her running into the landscape on the fifth floor, hiding behind the rhinoceros among the trees." Peeves said in a teasing tone, and finally added: "The poor thing might have stepped on rhino dung."

"Who did she say did it?" Dumbledore continued to ask, his eyes gradually becoming sharper.

"Of course, sir." Peeves nodded, raising his head very proudly: "The bad boy of Gryffindor. The Fat Lady didn't let him in, and he was very annoyed, as you know."

Rogge watched Peeves' somersault performance and muttered in his heart: Your "you understand" is really to the point.

"The bad boy has such a bad temper." Peeves grinned at Dumbledore, "This is Sirius Black."

As soon as the name came out, the surrounding atmosphere immediately became tense. Everyone knew how dangerous Sirius Black was.

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