A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 301 The big black dog is Black

"Ms. Grey, what are you doing here?" Professor Flitwick asked curiously.

"She wanted to scare me when I opened my eyes." Rogge closed his eyes and replied calmly.

He could have rolled back and forth and given the not-so-bright lady ghost a good laugh. But considering that Daphne and Astoria were on the other side, it would be bad if Helena caught a cold.

"You...you know I'm next to you?" Helena frowned, confusion written all over her face.

"The air passing through your body is cold. I am not an Inferi yet, so I can feel the temperature." Rogge said softly, and then his expression changed: "Ah... Ah Qiu."

He sneezed loudly, and the spittle splashed directly into Helena's face. It's a pity that the other party is a ghost, so it can only be disgusting in form.

"Ms. Grey," Professor Flitwick said one word at a time, "A dangerous person has entered the school..."

"I know, I know." Helena floated up impatiently, "I heard Peeves say that it was a big black dog. I even saw him in the afternoon."

After saying that, Helena suddenly disappeared into the wall with an angry look on her face.

Harry had been unable to sleep, secretly listening to their conversation. When she heard Ms. Gray mention the "black dog", her body trembled involuntarily. He had had more than one disturbing encounter with a black dog over the past few months.

The next moment, a thought flashed through Harry's mind like lightning, causing him to sit up suddenly and his face instantly turned pale.

The dangerous person Professor Flitwick mentioned was obviously Sirius Black, why did Ms. Gray say he was a black dog?

"Could it be?" Harry's breathing became rapid, and his heart was filled with horror and doubt.

He suddenly realized that there was some mysterious connection between the Sirius Black mentioned by Professor Flitwick and the "black dog" mentioned by Helena.

He recalled seeing a huge black dog on Magnolia Crescent when he was away from the Dursleys during the summer. It was hidden in the small space between the fence and the garage. Just when Harry wanted to see clearly, he was dazzled by the headlights of the Knight Bus.

Harry had seen the animagus of the Wagadu wizards and knew what it meant. A chill rose from his tailbone and ran along his spine, making him shiver uncontrollably.

Professor Flitwick looked at Harry with concern and asked softly: "Harry? Did you have a nightmare?"

He stared deeply into Harry's eyes, trying to convey his concern and support. He said in a gentle tone: "If Sirius is still in the castle, we will definitely catch him."

"Yeah." Harry responded softly and silently retracted into his sleeping bag. Flitwick sighed and looked at Harry with sympathetic eyes.

In the auditorium where hundreds of people were sleeping, snoring could be heard one after another. Rogge blocked his ears, wishing he could slap a gag on every snorer.

It wasn't until the latter half of the night that Roger fell asleep. At this time, Dumbledore entered the auditorium quietly, and Percy immediately walked over quietly.

"Did you notice anything, Headmaster?" Percy asked quietly.

"No," Dumbledore replied, "How is it here?"

"Everything is under control, sir." Percy puffed up his chest proudly, "However, some people were talking secretly, and I wrote them all down. There were also people who used flashlights to disrupt order."

With that said, he handed Malfoy's flashlight to Dumbledore, who took it and looked at it before giving it back to Percy. This made Percy a little disappointed. He had originally hoped that the headmaster would punish Draco for causing trouble.

Dumbledore looked around the auditorium. Most people were already asleep. So, he said to Percy: "There is no need to change places now. I have found a temporary guard for your college: Sir Cadogan. Tomorrow, you can ask everyone to go back."

"What about the Fat Lady?" Percy couldn't help but ask.

"She was hiding in the map of Angel County on the third floor. Black obviously couldn't tell the password, so the Fat Lady naturally wouldn't let him in. So, Black took action.

The Fat Lady is extremely unstable right now, and I'll let Filch fix her once she calms down. "

Listening to the two people's whispers, Rogge, who had just fallen asleep, couldn't help but wake up. He thought to himself that he didn't expect Filch to restore oil paintings, but he underestimated him.

Other deans came back one after another to report that no trace of Sirius Black was found in the main building of the castle, the astronomy tower, or the owl loft...

"We should go to the Whomping Willow to check." Rogge cursed.

After a while, he heard Snape accusing Dumbledore of an insider in the school.

"Dementors guard all entrances to the school. Without internal help, it would be impossible for Black to enter the school." Snape said conclusively, pointing directly at Lupin.

"I don't trust anyone in this castle to help Black get in." Dumbledore responded firmly to Snape, using a clean voice to show his trust in Lupin.

There was a brief silence between the two, when Professor Flitwick walked in and said, "Albus, I've found a new clue from Lady Grey."

Dumbledore and Snape looked at Flitwick for a moment, the meaning in their eyes was elusive.

"Ms. Gray accidentally saw a black dog in the afternoon."

"Black dog?" Snape couldn't help but smile when he heard the news.

"That must be Black, he slipped in as a dog."

Flitwick asked in confusion: "But the dementors can see through all disguises, why was Black not discovered by them..."

In an instant, Snape and Flitwick thought of something at the same time. Especially not long after the Quidditch match between Hogwarts and Wagadu, they immediately thought of Animagus.

"Illegal Animagus." Snape's tone was a bit proud. He turned to Dumbledore and said, "It seems that the Ministry of Magic does not know about this."

"If this is really the case, the dementors outside will be completely useless." Professor Flitwick looked at Dumbledore with worry on his face: "Sir, I'm afraid Black used the Animagus to escape. From Zikaban.”

"The four of them sometimes disappear, maybe they are secretly practicing Animagus." Snape was convinced of his guess, and continued: "Of course, I don't think Lupine needs Animagus." Si.”

"Okay, Severus." Dumbledore interrupted Snape, "I still have to talk to the dementors. I had to notify them after the search. Now, there is no need for them to be stationed."

"I will inform the Ministry of Magic that Black may be an Animagus." Dumbledore narrowed his eyes inadvertently, as if thinking about something.

Sunday's Hogsmeade experience was canceled due to Black's sudden appearance. Many students sighed, but Roger, who had not slept all night, just wanted to go back to the dormitory to rest.

Mrs. Hooch's school team training was also affected. She carried a broom and walked around the Quidditch pitch every day. Everyone knows that her spell level is limited and cannot protect students on the open court.

However, the next game is already around the corner. There was no way she was going to allow the fugitive to stop training and put the rest of the game at a disadvantage.

After all, as the Hogwarts Quidditch coach, she was the first person responsible for the failure of the game. She looked at the court, then at the castle, and suddenly a good idea occurred to her.

During dinner time, Rogge saw Mrs. Hooch hurriedly burst into the auditorium with a stadium design in her hand.

Her eyes sparkled with excitement and she shouted loudly: "Minerva, we can make the court enclosed."

The design draft depicts a huge enclosed stadium, and the dome is made of transparent magic material, which can ensure the safety of students without affecting the appearance.

"As long as we add a dome on top, we can protect the students from external threats." Mrs. Huo Qi stared at Professor McGonagall with burning eyes, and the students in the auditorium also looked at her design draft.

"Renovate the stadium?" Professor McGonagall murmured, "But if Black breaks into this enclosed space, wouldn't it be more dangerous for the students?"

Mrs. Hooch couldn't help but sigh. She couldn't even save Neville who fell from his broomstick, let alone fight against a dangerous wizard like Sirius Black.

"What if other professors could take care of the students?" Mrs. Hooch made a suggestion, "For example, Professor Green."

As soon as he said this, Professor McGonagall's face immediately became extremely serious. In order to prevent Grindelwald from having too much contact with the students, she had deliberately adjusted the class schedule so that he would have no classes last school year.

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