A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 302 There are Animagus in the school

"Let Grindelwald be responsible for the safety of the students on the court..." Professor McGonagall glanced at the young wizards in the auditorium and said flatly: "Professor Green has no time at the moment."

Her tone revealed an unquestionable meaning, which made Mrs. Ho Qi feel a little confused. However, instead of being puzzled, Mrs. Huo Qi felt more disappointed and helpless.

However, she still did not give up: "So, what about Professor Lupine? As a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, it shouldn't be a problem for him to fight against Black."

At this time, Professor McGonagall could not easily refute Mrs. Hooch's suggestion. On the surface, Peter Wormtail is dead, and James and his wife were poisoned by Voldemort because of Sirius's betrayal.

Lupin, as a member of the quartet, would never be in cahoots with Black.

If he was asked to be responsible for the safety of students conducting Quidditch training, he would definitely use his own life to protect Harry and other students.

"This matter needs to be discussed with Professor Luping." Professor McGonagall thought for a moment and finally nodded, accepting Mrs. Hoqi's proposal.

Mrs. Hooch jumped up excitedly and shouted with a hint of urgency in her voice: "Great! Can the house elves do the construction now?"

Under the direction of Mrs. Hooch, an automatic dome was built on the Quidditch pitch at Hogwarts. These domes are like half vertically cut eggshells. When encountering bad weather or external danger, they will slowly rise to cover the sky and protect the students on the court.

After the construction project was completed, the intramural competition soon came. Because Malfoy's arm was still recovering, the game became Gryffindor and Hufflepuff.

The two college teams have almost the same number of varsity players, showing that their strengths are almost the same. Especially Cedric, as the captain of Hufflepuff, he and Harry Potter have a competitive relationship.

Both of them hold the position of seeker in the school team, so many people are discussing privately that this game will determine who will be the starter.

Before the game started, Professor Lupine stopped Rogge: "Take these blood samples." There was a hint of exhaustion in his voice.

Rogge looked at Lupine's pale face and knew in his heart that he had not recovered from the transformation.

"Thank you, Professor." Roger nodded and opened the box carefully.

There was no significant difference in appearance between the blood in the three test tubes. After Lupine's special reminder, Rogge realized that the third branch was taken when he transformed.

Rogge closed the box gently and asked: "Professor, although it is a bit abrupt to say this. But can you let me watch the next full moon?"

"Aren't you... afraid?" Lupine looked at Rogge in surprise and said, "Although Professor Snape's Wolfsbane Potion can keep me sane, my body will still... change."

"If you are bitten by me, you will be infected. This is too dangerous!" Lupine shook his head, trying to reject Rogge.

"But with the wolfsbane potion, you won't hurt others, right?" Rogge smiled, and then said: "If you are really worried, I can make a robe from dragon skin. Even if there is any accident, with the dragon skin No matter how tough you are, you can’t hurt me.”

Looking at Rogge's firm eyes, Lu Ping nodded slightly and agreed. He pointed in the direction of the Whomping Willow and said, "There is a secret passage there. I will take you there then..."

"The Screaming Shack?" Roger continued.

"How do you know?" Lupine's eyes were full of shock. Wizards all over the UK regarded it as a haunted house, and only a few people knew the truth.

"It's not important." Rogge looked at the chasing players on the court and said, "Have you ever thought that Blake entered through a secret passage."

"After all, there is no reason for him not to know the secret passage you know." Although Rogge asked, his tone was full of affirmation.

His words made Lupine think deeply. The last Friday before Halloween was a full moon, and that night he headed to the Shrieking Shack to transform. The next day, Black sneaked into Hogwarts.

The two acted so close together that it's hard to say there was no connection. Especially when they were both at Hogwarts, the three Blacks transformed into Animagus to prevent him from harming themselves.

Lupine's eyes gradually became sharper. He looked at Harry flying on the court, and instantly softened again.

"Mr. Filch, the administrator, once said that he had confiscated a map. But it was later stolen by someone else." Rogge looked at Lupin with a smile. In a sense, the Marauder's Map is indeed an artifact. .

Through it you can view most of the castle. Even guys who date in the bathroom will be exposed by their overlapping footsteps.

Even Dumbledore, who was staying in the principal's office, inevitably appeared on the map. Rogge secretly thought, what magic did the four of them use to do it?

The moment Lupine heard Rogge mentioning the Marauder's Map, his heart beat faster. As one of the creators of the Marauder's Map, he fully understood its powerful surveillance role.

"Maybe the Animagus is still hiding in the castle." Rogge said quietly.

"No...it can't be." Lu Ping's first reaction was disbelief. After all, the principal and professors had turned the school upside down. Even the place where the basilisk was imprisoned: the dark secret room under the bathroom, was searched meticulously by them.

"What if?" A meaningful smile appeared on Rogge's face. He only mentioned Animagus, not Black specifically.

"Hogwarts Castle has a history of more than a thousand years, and I'm afraid there are many secret rooms hidden there. Maybe Black knows some rooms, but you don't." Rogge's eyes passed through the players above the stadium and cast their eyes on the translucent dome. superior.

The dense raindrops were beating crazily, and then merged into streams of water. The dementors high in the sky have already evacuated, so Harry probably has little chance to learn how to protect himself.

"At least the broomstick is saved, isn't it?" Rogge said in his heart. He looked at Lupine who was deep in thought and walked to school holding an umbrella.

People seemed to be drowned in the rain, and the surroundings were so gray that it was difficult to see the road. In the noisy rain, you can feel a unique kind of quietness.

Test stand, microscope, notebook... Roger sat in the Room of Requirement and began to analyze Lupine's blood.

The limit of ordinary optical microscopes is only a few thousand times of magnification. However, the microscope provided by the Room of Requirement in front of him only had a magnification of a hundred times.

He could not return to the Institute of Medicine to analyze the slides with the help of an electron microscope. But he is a wizard, and he has magic that gives him abilities beyond those of Muggles.

"Microscopic lens." Rogge waved his wand, and a string of light burst out from the tip of the wand.

Immediately afterwards, the lens was instantly covered with a bright light film. With the blessing of magic, it has become a transparent bridge for observing the microscopic world.

When the eyepiece and objective lens overlap, the view displayed is somewhat distorted. In order to avoid light distortion, Rogge had to use a "translucent mirror" to ensure that the scene observed every time was the most realistic and clear.

Looking at the microscope blessed by magic, Rogge once again experienced the convenience of magic.

In that distant era, if the law of confidentiality had not been implemented. Today, Muggles can still draw on the power of wizards and magic. Perhaps, there is no need for them to study technology in depth, let alone further build an electron microscope to observe the microscopic world.

For example, it takes decades of hard work to make the surface of the lens smoother. However, find a wizard and use magic spells to help Muggles achieve absolute smoothness in minutes. No matter how you look at it, scientific and technological research is not cost-effective.

Magic belongs to a whole new dimension that can make any investment in technology seem wasteful. The power of magic intervenes in the Muggle world, and technology may stagnate in the next moment.

Rogge was thinking while observing the blood samples on the slides. Not surprisingly, there was no difference between the three types of blood provided by Lupine. If you want to truly observe and study werewolf blood, you must choose a full moon night.

However, in the blood, Rogge discovered a black virus. The virus wraps around normal cells so tightly that it seems to have become an integral part of them.

Thanks to book friend 1700437321053691904 for the coin reward! (The nickname displayed in the background is this...)

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