A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 303 Snape was careless on purpose

Rogge tried to separate the black virus from the cells. He used potions and spells in turn, but to no avail. He tried brewing wolfsbane potion and adding a drop into the test tube, but it did not produce any obvious changes in the blood. Instead, the virus seemed to become more active as a result.

Rogge quickly picked up the remaining Wolfsbane potion, and his brain quickly summarized and analyzed the experiment just now. Finally, he came to an unexpected and reasonable conclusion: "Wolfsbane potion is a stimulant."

He speculated: "Lupine transforms during the full moon, and this change is fixed. If his body changes more violently and completely, it can open a protective path for the brain, allowing the transformed werewolf to remain reason."

"Tsk, Mr. Snape didn't do it on purpose, right?" Rogge said to himself.

Since Wolfsbane Potion is a stimulant, Lupine's nerves and senses will become more acute when he transforms. The remodeling of muscles and the deformation of bones and muscles will all cause terrible pain.

This kind of pain is no different from Lingchi. But Ling Chi is a slow torture, while the werewolf transformation is completed in an instant.

"Transformation has side effects, and with the Wolfsbane potion, the period of weakness may be longer." Rogge secretly suspected that Snape deliberately chose this most painful method when constructing the potion formula.

Although the stimulant solution is the easiest to implement, if side effects are considered, it is entirely possible to formulate other agents to block nerve sensations and thereby reduce the user's pain.

Rogge understood that what he could think of, Mr. Snape, as the master of potions, could also think of it. However, Snape did not do this, and the only explanation is that he did it accidentally and deliberately.

After all, he was often bullied by the James Four when he was a student. Using wolfsbane potion to take revenge was just to collect some interest and soothe the scars of childhood a little.

Although Rogge had the ability to rebuild the potion formula for Lupine or configure auxiliary potions, why would he do it?

First of all, Lupine is just an ordinary professor and has little to do with him. Secondly, the other party has no money and cannot receive half a knut at all. Thirdly, he himself has no objections, so why should he be sentimental?

He stretched his tired body and looked at his pocket watch again. It was only 6 o'clock...

"Huh? Six o'clock? It takes five hours to brew the Wolfsbane potion!" Rogge suddenly thought of something and rushed out quickly.

Looking at the gray sky outside, I realized that I had been immersed in research and stayed up all night.

"Oh, nothing is wrong. Six o'clock in the morning is also six o'clock." He yawned, and a feeling of fatigue suddenly came over him. But there were still classes in the morning, so he could only squint for a while before going to the classroom.

Yesterday's school team game, despite Harry's outstanding performance, still failed to beat Cedric. Hufflepuff won the game fairly and fairly with their aboveboard spirit, leaving nothing to fault.

This made the Gryffindor players depressed as it showed that the other side was stronger than them. Especially Harry, he felt deeply that it was because of his own mistakes that the Golden Snitch fell into the hands of the other party.

Early in the morning, the auditorium was extremely lively. Malfoy threw away the crutches. Although his right hand was bandaged, his laughter continued. He laughed contentedly at Gryffindor's failure, and even took pleasure in not starting at the same time as Harry.

At this time, Sailer flew in from the outside, and the rain on his body splashed everywhere. Its body is burly, like a horned eagle, but it walks with a magical and silly cuteness.

Roger cast a drying spell on it and fed it some food as a reward. Watching Seiler flying away, a happy smile appeared on his face.

According to the training suggestions given on the panel, Seiler not only developed well, but was also able to use the magic power in his body. Although they are all mental skills, and you still have to use its big round eyes to cast spells, it has already taken a big step.

If the training plan is written into a paper now, it will make the magic world re-evaluate the value of owls. And he himself can even become the originator of the use of magic by magical creatures.

But this is my own unique skill, and there is no need to publish it yet. Besides, it’s hard to impress yourself with ordinary honor or wealth.

The package contained a letter from Jessica and a slender box containing the wand. In the letter, his mother told him to remember to go home at Christmas, and also mentioned a strange thing.

A wizard traveling in the United States submitted a photo to the Flash Golem House. There were some strange humanoid creatures in the photo. The skin of these creatures is covered with black scales, and their eyes still have vertical pupils.

The wizard took the photo and sent it to a photography competition.

Rogge looked at the photo in his hand and frowned. The creature in the photo looks like a lizard man. However, their bodies are extremely slender and have some strange tumors growing on them.

"This is really something new, something I've never seen before." Rogge was noncommittal about the photographer's skills, but felt that he should write a paper on this unknown creature. Perhaps, doing so would also earn him some honors or awards.

He opened the box a crack and contained the wand he needed for his nightly operations.

Because Professor McGonagall specially adjusted the class schedule, although Lupine was in poor condition, he did not need to take Grindelwald's place. He and the other professors were very surprised. Everyone felt that Dumbledore and Minerva seemed to be too wary of Professor Green.

It seems that he is not a substitute teacher, but a fugitive from Azkaban.

Snape gave up the competitive Defense Against the Dark Arts class because of the arrival of Professor Green. He had been walking around the castle with a gloomy look on his face lately, and the requirements in Potions class had become more strict and fussy. Rogge didn't know what was wrong with his teacher.

When Lupine walked into the classroom, many students exclaimed at the changes in him. His body was noticeably thinner and his face was pale, but he still had a gentle smile.

The clothes hung loosely on her body, making her look even wider. Rogge muttered to himself, it seemed that the effect of Wolfsbane potion was still very significant, and it seemed that it could also become an effective weight loss product.

"In this class, we're going to learn hinkpunk." Lupine's weak voice echoed in the classroom.

He brought a glass tank with a strange thing with one leg in it. Hinkpunk looked fragile, as if it were made of wisps of smoke that were about to dissipate at the slightest blow.

But Lupine warned everyone seriously: "Have you noticed the lights hanging from its front feet? When travelers walk into the swamp, they will be unconsciously attracted by this light and eventually fall into the depths of the swamp. So..."

The dedicated Lu Ping finished the course completely, dragging his weak body and walking sickly. Rogge felt that Malfoy could use the crutches he didn't use.

It rained continuously in November, and the boundaries between day and night became very blurred. The Whomping Willow in the distance twisted its body from time to time, shaking off the accumulated water on its leaves. Rogge hid his figure and slowly approached this violent guy.

He gently pressed the knot on the trunk, and the writhing Whomping Willow slowly became quiet. A secret hole was revealed at the bottom of the tree trunk.

There is a sliding earth slope at the entrance of the cave, and there is a very short passage at the bottom. Rogge bent over and walked forward step by step, silently counting the steps in his heart. After walking for a long time, I finally saw the way up.

"This distance..." Rogge murmured, "It should have passed through the Black Lake and reached the vicinity of Hogsmeade Village."

The rest of the road was a bit winding, but soon I saw a few blurry lights ahead. It was a small exit that appeared to be located just below the Shrieking Shack.

As soon as Rogge stepped into the door, a black shadow swooped out from the darkness. Rogge turned around quickly and passed by the big black dog. At the same time, he drew the sword of Gryffindor and warned the other party not to mess around.

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