"Sirius Black?" Rogge maintained his fighting posture, his tone was calm, and there was no hint of panic.

Dim light penetrated the wooden shutters, casting a few slender lighting lines inside through the gaps. They hit the haggard figure of the black dog, making his exposed fangs shine with a cold light.

Blake's eyes showed a fierce light, and his gaze was locked on Rogge. Faced with Rogge's temptation, he made no response. As if he wasn't Black, but a real stray dog.

However, he was very curious. Why do students come to the haunted house at night? Is he exploring?

The tunnel leading from Hogwarts to the Shrieking Shack is guarded by the Whomping Willow. Not only do you need to know this secret passage, but you also need to know how to appease the Whomping Willow, or another way to enter. If any of the conditions are missing, entry is impossible. Or is this kid sent by Lupine?

Just when Blake made a low threatening sound, trying to intimidate and drive the other party away. Roger suddenly threw a wand at him, and Blake subconsciously raised his paw to catch the wand.

"Magic wand?" A spark of joy ignited in his heart, thinking about how to erase Rogge's memory with Forgetfulness.

Suddenly, a burst of hearty laughter came from my ears. The laughter was full of ridicule, as if Rogge had discovered something interesting.

"Blake, since you have become a dog, why can't you change your habit of being a human?" Rogge sneered, his tone even more critical: "Dogs hold things with their mouths. But you use your paws to hold the wand. This is like What does it look like?”

The big black dog was stunned for a moment, his huge eyes looking a little confused. He glanced at the wand in his paw, pondering the image of a dog holding something in its mouth, and realized that he had inadvertently revealed his true identity.

Although wizards can transform into animals through the Animagus, it is difficult to completely break away from human habits. After all, the soul in the body is still a human being and cannot degenerate into a complete beast like Nagini.

Compared to Peter, Blake is far behind in this regard. He has been lurking for more than ten years and has never complained in front of a dirty rat.

Blake was silent, and Roger took the opportunity to look around the room. There was chaos all around: wallpaper and furniture were badly damaged. Some of the breaks appear to have been made not too long ago.

Blake stared at Rogge, thought for a moment, and exited the Animagus form. He arched his back and slowly stood upright, showing a sloppy look.

There was a proud smile on his vicissitudes of life, a bit arrogant and unruly. He clutched the wand tightly, ready to cast a spell on Rogge at any time. It was as if holding a magic wand, he could control the little wizard opposite him at any time.

"Black, don't you think the wand in your hand looks familiar?" Rogge raised his head and motioned for him to take a closer look.

Blake's heart skipped a beat, feeling an ominous premonition. He didn't have time to take a closer look just now. Could it be that what the other party threw to him was a prank prop?

When he was studying at Hogwarts, he often used fake wands to fool others. How could I fall for such a simple trick?

Blake took a quick glance, and with just one glance, the uneasiness in his heart became more intense. He was confused because his wand didn't look like this.

But he assured Merlin that he had definitely seen this wand. The distant memory was blurry, but he secretly reminded himself that this wand had appeared in his life.

James? Lily? ...Blake thought of many people, but no one had a wand that could match it.

"Where have I seen it before? Why does it feel so familiar?" Blake's heart was filled with confusion and uneasiness, and he became anxious.

"Walnut shell, dragon heartstring, 12 inches." Rogge smiled and gave him more clues: "The material of the Black family's wand is quite special."

"Walnut shell?" Blake's body froze, and the memories of his childhood slowly swept back.

He finally remembered who the owner of this wand was, it was his sister Bellatrix. When they were children, Bellatrix used to bully him with spells during the holidays.

But wasn't Bella imprisoned in Azkaban? The wand should be in the Ministry of Magic, why is it in the other party's hand? Why did he give the wand to himself?

Countless questions suddenly appeared in Blake's mind, and his eyes became particularly alert. He lowered his voice and said hoarsely: "Where did you get it? What is your relationship with Bellatrix?"

"Don't get me wrong, my last name is Travis," Roger replied.

Blake blinked, the last name seemed familiar. The boy in front of him should belong to a certain pure-blood family.

"I think we should talk." Rogge pulled out his wand and signaled Blake not to get excited.

"Recover as before." He shook his wrist gently, and the broken furniture slowly floated back to its original state.

Rogge moved a round dining table between the two of them, knocked on the golden cup, and asked "Food Manager Riddle" to take out the steaming delicacies.

Blake stared at his unreasonable behavior and swallowed involuntarily when he saw the table full of food. He transformed into a black dog through Animagus, escaped from Azkaban, and swam from the North Sea to the vicinity of the Three Islands.

Once ashore, you have to avoid being hunted by wizards, Muggles and dementors. Not long ago, his traces were discovered by Muggles, causing him to run away in confusion. If the Ministry of Magic had not removed the Dementors, he would have to tiptoe even to steal food from Hogsmeade.

Blake thought about how he was like a bereaved dog, living in panic all day long on the run, and when he saw the abundant food in front of him, his eye sockets couldn't help but feel moist.

"Let's talk while we eat." Rogge handed over a glass of fruity soda and said, "I stayed in Azkaban for eleven years, and the food there is really not for human consumption."

Seeing Rogge cutting off a piece of steak that was crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, Blake sat across from him and thought about the other person's identity.

As the sound of Roger chewing steak echoed in the quiet room, the alluring aroma of meat made Blake swallow unconsciously, feeling as if countless ants were crawling on his skin.

"I prefer well-done steak, so please make do with it." Rogge smiled at Black and motioned for him to relax.

Blake didn't hesitate anymore. He grabbed the food with his hands and wolfed it down.

"Even if I have to fight soon, I have to eat before I eat!" He thought so, and moved his hands faster.

He forcefully stuffed a whole crucible of bread into his mouth, and then drank a whole glass of fruity drink. The ever-changing fruity taste bloomed in his mouth, allowing Blake, who had been tensed up, to finally feel relaxed and satisfied for a moment.

Roger put down his knife and fork and wiped his mouth gently. He just sat there, quietly watching Blake fill his stomach.

"Hiccup... I know you." Black put down his wine glass and stared at Rogge opposite: "The Travis family, and Jessica Lestrange. You were once imprisoned in Azkaban."

"Your mother's family is not the same family as Rodolphus Lestrange." Black couldn't help but burp. He regretted eating too much and was worried that it would be inconvenient during the battle later.

"Yes, I am Rogge Travis." Rogge turned the family tail ring and praised: "Although your sister Bellatrix married Rodolphus, we have no direct relationship. Today's In the British wizarding world, there are very few wizards who can tell the difference between Lestrange and Lestrange.”

Black looked a little serious and said, "Rogg, you are being thought of by a pureblood..."

"Black, I'm not here to listen to your lectures." Rogge waved his hand and interrupted him: "As a fugitive from Azkaban, you are not qualified to be my teacher."

"I was wronged!" Blake was touched by the most painful thing, and his emotions suddenly became excited. He shouted loudly: "I did not commit a crime!"

Rogge picked his ears and said in disgust: "Every wizard who was imprisoned in Azkaban claimed that he was wronged. Bella and other Death Eaters did not think that they had committed crimes.

It's just that he lost and became a prisoner. The winner does not accept judgment, this is the truth. "

"It's the pure blood thing again..."

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