A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 305 Agreement with Black

"Aren't you a pure blood?" Rogge asked provocatively, "Sirius and Black were all brought to you by pure blood. If you really hate pure blood, then you should put your first and last name Throw them all away.”

"Don't enjoy the glory brought to you by the Black family and at the same time despise the pure blood. You are like..." Rogge pondered for a moment and said: "No, you are not even as good as the prostitutes in the red light district. At least they know that they are out for sale. , only talk about price and not about feelings.”

"And you are more like a high-end prostitute who pretends to be a socialite. You dislike your benefactor, but you forget that you also make money while lying down." Rogge looked at Blake with disdain. If he really has the ability to cut meat and bones. Courage, I really respect him as a man.

However, he didn't. He is like a swinger from a wealthy family, enjoying the conveniences provided by the Black family, but claiming that he got it all through his own efforts.

Although Travis and Blake are both members of the Holy Twenty-Eight Clan, there are differences between them. Blake even once became synonymous with status and wealth. Sirius can gain a lot of convenience in the magical world by bearing the Black family name.

Blake lowered his head slightly, lowered his eyebrows, and stared at Rogge with his dark eye sockets. His hands slowly clenched, but he still resisted getting angry.

"Oh, I forgot, the Black family removed you." Rogge suddenly turned to a frivolous tone and continued: "You are really a homeless dog now."


Blake's heart was hurt by Roger's words. He jumped up suddenly and hammered the table hard. The uneaten delicacies were sent flying out and smashed onto the worn carpet, turning into a mess.

"Sirius, don't you have any respect for food?" Rogge shook his head slightly, "The tutors of the Black family are really inferior."

"Perhaps you, like the Weasley family, are pureblood disgrace."

When Blake heard this, he felt extremely uncomfortable. He was expelled from the family, and he also hated the word pureblood. However, when he heard Rogge using him to insult the Black family, the blood in his body boiled involuntarily.

"By the way, don't sneak away to Hogwarts this weekend." Rogge stood up slowly and stood upright in front of Black. "Do you really think you can escape the castle's defense? You have some idea, okay? .You don’t know who built the Screaming Shack, do you?”

Blake was reminded by Rogge and immediately felt that there was something wrong with the house. But when he thought about the other party's Slytherin identity, he felt that he was intimidating him.

"In addition, Harry will go to Brazil to participate in the Quidditch Minor League on the weekend, and he will not go to Hogsmeade." Rogge reminded.

"Second league?" Blake muttered. He had never heard of this tournament before he was imprisoned.

Seeing Rogge leaving, he quickly shouted: "Can you bring me some paper and pen?"

"Don't you have a wand?" Rogge's voice came from the tunnel, "Do you need Professor McGonagall's help in the Transfiguration class?"

Blake grimaced and sat back down. He leaned down. He put his forearms on his thighs and stared at the wand of his eldest sister Bella, thinking silently.

Although he was impulsive, Peter's betrayal made him more sensitive and alert. From the wand, he smelled conspiracy. However, without his wand, he was unable to resist anything. He couldn't refuse and had to take it.

"Slytherin?" Black snorted. This academy was indeed as annoying as ever.

Blake, who is temporarily living in the Shrieking Shack, has been living pretty well these days because of his wand.

During the day, he could wear a hood and sneak into the Hog's Head pub in Hogsmeade. At night, he followed some dark wizards and knocked them unconscious to borrow some money to spend.

He could run back to London and get some money from Gringotts. The goblins will naturally not refuse a big client from the Black family, but they will definitely notify the Ministry of Magic. As for going home, he would never go back until he caught Peter and cleared his grievances.

Although Rogge told him that Harry would go to Castrobushe School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in Brazil on the weekends to participate in a Quidditch match. However, Black didn't trust anyone in Slytherin.

Even Gryffindor's Peter Pettigrew could betray him, not to mention that most of the students defected to Voldemort's Slytherin. He maintained his prejudice against the Snake Yard, believing that the wizards there did not tell the truth.

He turned into a black dog again and secretly wandered around Hogwarts Castle. Back then, he and James were famous at Hogwarts and formed the famous team of marauders.

Everywhere in the school has been invaded by them. They have explored every secret passage. Today's administrator Filch only knows four secret passages, but they know seven.

"Peter and the red-haired boy are in Hogwarts. If you have the Marauder's Map, you can see from it that he is still alive! That traitor!" Black said through gritted teeth.

He took advantage of the darkness to approach Hogwarts from the Forbidden Forest, and then sneaked into the castle. Suddenly, Peeves came in.

"Bad boy!" Peeves walked around the big black dog and shouted in a greasy tone: "I'm going to report to the headmaster."

Blake growled, turned and fled. Peeves smiled happily behind him and did not report to the principal's office.

He tried other methods, but the castle seemed to feel itself and was discovered each time.

The most dangerous time was when Snape was even across the corner from him. Fortunately, a witch said something to him and he managed to escape.

If Snape discovered him, he would definitely try to kill him with the Unforgivable Curse.

The night Harry left for Brazil, Roger came to the Screaming Shack again.

He looked at the newly tidied room, picked up the beer on the table, and teased: "Blake, life is good."

"Where did you get this wand?" Blake stared at him and asked aggressively.

"Of course it was borrowed from the Ministry of Magic." Rogge said with a relaxed look, "Putting it in my hands is definitely safer than the Ministry of Magic which is riddled with holes."

"It will definitely be safer if it's in your hands." Rogge threw a package to Black and said, "Open it and take a look."

Blake hesitated for a moment, then unwrapped the furoshiki, revealing an off-white projector inside. He didn't recognize the thing and examined it carefully with his wand.

"Don't worry, I won't harm you." Rogge sat down calmly and put his legs on the table, as if this was his home court.

Black snorted and said, "I don't trust Slytherin guys."

"Oh, that's such a pity." Rogge said regretfully, "We in the academy are all the best wizards. They are united, reliable, convenient, and achieve great results."

"It's not like Gryffindor at all. It has nothing but courage. Muggles say that courage is the hymn of mankind. But don't you think that betrayal is also a kind of courage? Is betrayal also a hymn?"

Blake remained silent and stopped checking the projector. He turned to look at Rogge, wondering what this guy knew.

"What do you want from me?" Blake said, pushing the wand and projector over.

"Don't be so vigilant, I know you were wronged." Rogge's voice was very soft, but it was no less than a thunder in Blake's ears.

"Although Azkaban has strict management, some birds cannot be imprisoned. After all, the feathers on their wings carry the brilliance of magic." Rogge looked at Blake, whose body was shaking with excitement, and said with relief: "What are you doing this year?" Escape from Azkaban is definitely not a coincidence."

"How many years, how many years!" Blake roared in his heart, finally someone believed that I was innocent!

Blake's eyes widened, tears welling up in his eyes. His hands gripped the edge of the table tightly, his nails turning white from the exertion. His heart was beating wildly, as if it was about to burst out of his chest. A low growl came from his throat, the grievance and pain he had suppressed for many years.

"Why...why you!" Blake asked with a choked voice. He looked at Rogge with red eyes, feeling very uncomfortable in his heart.

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