He wouldn't be surprised if this was said by a Gryffindor or even a Ravenclaw wizard. But coming from a Slytherin's mouth, Black couldn't help but doubt Rogge's purpose.

His heart was filled with complex emotions, including gratitude towards Rogge and embarrassment towards Slytherin.

"No doubt, I do believe you are innocent." Rogge seemed to understand his eyes, and continued: "These are all investments in you."

He pointed to the wand and projector, and threw him a small bag of galleons from his arms: "I have a way to help you prove your innocence."

"Why do you want to help me? What are the conditions?" Blake did not refuse. He really needed help from others now.

Without a wand, he's just a lost dog. Even if it was Slytherin who helped, even if the other person's parents were once Death Eaters.

"Don't look at me with such bitterness and hatred. I'm helping you by helping me. Of course, this may sound a bit high-sounding." Rogge smiled faintly, "To be honest, investing naturally involves returns. I want to Take the one thing your brother Regulus left behind."

"Compared to you, he is more worthy of the surname Black." Rogge looked at Sirius with disgust.

However, Blake didn't notice anything. When he heard his brother's name, he became excited instantly.

"Quiet, Black!" Rogge quickly drew out the Gryffindor sword and pointed it at Sirius, who was about to charge forward.

Blake asked excitedly: "What is it? Tell me?"

His eyes were full of eagerness, and he longed to know what his brother Regulus left behind before he died. His heartbeat accelerated, and the image of his brother appeared in his mind. He gritted his teeth and clenched his hands into fists, looking forward to Rogge's answer.

"Is it important to you?" Rogge shook his head and said mercilessly: "You are no longer in the Black family tree. Whatever Regulus leaves behind has nothing to do with you."

"The wand can help you cast magic, and the magic projector can take pictures and record sounds. As long as you catch Peter and interrogate him, you can prove your innocence to the Ministry of Magic and the Wizengamot."

"If you can afford the consultation fee, I can even hire a defense lawyer for you and let you stand openly in the sun. Escape...no, avoid the punishment of jailbreak." Rogge paused deliberately and let Black take a good break. Digest it.

"You see, my requirements are not high. My investment in you can be said to be generous. At this time, trust is priceless to you."

Black did not object to Rogge's views, nor did he reject his proposal. He thought for a moment and said to Rogge: "The things Regulus left behind must be very important. Tell me and I can give you other things!"

"Oh, what a deep brotherhood." Rogge shook his head and refused: "You, a wizard who loves James more than his family, are you qualified to say this?"

Blake lowered his head, a pained expression on his face.

"Actually, I think Bella is right. You are the least promising person in the Black family." Rogge still did not let him go, mocking: "Smart Black has forgotten the tradition of the Loyalty Curse."

This sentence was like a sharp dagger, piercing Blake's riddled heart.

"I didn't!" Blake shouted loudly, tears streaming down his face.

He trembled and clenched his hands in pain. Although he loudly denied Rogge's accusation, he understood that it was his suggestion that caused the death of James and his wife at the hands of Voldemort.

"Do you know it yourself?" Rogge said indifferently, "Now, do you need these things?"

Rogge pointed at the wand and the projector, and said seductively: "A thing left by Regulus in exchange for your innocence. Anyway, you dislike pure blood, so why are you reluctant to part with it?"

"Besides, that thing doesn't belong to your family in the first place."

Blake put his hands on the table and looked at Rogge in silence for a long time, and finally nodded with difficulty.

There was a determined light in his eyes, and he knew that he could no longer blame himself, but had to prove his innocence. For James and Lily, for Harry, and for myself.

He held the wand tightly and said to Roger: "Yes, I need them. I want to catch Peter and prove my innocence. I want James and Lily to know that I am a brother worthy of their trust."

As for the things my brother left behind, I will take them back when I have the opportunity.

Rogge smiled and nodded, and said: "It's very simple to use. Just click it with the wand and say the photonarroscope to start working..."

Rogge handed him the method of use and turned to leave.

"Wait a minute." Blake stopped him, wanting to say something but unable to open his mouth. Proud Sirius always values ​​himself too much.

"I need...need your help." Blake asked with difficulty.

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, he felt incredible. He actually asked Slytherin for help. Could it be that he was under a curse?

"Of course, Mr. Black." Rogge deliberately pronounced his last name with an accent and said, "As long as the price is right, I can even make a deal with the God of Death."

"To tell you the truth, Voldemort even competed with Harry Potter when he was in first grade. Unfortunately, he was knocked back to the wandering state by Harry and was no longer qualified to trade."

Black's heart suddenly became tense when he heard that Harry and Voldemort met. But when he heard that his godson defeated Voldemort, he couldn't help but puff up his chest with pride.

"Say so, Mr. Black, as long as I can."

"I want you to catch a mouse, the Weasley family mouse with a broken leg! Bring it to me!" Black said one word at a time. Remembering that Peter was still alive, he couldn't help but put it in his back Teeth broken.

"Oh, this is big business. Gryffindor, it's not that easy to break into." Rogge's eyes flashed with a hint of cunning, and he understood the hatred and anger in Black's heart.

He smiled and said: "Since it is Mr. Black's request, I will naturally do my best. However, this is very troublesome. You know, the headmaster cares about Harry very much, and Gryffindor's defense is very tight."

"Except for Ravenclaw's arrogant entrance guard, the other three houses are not so easy to break into."

"Oh, I don't think Slytherin is difficult." Black said unconvinced.

Rogge looked at the smug smile on his lips and said, "Yes, it was really bad before. Thanks also to Harry. If it weren't for him, how would we have a reason to build a new academy tower?"

"I'm afraid it's still as bad as before." Blake said unconvinced.

"Black, on behalf of Slytherin, I warmly welcome you to come and try." There was disdain in his voice. If Black dared to come, the gargoyles on the tower would tear him into pieces.

"Okay, I will. But now I need that rat." Blake was undaunted, always willing to take on seemingly impossible challenges and emerge victorious.

Roger smiled at him, feeling that the other person was trying to make a fool of himself. If Black really wanted to make a move, Snape would definitely greet him with an Avatar.

"I will help you catch that mouse, but we should talk about... the labor fee." Rogge thought for a moment and said to him.

Blake looked at Rogge in confusion, why did this boy come up with strange words from time to time? He had never heard of labor charges. Just looking at the literal meaning, it implies the need for money.

He looked at Rogge with some disdain. No matter how smart he appeared, he was still a poor man short of Galleons. The Black family has never lacked wealth.

"Tell me, how much it is." Blake couldn't help but raise the decibel level, with a hint of teasing in his eyes.

"Money?" Rogge shook his head, "Black, our Travis family is not short of money. Maybe you don't know that your Black family is the real poor."

"Oh, you say we are poor people?" Sirius forgot about his dislike of the Black family at this time and began to consider himself the heir of the family. "Let me tell you, Gringotts's vault contains more than you can earn in your life. Money. Do you know where our family lives?"

"I know, I know, it's not No. 12 Grimmauld Place, a slum where Muggles live together." Rogge smiled contemptuously and said, "As for the galleons in the vault... they can't add value and are the same as the garbage in the sewer." No different."

"What!" Blake screamed, stood up and shouted: "Slums? Ignorant Travis, what do you know! That's the mansion of the oldest, noblest and most famous Blake family in the UK."

Rogge looked at his indignant look and sneered frivolously: "Tsk, tsk, tsk, what does that mean? A ruined noble?"

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