A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 307: Take Kreacher away first

Regarding the word ancient, Rogge murmured in his heart: “In different cultural contexts, ancient and long history often carry multiple meanings. It not only represents the accumulation of wisdom, but sometimes it may also be misunderstood as a symbol of ignorance and backwardness. "

Media like the BBC like to photograph a large country in the Far East from a specific perspective. Everyone focuses on the dusty historical lens, which does not show awe or appreciation for history, but implies derogation.

In the context of both sides of the Atlantic, the more you show that you have a rich history and a long civilization, the more you leave behind a backward stereotype.

Because only uncivilized primitive people can express their art through cave paintings. Really civilized people use strong ships and cannons to communicate.

They selectively ignore high-rise buildings, cross-sea bridges, construction machinery, etc., and prefer to take pictures of historical sites and local people. Everything is a powerful argument for an irrefutable point of view: the Far East is still living in the ancient world, and people would rather choose to be conservative than embrace modern civilization.

Of course, sometimes it looks like a well-meaning person helping you with your external publicity.

"The old... No. 12 Grimmauld Place? Haha, that's really not a good place." Rogge said disgustedly, "The King's Railway Station next to it is noisy and noisy, and the square is full of Muggles. Even the rich Muggles You know, you have to distinguish the villas in the suburbs from the people at the bottom. You Black family are better, tsk tsk, you are so down-to-earth."

Grounded? Sirius heard Rogge's comment and didn't know how to defend it. The entire wizarding world knows that the Black family is notoriously disgusted with Muggles, and they will expel descendants who are close to Muggles from their family tree at every turn.

But in Rogge's words, their family has actually become a role model for being close to Muggles and the Muggle world. However, Blake knew very well that this was not the case at all!

Grimmauld Place is located in northwest London and was a wealthy area hundreds of years ago. But as times changed, there were more and more Muggles around, and they became pure-blood aliens living in the Muggle world.

In a few decades, London's urban areas may become a place where poor people and social animals live. Those who truly control power and wealth will choose to live in private large estates in the suburbs.

Facing Rogge's ridicule, Black felt extremely embarrassed, but could not refute.

If he admits that the Black family is "down-to-earth", wouldn't his resistance to the family's pure-blood philosophy be a joke? But if he refuted the other party's statement, wouldn't he be maintaining the pure-blood tradition of the Black family?

Faced with this dilemma, Black could only change the subject and stop entangled with Rogge. He was worried that if he continued to argue, he would become a staunch supporter of the Black family's pure-blood ideals and a gold medal defense attorney.

Blake took a deep breath, tried to calm down, and asked, "Tell me, what do you want?"

"Your family's house elf, Kreacher." Rogge said softly.

Blake frowned, not sure why Rogge was interested in that disgusting thing that wanted to be chopped off by its owner and hung on the wall after death.

"I don't have the right to inherit the family." Black thought for a moment and said, "I have been removed from the family list by the old lady..."

"Oh, it's okay to use this kind of words to deceive Muggle-born wizards. Your family's removal of you, what does it have to do with your inheritance of family property?" Rogge sneered, and then said: "When your brother is not dead, The inheritance naturally has nothing to do with you. It's a pity that you are the last male of the Black family."

"Your three sisters are all married. Even if some property can be divided, most of the Black family's wealth belongs to you. Real estate, galleons, magic props, land..." Rogge listed them one by one for him. come out.

"It's a pity that the property should be gone." Rogge looked a little regretful, "Those guys with good appetites at the Ministry of Magic never let go of any unowned property."

Black did not refute Rogge's statement, but tried: "Kreacher is already very old, and a house elf is not important to you."

Since the rise of Voldemort, he has parted ways with his family. As for what happened on Grimmauld 12, he had no idea at all.

He stared closely into Rogge's eyes, trying to find the answer in those deep black eyes. He wanted to know why the other party wanted Kreacher.

Black suspected...no, he was even sure that there must be a secret about Kreacher. Otherwise, any magic item in the Black family is more valuable than this aging elf.

His eyes glanced at the school emblem on Rogge's school robe. The green snake embroidery of Slytherin still disgusted him. He was unwilling to accept Rogge's conditions from the bottom of his heart, even though he hated Kreacher very much.

However, at this time, very few people in the entire magical world believed that he was innocent. It happened that the Slytherin in front of him was one of them, and no one except Rogge was willing to help him.

He now couldn't get to Hogwarts Castle or find anyone else to help. He has no choice but to ask Roger for help in capturing Peter.

"Well, it's really not very important." Rogge said with a smile, "But if you want that mouse, you have to bring something to trade."

Rogge looked him up and down and said, "You have nothing now. Even the wand was provided to you by me."

"Perhaps in your opinion, Kreacher is just an insignificant servant. But in my opinion, he maintains the honor of pure-blood wizards."

These words are naturally meant to conceal the true purpose. Only a few people knew about the Slytherin pendant, and Kreacher was a direct participant in the replacement of the pendant. Ask for it and even choose whether to let the old bee drink the potion in the cave.

Compared to Dobby, Kreacher is the outstanding representative of house elves. However, it is really pitiful to meet a master like Blake.

The pendant, Kreacher, Grimmauld No. 12... Sirius has many more wealth. Rogge was very patient and slowly drained away the Black family's wealth. As for where the Order of the Phoenix will hold war meetings in the future and where Harry will live after graduation, it's none of my business.

I, Roger, am just a businessman who likes equal dealings and is clean and honest, and I never force anyone!

"Okay! As long as you bring me that mouse, Kreacher will be yours." Black's face was dark, but he finally accepted Rogge's proposal.

"Don't worry, I will definitely bring that mouse to you." Rogge said confidently.

He was confident he could catch Peter without risking a break into Gryffindor. The method is naturally to find a suitable target in the Weasley family.

Percy, who is about to graduate and find a job, and the twins who owe money are both good choices. It's a pity that the twins seem to think highly of the Weasley family members despite their mischief.

In contrast, Percy is obviously more politically savvy and knows how to make exchanges. A dirty rat, a letter of recommendation from a pureblood family, and Roger believed that as smart as Percy, he knew how to make the best choices.

Although Black and Roger have their own plans, they all have a bright future. In this transaction, everyone gets what they need, and it’s not about who loses and who wins.

The Quidditch match in Brazil went much smoother than everyone expected. Cedric caught the Golden Snitch and brought Hogwarts its second victory. He himself became a big hero on the field.

The senior wizards were discussing with excitement. The girls from Castrobusche surrounded Cedric after the game, allowing him to experience first-hand the enthusiasm and charm of the Latin witches.

Perhaps the only person who wasn't so happy was Harry Potter. Because the victory Cedric brought to the team means that his starting position in the team is more stable. This, for Harry, cemented the cold spot under his butt.

The last minor league game before Christmas was between Hogwarts in the UK and Ilvermorny in the United States. It seems that one of these two magic schools, which have a close relationship, is going to have a less than happy Christmas.

But before the game, Rogge had to watch Professor Lupine transform and get a fresh sample of werewolf blood under the full moon.

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