A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 308 Daphne under the morning light

In the early morning auditorium, with a sudden whirlwind, the owl Sailor rushed in carrying a huge package. The air currents stirred up by its broad wings in the air blew away several wizard hats in the auditorium, and the students looked up one after another, both surprised and curious.

"Sorry, everyone." Rogge quickly stood up and caught Sailer steadily.

Despite this, the huge impact, the heavy package, and the huge owl almost made him stagger. He grasped the package tightly with both hands, feeling the astonishing weight and marveling inwardly.

Daphne looked curiously at the package that was taller than her, and couldn't help blurting out: "Wow, what is this?"

Roger whispered to her: "Swedish Brachysaurus skin."

"Dragon..." Daphne was about to shout out subconsciously, her voice revealing uncontrollable excitement. Fortunately, Rogge shook his head gently and signaled her to keep quiet.

"This is dragon skin! Isn't it a whole piece?" Daphne's eyes were shining with stars, and she looked even more eager than Rogge.

She carefully stretched out her hands and tried to lift a corner of the package, but she almost doubled over due to the heavy weight. Rogge smiled at her and motioned for her to take Sailor over.

"Saylor, have you grown this big too?" Daphne rubbed its thick feathers and pressed her face against it, feeling the warmth coming from the owl.

She saw Roger carrying the package towards the academy and hurriedly chased after him.

As soon as she left the auditorium, Daphne couldn't help shouting loudly: "Wait for me, Roger, I haven't seen Dragon Skin's original appearance yet!"

Rogge motioned for her to hurry up, and the two of them jogged back to the Slytherin Tower. Daphne looked at Roger's dormitory curiously. This was her first time in the wizard's dormitory since the college moved.

"It's too messy here." Daphne looked at the room full of experimental tools, research manuscripts, and magic books and couldn't help complaining.

She fell on Roger's bed without restraint, but felt something disturbing. When I opened the quilt, I saw that it was a large magic book about runes: "The Untold Secrets of Runes and Runes". Beside the pillow, there are some scattered books.

Daphne shook her head slightly and couldn't help but complain: "Roger, why are you throwing the books away?"

"Ah?" Rogge turned to look at her in confusion, smiled and said, "I sometimes look at them at night and put them on the bed if it's convenient."

"Tch, lazy boy." Daphne rolled her eyes at him and waved her wand to arrange the books on the table.

Rogge wanted to tell her that she didn't actually need to help him sort it out. Otherwise, he might not find the book he wants to read.

"Okay, I'll tidy up the room in a moment. Come and see the dragon skin." Rogge said, opening the package, and a folded short-nosed dragon skin appeared in front of the two of them.

Swedish Brachysaurus lives in uninhabited areas in the wild, usually in cold mountainous areas. They are very beautiful and have a silver-blue appearance. Not only can it fly quickly, but it can also spit out dazzling blue flames from its nostrils, turning wood and bones into ashes in an instant.

The hide of the Brachysaurus is highly prized in the wizarding world, and the resulting gloves and other tools are favored by wizards. In order to watch Lupine transform into a werewolf and obtain experimental information under the full moon, Rogge purchased this Brachysaurus skin from a Swedish dragon farm.

"So big! It must be a whole piece, right?" Daphne eagerly unfolded the dragon skin, occupying a third of the room. The soft feel of the dragon skin and its silver-blue appearance instantly made her fall in love with it.

"No, probably less than one-third." Rogge squatted down and inspected it carefully, confirming that it was the softest leather on the dragon's belly and that there were no obvious scars.

In the magic world, the uniform price of dragon liver is 3 galleons per jar, but the price of dragon skin is much more complicated. Especially the dragon skin under the belly of the dragon is popular for its softness and toughness, and the price is relatively high. The piece of dragon skin in front of him cost Rogge a full 100,000 Galleons.

"Roger, why did you buy the dragon skin? Do you want to make the bed?" Daphne fell on the dragon skin, turned over comfortably, and made a "big" sign.

"How can I have such luxury?" Rogge shook his head and continued: "I am going to hand it over to Fengya Wizard Clothing Store and let them make a robe for me."

"Magic robe?" Daphne crossed her legs and looked at Dragon Skin and then at Rogge.

"I've only seen dragon skin gloves, and I've never heard of anyone using a whole piece of dragon skin to make a robe." Daphne sighed, "You're not going on an adventure, are you? Take me with you, okay?"

She jumped up and took Rogge's hand, pointed at the dragon skin and said: "You can make it into two shields. Although the protection is not as comprehensive as the robe, with this lady here, you can definitely ensure your safety!"

Roger looked at Daphne's confident smile and couldn't help but laugh. He really wasn't taking risks, but adding a layer of insurance to his own safety. After all, it is essential to be on guard against others. If Lu Ping suddenly gets angry, he will give you a bite and it will be too late to regret.

He looked at the dragon hide and thought about what Daphne said. Although making a shield is cost-effective, it cannot stand up to the handsomeness of the robe.

"When you learn how to protect yourself with armor, then you can protect me." Rogge lightly tapped her forehead and firmly shook his head in refusal.

The corners of Daphne's mouth suddenly turned downwards. She pursed her lips in dissatisfaction and whipped out her wand, intending to strike a funny blow at Rogge. However, before she could make a spell-casting action, her wrist was firmly controlled by Rogge.

Daphne was particularly unconvinced and tried to break away but found that she couldn't resist. So she raised her leg and kicked, intending to fight back.

Rogge reacted quickly, blocked her movement, pushed her to the wall, lowered his head and asked, "Who did you learn self-defense from?"

The morning light shines warmly through the tower windows. Daphne looked up and stared into Roger's bright eyes, her cheeks flushed. She turned her head slightly and whispered, "I won't tell you!"

"The next time you attack with a wand, remember not to be so close to the target. Wizards, you are very vulnerable in close combat." Rogge reminded softly, and then released her wrists.

"Hmm~" Daphne lowered her head and responded. Watching Rogge turn around to tidy up the dragon skin, she suddenly stopped him and said, "Rogge."

"What's wrong……"

Before Rogge finished speaking, Daphne suddenly grabbed his tie and pulled hard, causing their faces to get closer involuntarily.

Daphne closed her eyes and pressed her soft red lips against her, raw and hot. She put her hands around Roger's neck and pecked awkwardly.

Roger took the initiative to hold Daphne in his arms, and the sunlight shone into the room, becoming even hotter and fiercer.

Daphne blushed and wanted to leave, but was hugged tightly by Roger and couldn't escape. Her breathing was a little heavy, and her voice was so low that it was almost inaudible: "All the seniors at Pudifu Tea Shop are like this, and the witches from the Charm Club taught me..."

She suddenly stared at Rogge tightly and said fiercely: "You, you can't laugh at me!"

"Whoever laughs at you, I'll beat him up." A smile appeared on Rogge's lips, their noses touched, breathing each other's warmth.

They stared at each other quietly, and could see their own reflections in each other's eyes. At this moment, it seemed that time and space had completely stopped.

"Roger." Daphne called softly.

"Yeah." Rogge responded.

"I like you." Daphne lowered her head involuntarily.

"Me too." Rogge pressed her lips passionately, and they reluctantly parted in sweetness until the bells in Clock Square rang.

"Hmph!" Before Daphne left, she gave Rogge a hard stomp. Then he fled in a panic with a red face, leaving only Roger gasping for air and groaning in pain.

"Daphne, you are still so heavy!" Rogge supported the wall and slowly walked out of the tower.

"I'm afraid I'm going to be late for today's class." He looked at Daphne's back as she ran to class in a panic, and for a moment he forgot about the pain in his feet.

Walking into the Transfiguration classroom, Professor McGonagall noticed that Rogge was injured and did not criticize him too much. He just asked him to sit down quickly. Daphne, who was sitting in front, lowered her head and did not dare to look back. Even after class, he left in a hurry and never mentioned anything risky.

I have a cold, but I don’t seem to have a cold... If I do, wait for me to drink hot water and start reading Chapter 2 right away

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