A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 309 Dragon Skin Robe

On the last weekend of November, the Scottish Highlands are covered in snow. Hogwarts Castle and the continuous Forbidden Forest are also covered in silver winter costumes.

After some consideration, Professor McGonagall finally lifted the ban on the students, including Malfoy, and they could finally spend the weekend in the Wizarding Village. As for Harry Potter, although he did not have a consent form, he quietly came to the village to play with the help of the Marauder's Map and the Invisibility Cloak.

However, not everyone is immersed in this joy. Hagrid was in an unusually low mood because Buckbeak's executioner, sent by the Ministry of Magic, had arrived. The hooded executioner was sitting by the flower bed in the foyer, silently sharpening the huge blade that was about to carry out the task.

Walton held the cold whetstone and sharpened the huge blade into bursts of cold light. Before arriving, he received a mysterious letter. The other party intended to buy the body of the hippogriff, hoping that he could give it to the house elf.

He sharpened the knife quietly, but his thoughts were racing in his heart, secretly guessing that the other party might want to buy it back and make it into a specimen.

"Sir, this is the ownership document for the Hogwarts train..."

Hearing Minister Amelia's voice, Walton stood up immediately, with respectful Hou beside him.

Since Amelia took over as minister, this decisive witch has quickly reorganized the Auror team. Those Aurors who failed the assessment were cleared out of the Law Enforcement Department by her without mercy.

Although there was considerable criticism of her behavior within the Ministry of Magic, no one dared to refute Amelia's decision when it came to herself.

"Amelia, this..." Dumbledore took the scroll and asked curiously: "When you came last time, didn't you say that the special train must be managed by the Ministry of Magic?"

"Of course." Amelia nodded to confirm, and then added: "This has not changed. The management of the train still belongs to the Ministry of Magic. However, this is the ownership of the train."

Amelia smiled and explained: "The dispute between us about the special train actually focuses on who is responsible for the safety of the train.

Whether it is the Law Enforcement Department or other departments of the Ministry of Magic, we have full confidence in protecting the safety of children. The Ministry would never give in on this point. "

"However, the Hogwarts Express, as an asset, can be traded. Now, it belongs to Hogwarts in terms of property relations."

Dumbledore nodded to express understanding and asked curiously: "I wonder who bought it..."

"Your school board." A trace of surprise flashed in Amelia's eyes. She was keenly aware that Dumbledore's relationship with the school board was not close. "They entrusted me to deliver the documents to the principal of Hogwarts. , I hope the school can assign professors to be responsible for asset security.”

Dumbledore looked down at the documents in his hand, watched the backs of Amelia and the executioner leaving, and sighed helplessly.

Buckbeak's execution was much quicker than expected. On the one hand, it was the pressure from the Malfoy family, and on the other hand, it was the minister's resolute style of conduct.

In Hagrid's hut, Buckbeak lay on a worn patched sheet, his huge wings folded at his sides, feasting on a plate of dead ferrets.

Hagrid listened helplessly as Amelia read out the verdict, and looked at Buckbeak, who was being led away by Walton, as if he had been struck by the Cruciatus Curse, and collapsed weakly on the ground.

"Hurry up, the Ministry of Magic has other matters to deal with." Amelia ordered.

"Yes, Sir Minister." Walton respectfully watched Amelia leave, and then led Buckbeak towards the Forbidden Forest.

A black cloth bag covered Buckbeak's head, and Walton raised his knife to draw a stream of cold wind. With a click, the hippogriff lost its head, leaving its body spurting blood.

"Where's the promised elf?" Walton said to himself.

"Hello, sir." Bubble looked at Walton with a smile and threw him a money bag.

Walton was startled by the sudden appearance of bubbles, and was almost hit by a falling machete when he took the money bag. After checking the Galleons in his purse, he put it into his arms with satisfaction.

Looking at the elf holding the body, he threw the eagle head over and asked curiously: "Did the owner of your family buy the Hippogriff's body to make a specimen? Why don't you want the head?"

"The owner wanted to taste the hippogriff, so he bought it to make jerky. There is less meat on the head, so there is no need to process it." Bubbles kicked Buckbeak's head away in disgust, and then disappeared into the air. .

Walton was a little surprised. It turned out that the other party spent money to buy the hippogriff just to taste its taste.

"These rich pure-blood wizards are so abominable!" He patted the money bag in his arms, grabbed a ball of snow from the ground, and slowly wiped the blood-stained blade.

Rogge, who was in the Fengya Wizard Clothing Store, was suddenly startled and looked at the empty place beside him. The invisible Bubble was right there. Just now he gently pulled on his sleeve to indicate that the mission was completed.

Rogge told it softly: "Make it into jerky. You want it in three flavors: honey, spicy, and original."

"Sir, your robe is ready." Ms. Reina held out the dragon skin robe with an envious face and praised: "You are really generous. Using a whole piece of dragon belly soft skin to make the robe is really... It’s expensive.”

The appearance of dragon skin robes is breathtaking. The entire robe is a deep silver-blue color, soft and extremely shiny. The natural texture of the dragon skin breathes on the robe, as if outlining the traces of magic flowing through it. Ms. Reina specially decorated the cuffs and neckline with exquisite dragon scales, which are shining and reveal a mysterious atmosphere.

Rogge nodded with satisfaction and put on the robe. Instantly, a powerful warmth surged into his body, causing beads of sweat to break out on his forehead. He felt that his body was much lighter, as if he could float in the air with a slight jump.

You must know that Brachysaurus is a fire dragon and has certain blessings on fire magic. Ms. Reina sincerely praised: "If you wear it and cast a blazing flame, you will be as terrifying as a dragon."

She pointed to the magic mirror next to her and said, "The students at Hogwarts are so smart that they can invent a magic mirror that can be changed at will. I heard that Susan who invented it came from Hufflepuff, which is really unexpected." "

"You look so handsome in it." Ms. Reina looked at Rogge in the mirror wearing a dragon skin robe and nodded with satisfaction.

She went on to introduce the magic on the dragon skin robe: "Although the dragon skin on the abdomen has no scales, it is more than enough to resist ordinary damage. This dragon skin robe has its own cleaning magic, and it can also automatically adjust its size according to your body."

"Because most of the materials are used to perfect the repair magic of the robe, the rest can only be used to make a cloak." Reina said while showing another equally exquisite dragon skin cloak.

"Thank you, madam." Rogge was very satisfied with Ms. Lena's craftsmanship, and she was worthy of opening a chain store in the magic world.

He asked Ms. Reina to wrap the dragon skin cloak in a gift box. Lena smiled and asked which witch he wanted to give as a Christmas gift?

After bidding farewell to the joking Ms. Lena, Rogge picked up the custom-made quill at the Literary Residence. In addition to these, he also had to prepare other Christmas gifts.

Looking at the long list on the parchment, Roger felt a little headache: "Oh, the gifts given every year cannot be repeated, and they must be thoughtful. It is really challenging."

Fortunately, except for Christmas gifts, there is no need to worry about other holidays. Rogge muttered, and suddenly saw Blake waving to him at the corner.

"The red-haired kid from the Weasley family is out." Black pointed at Ron at the corner of the street, who was staring at the plump Ms. Rosmerta in a daze.

"Now would be a good time to catch that... rat."

"Today?" Rogge shook his head, "Christmas is coming soon, let's talk about it after the New Year."

"New Year's Eve? Do you know that I..." Blake looked at Rogge dumbfounded, he was still waiting to use Peter to clear his grievances.

Rogge shook his head and refused: "Tonight is the full moon, and I have to go find Professor Lupine to study the werewolf virus. Besides, the sky is big and the New Year is the biggest. Don't you need to prepare Christmas gifts?"

I feel dizzy. I may take leave tomorrow...T,,T

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