A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 310 Fresh Werewolf Blood Sample

When Blake heard the words "Christmas present," he couldn't help but fall into deep thought. His eyes fell on the little wizards running happily in Hogsmeade, but his thoughts drifted to his godson Harry Potter.

At the Hog's Head recently, he had heard a lot about Harry's life and experiences. Especially when he learned about Harry's almost abusive life with the Dursleys, he almost couldn't resist returning to London immediately and giving them each an Avada.

"Christmas gift?" Black thought, and suddenly his eyes brightened and he said, "I remember you are going to participate in the minor league. I can give Harry a Firebolt as a gift..."

"Ahem, although it's rude to interrupt you." Rogge shook his head and reminded him: "The Hogwarts school team uses broomsticks provided by the board of directors. If you don't want Harry to appear too special and cause other Due to the distaste of my teammates, I suggest you consider this decision carefully.”

Blake's expression changed slightly and he whispered: "I'm giving Harry a Christmas gift, who have the right to interfere with it?"

"That's up to you." Rogge nodded, turned around and left.

"Wait a minute." Black pulled him over and said, "I can sponsor the Hogwarts school team."

"Oh?" Rogge's eyes flashed with a cunning light, and he asked tentatively: "Seven Firebolts?"

Blake nodded and said firmly: "Yes! Seven Firebolts!"

“It’s great and the school and players will certainly appreciate the Black family’s generosity.”

"I..." Blake smacked his lips. He wanted to say that this had nothing to do with the family.

However, the pile of galleons in Gringotts' vault was indeed family property. Since he graduated, he always hung out with James and never worried about money.

"Whatever you say." He grunted unhappily, and then asked: "You want to find Lupine to study the werewolf virus on a full moon night?"

Rogge nodded, looked at Black's surprised expression, and explained: "The professors all know that he is a werewolf, and my mother Jessica is a member of the school board and must know about the new professor. You may not know, Hogwart Ci’s Defense Against the Dark Arts professor always has bad luck.”

"I heard, Rita's bastard said it was a curse." Although Blake agreed with Rita's statement, he was full of resentment towards her.

He reminded: "Lupine will become very violent when he turns into a werewolf, always trying to attack something. Aren't you afraid?"

"Why are you afraid?" Rogge was very confused. "Teacher Snape gave him wolfsbane potion. Although it can't prevent him from transforming, it can at least keep him sane when he turns into a werewolf."

"Who are you talking about?"

"Mr. Snape."

"Snape?" Black stared at Roger with squinted eyes, unable to believe every word he just heard. That Slytherin freak actually knew how to prepare potions for Lupine.

"The principal's order." Rogge sighed, "A bottle of Wolfsbane potion is very expensive, and one bottle needs to be used every month. Even if Lupine is sold, he can't afford it. Not to mention, Wolfsbane potion It was specially developed for him..."

Blake's face became increasingly gloomy as he listened to Rogge's words. Their mortal enemy, Snape, was kind enough to provide Lupine with the potion. If he were Lupin, he would rather die than accept Snape's "goodwill gift".

"How much."

"Huh?" Rogge looked at him puzzled, a little confused: "What do you mean?"

Blake turned to stare at him and repeated seriously: "How much does a bottle of wolfsbane potion cost?"

"Ha, you don't want to owe my teacher a favor?" Rogge sneered and said in a slightly joking tone: "The material cost is about 5 Galleons, and the production cost of 10 Galleons is not excessive, right? As for the formula... that is priceless. .

You have to know that this is the first potion in the entire magical world that is effective against werewolves. After all, no potion master is too full to research potions for werewolves. "

"Hmph." The corner of Blake's mouth twitched. He stared at Roger coldly, knowing that those prices just now were just random talk.

However, Rogge was right about one thing. In the entire magical world, no potion master would research potions for werewolves. For this reason alone, the recipe for Wolfsbane Potion is priceless.

"I will pay for the medicine on Lupine's behalf." Black said in a sullen voice.

The full moon slowly emerged from behind the mountain. Rogge, wearing a dragon skin robe, waited quietly in the Shrieking Shack. Blake used the phantom spell to hide aside, preparing to meet his old buddy.

After a short time, Lupine, who looked nervous, got into the house through the Whomping Willow tunnel. Although he had to undergo transformation every month, after drinking the Wolfsbane potion, his pain increased tenfold and a hundredfold.

Lupine felt a little strange when he saw the neat furnishings in the room. Thinking that Rogge had arrived here earlier, he presumed that he had tidied the room, so he didn't think much about it.

He stared into Rogge's eyes and solemnly reminded: "No matter what happens, don't come close to me!"

"I understand, professor." Rogge nodded and checked his experimental equipment again. Everything is ready, just waiting for Lupine to transform under the moonlit night.

Finally, the full moon hung in the sky, the bright moonlight illuminated the snow-white earth, and the world was dyed with a layer of crystal white light.

Lupine let out a miserable cry, his eyes were bloodshot, and his whole body was bent in pain.

Ah... Lupine's pain became more and more intense, and he couldn't help but howl, and his body twisted and spasmed uncontrollably.

The whole person slowly and gradually changed, and the flesh and blood were torn apart and reorganized. Black hair grew out of his skin, and his fingers suddenly stretched out and turned into sharp claws, scratching the ground with a squeaking sound. His teeth became sharp and his lips turned up, revealing a terrifying werewolf look.

His clothes were stretched to pieces, muscles and bones stretched and deformed in unnatural ways. Every breath felt like it was tearing his lungs apart, every heartbeat felt like it was pounding against his ribs.

Lupine's pain was beyond what he could bear. His vision began to blur, and there was a buzzing in his ears. However, his consciousness was sharper, and every pain in his body could be clearly and clearly felt. He resisted with difficulty and screamed in pain.

Even as a bystander, Rogge could feel the heartbreaking pain. It was as if a fierce ghost lived in the shack, and sounds from hell were constantly squeezed out of its throat.

The stool next to him was suddenly knocked over, and Rogge kicked it there, reminding him: "Now you are the murderer."

Black, who was invisible, calmed down and stared at the pain of his brother Lupin, clenching his fists involuntarily.

His body continued to deform, with wolf manes growing on his face, his back bulging, and a wolf tail forming behind his tail vertebrae. His eyes were bloodshot and red, but clear.

"Aww (Rogg, I'm fine)..." Lupine shouted to Rogge.

Rogge nodded and motioned for Lupine to extend his wolf claws. He put on his dragon skin gloves, accurately punctured the werewolf's skin and took out some of the blood.

"Professor, I also need some saliva." Rogge handed over a small bowl and explained: "Werewolves transmit the virus through bites. Your saliva contains components that I need to analyze."

Lupine agreed and provided the required materials according to Rogge's request. He looked at Rogge who was studying seriously at the test table, lying weakly on the sofa and panting.

Every time I take Wolfsbane potion, when I transform, I feel like my heart is being pierced by thousands of knives at the same time. Although he understood that these pains were probably Snape's revenge, he still wanted to say thank you to him.

Under the moonlight, Lupine's blood shone with crystal light. It was the special magic given by the full moon, which made some unknown component in the blood shine. Rogge showed a smile that was true. He finally caught the tail of the werewolf virus.

"Aliens separate, and likes unite..." He picked up the wand and cast a spell on the blood sample, not worrying that the sample would be destroyed. After all, Lupine was right across the street and he could get fresher samples at any time.

After working for several hours, Rogge finally extracted a few strands of blue floc from the blood sample. They float in the test tube, looking both beautiful and sinister.

My health is fine, two updates today

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