"Found it, Professor." Rogge showed the test tube to Lupine and introduced excitedly: "This is the switch that activates the virus during the full moon. As long as you remove it, although the virus will continue to exist in your body, you will no longer The full moon transforms and it is no longer contagious.”

Lupine jumped up excitedly, but the wolf's legs went weak and he almost fell down. Roger looked at his pitiful look and could only say that Mr. Snape was quite vindictive.

"However, this may also lead to death. I'm afraid tonight's experiment can only go so far." Rogge pointed at the moon outside the window, most of which had been eaten by the horizon.

As soon as he finished speaking, Lupine began to slowly return to his human form, his werewolf features gradually fading away. The pain of transformation hit him again, Lupine gritted his teeth and endured it.

"Such a strong willpower." Rogge admired sincerely.

In this world, the power of magic is closely related to emotions. Lupine's strong willpower proves from the side that his magical strength cannot be underestimated.

The blue floc in the test tube also disintegrated as the moon disappeared, leaving only a few white marks at the bottom of the test tube.

"At least we have some clues." Lupine was draped in a blanket, forcing a smile on his face.

Rogge nodded and gave him the test tube: "Yes, this is a good start. I believe that some kind of substance or structure inside will allow me to control the blood curse with the help of the power of the full moon."

"Professor, I'm going to class first."

Lupine nodded and watched Roger leave completely. Suddenly, he fell to the ground and fell unconscious. Black, who had been invisible all night, appeared in the room. He carried Lupine to the sofa and quickly chased him out.

"Roger, wait a minute!" Black shouted from under the Whomping Willow.

"Shh!" Rogge turned and stared at him sternly, "Sirius, this is Hogwarts, and I don't want to be regarded as a harborer by the Ministry of Magic."

"I am innocent……"

"Then you have to prove your innocence first." Rogge scolded him, and then said: "We agreed to catch mice after the New Year, so don't be in a hurry."

"That's not it." Black asked with a sad face: "Why is Lupine so painful when he transforms? I have seen him transform and spent the full moon night with him. Even if he falls into weakness after transforming, he never This will happen!"

"Then you don't have to ask about the effects of Wolfsbane potion." Rogge looked at Black as if he were a fool, and asked himself about the things you did to Snape. It would be a mercy of Snape not to take your skins and make them into coats.

Black reacted quickly and accused angrily: "Snape did it on purpose!"

"How about you find another potion master to prepare potions for Professor Lupine?" Rogge saw that Black was silent and waved his hand: "I'm going to class first. If you have anything else to do after the New Year, we'll talk about it."

"One more thing!" Blake grabbed his sleeve and stared at him with burning eyes: "Can you solve the werewolf virus problem?"

"No." Rogge said firmly, "And it's not necessary."

"But I just saw it clearly..." Blake was a little confused.

"That's to solve the blood magic curse." Rogge turned to look at Black and explained: "I have a potion that has already had an effect on the blood magic orcs. Unfortunately, it is only part of it and requires more in-depth research."

"It just so happens that the werewolf is also a kind of beast, and its transformation process is very similar to that of the blood monster. As you just heard at the Shrieking Shack, there is a mysterious substance in Professor Lupine's blood. You can think of it as Switch. When the full moon comes, it turns on, allowing the professor to transform."

"To solve this matter, further experiments are needed, but it is completely different from my current research direction."

"I don't understand." Blake looked at Rogge doubtfully.

Rogge sighed and had no choice but to explain further: "The Blood Orcs are a magical curse, not a virus. I need to graft the switch onto them and use the power of the full moon to suppress the power of the curse."

"You can think of that switch as a black box, and I don't need to decipher how it works. I just need to take it and use it.

But if you want to close it, you need to completely analyze the structure of the box. This kind of detailed research is not a mature Animagus transformation formula or magic spell learning, it requires a lot of time and energy..."

Blake became more and more confused as he listened, but he understood that Rogge only understood werewolves in order to solve another problem. Rogge is unwilling to put in the effort to solve the werewolf virus in Lupine.

"I can fund your research." Black interrupted Rogge and said sincerely: "Whether it's galleons or magic materials, I can fund you."

As the heir of the Black family, he had the confidence to say this.

"This is not a matter of money." Rogge shook his head and told him: "My graduation topic is about blood curse, not werewolves."

"Graduation project?" Blake had never heard of this when he was a student.

"Ha, I forgot, your potion skills are so bad. You can only do some after-school homework, something like playing house. Telling you this is really a joke." Rogge shook his head helplessly.

Black heard Rogge's unabashed insult and wanted to punch the kid. He took a few deep breaths to calm down his inner restlessness and said, "What about after you graduate?"

"After graduation?" A smile appeared at the corner of Rogge's mouth, which made Blake tremble all over. Roger actually wanted to ask him, will you still be there after I graduate?

"Let's talk about it after graduation..."

"No!" Black understood that this was a polite rejection and said quickly: "Lupine is your professor, can't you help him out of compassion?"

"Compassion?" Rogge couldn't help but raise his voice and mocked: "When you were playing pranks back then, where did your compassion go?"

"Sirius, don't say the word compassion to me so hypocritically. You and I are both pure blood, and the words selfishness flow in our blood... Don't rush to refute me yet!"

Rogge waved his hand to interrupt him, and then continued: "As for revenge, you are only doing it for the James couple, never for the Muggles who died innocently. Those who died without their bodies in the explosion, I'm afraid you In my eyes, it’s not as important as one of Peter’s broken fingers.”

"You, you know..." Blake's voice was full of shock, his eyes fixed on Roger, as if he couldn't believe that anyone could find Peter's trace.

"A mouse that has lived for twelve years, he thinks he is an African naked mole rat?" Roger sneered ruthlessly, "Actually, I wanted to do some research with the Weasley family mice last year, but it was a pity that the other party was unwilling."

"I...I can help you!" Blake took a deep breath and said firmly: "I am also an Animagus."

Rogge smiled and shook his head. Last year, his research on Blood Curse was in trouble and it took various attempts to find the right direction. But now, he has a clear research route and does not need Black's help.

Looking at Black who was looking frustrated and about to turn around and leave, Roger suddenly called out to him: "Sirius, there is actually one more thing you can help with."

"No, it should be said to help Professor Luping."

"What?" Blake's eyes widened with surprise on his face.

"I need you to help me find some werewolves as experimental subjects. Let's first say that these werewolves will probably not survive. Although Professor Lupine has expressed his willingness to sacrifice his noble character, he is still a professor, and I am not very good ..." Rogge chuckled. The morning light filtered through the tree trunks and scattered on his face, leaving some shadows.

"I contacted a Russian wizard, his name is Alexander." Rogge handed him a note with an address written on it, and whispered softly, "He has locked the target and is preparing to take action before Christmas."

"You can rest assured that the targets we have selected are all extremely evil people. Killing him is saving lives." Rogge said with relief.

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