Hearing what Rogge said, the depressed mood in Blake's heart eased a little. Although he had doubts about Rogge's words, he preferred to believe it.

In fact, this is really not a lie that Rogge said. Most werewolves are anti-social and vicious villains who do all kinds of evil, often hurting innocent children and even deliberately biting them.

Those children who could not bear the pain died in the arms of their parents, while the surviving children became the next generation of werewolves. Behind the hatred of werewolves in the magical world is a blood debt. Kind-hearted werewolves like Professor Lupine are really rare, and only one appears in thousands of years.

Rogge said firmly: "Except for helping to catch these harmful werewolves, we will not need any other funding for the time being."

"Thank you." Blake's tone was sincere, and his impression of Rogge changed slightly.

It's a pity that Rogge never cared about what he thought of himself, nor whether he and Lupine could survive.

"The next full moon will be the day after Christmas. I hope you won't keep me waiting." Rogge waved his hand gently and walked leisurely into the campus under the early morning sunshine.

His thoughts kept wandering back to last night's research. He saw traces of runes in those blue flocculent substances, like the art of nature, dancing with the wind.

These naturally formed traces have been described in detail in "The Indispensable Secrets of Runes and Runes". Early wizards would record incomplete lines through in-depth observation of nature, and then imitate them to form runes.

As for the magic of the full moon, he also accidentally found relevant documents in the corner of the library. The moon is tidally locked, the unobservable dark moon... and a mysterious item called pyroxene, which connects the moon with The wizard forms a stable triangle.

The Full Moon and Dark Moon sit at the bottom like two guardians, connected by a circle of lunar phases. The wizard is at the top, feeling the magical power of the moonlight through the pyroxene. It is a kind of magic derived from nature, which is more primitive than the elemental magic mastered by Rogge.

Unfortunately, this ancient knowledge has been lost, and Rogge can only find some sporadic clues in the dust of history. But he was not discouraged, because he did not need to completely analyze those natural traces. He could access the magic of the full moon by forming runic phrases like the ancestors in the book.

In December, Hogwarts Castle was covered in snow, and the interior was a joyful and lively scene. Most of the little wizards have no intention of going to class. They are full of expectations for the upcoming Christmas vacation and have already begun to plan many exciting plans.

At the long table in the auditorium, some senior wizards were whispering about going to Brazil together to have an adventure in the tropical rainforest.

While most people are thinking about the winter vacation, the school team players are taken to the training ground by the enthusiastic Mrs. Hooch. They are going all out to make the best preparations for the last game before Christmas.

There were many spectators sitting around the stadium. The wizards were enjoying the snowy scenery of the Scottish Highlands and cheering for the wonderful cooperation among the players.

Mrs. Huo Qi was riding on a broom, holding a stack of thick information tightly. She introduced her opponent's situation in detail: "Ilvermorny Magic School is located in Mount Greylock in North America. Like us, it also has four academies."

"Coach, do they also have a Sorting Hat?"

"No, there are four statues." Mrs. Hooch explained. "The founder of their school was a student of Hogwarts. Although there is no sorting hat, the statues are used to hold entrance ceremonies and allocate new students."

"According to records, freshmen will stand on the Goldie's Knot in the hall when they enter school. Whichever college accepts him, the statue of that college will shine brightly..."

"Coach, what if the statues of the four colleges are lit up?" Malfoy asked curiously.

"This...I haven't found any relevant records about this." Mrs. Ho Qi frowned, shook her head in embarrassment, and said, "Well, the team sent by Ilvermorny this time is from Thunderbird College."

"Thunderbird Academy?" The players were talking a lot, wondering what kind of Quidditch opponent it was.

Rogge, who was listening, muttered softly: "I'm definitely not selling mice."

"This academy is similar...similar to Gryffindor." Mrs. Hooch thought for a long time, trying to give the players a general impression: "They are all wizards who like adventure."

But she carefully studied the introduction of Cat and Leopard Academy. They represented heroic warriors, and this image was actually closer to Gryffindor. Mrs. Huo Qi fell into deep thinking, and in the end she could not distinguish the difference between the two colleges.

In addition, among the four major colleges in Ilvermorny, there is also the Horned Water Snake College. Although they have a snake-shaped emblem similar to Slytherin, they are closer to the wise Ravenclaw.

The last one is Pukechi Academy. The statue of their academy is actually a wizard holding a bow and arrow. What confuses Mrs. Huo Qi even more is that this college actually trains doctors.

Mrs. Hooch was really confused by the information, but she could see some clues from the teams sent by the other side: the internal fighting between the four colleges in Ilvermorny was more direct and serious.

Even the disunited Hogwarts can integrate players from the four houses to form a team that represents the school. However, Ilvermorny can only send out teams from a certain college, which shows the tension and opposition in its internal relations.

"Their mascot is the thunderbird, which is a rare bird that can help wizards detect dangers around them. More importantly, it is good at flying and can even affect the weather through its own emotions." Mrs. Huo Qi looked at it seriously The team members warned: "This is a powerful enemy that cannot be underestimated. They are honing their Quidditch skills with the assistance of Thunderbirds."

"We must not take it lightly! For Hogwarts!" Mrs. Hooch's voice was loud and full of inspiring enthusiasm.

"For Hogwarts..."

"For Christmas!"

Suddenly, someone shouted loudly, and everyone laughed in unison. No one wants to lose before Christmas, but they promise to do whatever it takes to make sure the Thunderbirds get home safely before Christmas.

In the last rune lesson before the competition, the little wizards’ minds were focused on fun things such as snowball fights, Hogsmeade, and flying broomsticks.

However, Professor Bathsheda, with her firm and garrulous words, exhorted them to refocus their attention on the task at hand, which was to carve clear zeros to nines on the clay tablets.

The little wizards held chisels in one hand and wooden hammers in the other, and they carved runic hieroglyphic numbers on the clay tablets.

"Professor, can't you use a knife?" Rogge asked helplessly as he looked at the third clay tablet that he had chipped.

"Rogge, this is the tradition of Rune, and it is also the way you will take exams at the end of the school year." Bathsheda firmly rejected Rogge's proposal. She waved her wand gently, and the broken clay tablet instantly returned to its original state.

Then, she signaled Rogge to hand over the tool to her and show the students the carving skills: "The chisel should form a small angle with the clay tablet, and the force of swinging the wooden hammer must be light. Remember, the chisel must be hit with swinging force. , can we carve out qualified textures.”

"A perfect rune is like a beautiful sonnet, with shades intertwined. According to the sages, it is a river carrying magic." Bathsheda said affectionately, handing over the tool in her hand. To Rogge, he said earnestly: "The size of the power is not important. Only smooth lines can reflect the beauty of the runes."

Her eyes shifted from Roger to Hermione next to her. Facing Hermione's finished product, her pupils shone with excitement.

Professor Bathsheda happily raised the work in her hand and showed it to the students: "Look, Miss Granger's work is perfect. Every line is picturesque and full of smart vitality."

"Look at the unicorn she carved. It seems to be breathing on the clay tablets. I can even feel its powerful vitality emanating from the work."

Hermione couldn't help but puff up her chest when she heard Professor Bathsheda's compliment. Her smile was as sweet as honey, and she deliberately twitched the corners of her lips towards Rogge.

"It's a pity that the runes have lost their magical power. Otherwise, you will definitely become an outstanding rune carver in the future."

Professor Bathsheda talked endlessly. She looked at Rogge again and gave guidance: "Yes, this is the angle, very good!"

"The first line has been completed, continue along it..." Professor Bathsheda guided Roger in a gentle tone, as if coaxing a child.

She seemed to be guiding a child to complete his first painting. Step by step, the image of the evil bird under Rogge's chisel became more and more vivid.

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