A magical journey that begins in Azkaban

Chapter 314 Bathshedda questioning Snape

"When I was young, I studied ancient Egyptian civilization, and I found it from the mummy wrappings." Bathsheda's eyes flashed with excitement, and she couldn't wait to introduce her research results to Roger.

She solemnly said to Rogge: "Don't underestimate this humble papyrus. It has an extraordinary origin. According to the existing data, it is at least from the distant 36,000 BC. It is a very long time!"

"More importantly, this papyrus is the draft paper used by Tut to translate the Emerald Tablet. Do you know the Emerald Tablet? That was taken away by Tut from Atlantis."

Professor Bathsheda lowered her voice and told Roger mysteriously: "I suspect he stole it. Otherwise, why would Atlantis suddenly disappear?"

When Rogge heard this, he suddenly asked: ""Jade Record"?" He had actually heard of this thing before.

"No, they are completely different things." Bathsheda shook her head and explained: "The emerald slate comes from the super-magical civilization of Atlantis. After Tut took it away, he ruled the ancient race in Egypt and established the later civilization. .”

"He spent tens of thousands of years deciphering the emerald tablets, and finally wrote them into 10 tablets. After countless years, those tablets were passed down by Egyptian priests. Later, someone translated them in Latin, and then we have what you know as " "Jade Record".

"In fact, the existing "Cuiyulu" has been rewritten and rewritten at least three times."

"Three times?" Rogge asked in confusion, "I thought it was only twice."

Bathsheda shook her head and patiently explained to Rogge: "The Emerald Slate is the original text, and this piece of draft paper and the slate are the first retellings. The knowledge and secrets recorded in it are the closest to the Emerald Slate."

"And the translation of the work from the slate into Latin is considered a second retelling. It is completely separate from the Emerald Slate and Tut himself. It belongs to the translation or even creation of the wizards."

"But even so, the first version of the translation has disappeared. The "Cuiyulu" we see now is actually a version that has been copied countless times from the first version of the translation."

There was a trace of regret on Professor Bathsheda's face. She used her wand to take over other students' classroom exercises, randomly pulled out a clay tablet, and motioned to Roger to take a look.

"The level of wizards has always been mixed, and the difference is even greater than that between humans and cows. There are actually very few wizards as good as you and Hermione.

Most wizards can't even carve basic runes well. After the original translation has been copied many times, I'm afraid only the name remains the same. "

Roger nodded, deeply agreeing with the professor's point of view. Translate a passage ten times, and the final result is completely unrelated to the original meaning, let alone translating a tablet from Latin. The error is probably larger than the hip axis and the front door.

"These black dots are the notes left by Tut. If you magnify them a hundred times, you will find that they are all very small pictographs.

I also found a few familiar runes among them, such as the three-headed rune snake. So I believe that Tut must have mastered the writing method from Atlantis. "

"I tried to decipher the contents of the draft, until one day, I woke up in the morning and found that the runes on the clay tablet were actually moving!" Professor Bathsheda said, jumping up and spinning with excitement. The circle seems to be dancing.

"They're all around you, can I feel them? Do you understand what that means?"

Seeing Professor Bathsheda's almost crazy expression, Roger shook his head with some fear: "Professor, that's..."

"Psychic power!" Bathsheda shouted excitedly, "My spiritual power is strong and I can establish a connection with them. I can even use my spiritual power to awaken the ancient clay tablets and let them regain their magic power."

"Now, do you know why the clay tablets carved with concentration can be used?" Professor Bathsheda looked at Rogge expectantly.

Rogge's eyes lit up and he replied: "You mean, when I was concentrating on carving, I was actually injecting mental power into those carving marks unconsciously?"

"That's right!" Bathsheda showed a teachable smile and continued: "Everyone has mental power, high or low, even those Muggles. However, the mental power of wizards is obviously higher than that of Muggles. Much more powerful.

Do you know why the more emotional you are when casting a spell, the more powerful the spell becomes? For example, the three unforgivable curses are Avada Kedavra, Cruciatus, and the Imperius Curse. "

Rogge felt a little uneasy. He quickly looked around the classroom to make sure that this was not a Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

Without waiting for his answer, Bathsheda continued to explain: "The more excited you are, the more excited you are. When you wave your wand to cast a spell, the essence is to use your mental power to outline a simplified symbol. Just like what I asked in class What you did was to carve runes on the clay tablets with chisels.”

"Compared to carving clay tablets day after day, wand casting is faster and more convenient. This is also the direct reason why runes disappeared in the long river of history!" After Bathsheda finished speaking, she stared at Rogge with a burning gaze, as if Saying: Ask me the rest!

"Then... what's the root cause?" Rogge asked cautiously, for fear of irritating Bathsheda.

"Haha, the fundamental reason!" Bathsheda nodded happily, obviously very satisfied with the question raised by Rogge.

She said forcefully: "There are too few qualified wizards!..."

Looking at Professor Bathsheda who was talking incessantly and giving a lecture, Roger wanted to sing a song to himself: "I really want to escape, but I can't."

"...Even for a special group whose spiritual power far exceeds that of ordinary wizards, their descendants have fewer and fewer individuals with outstanding spiritual power."

"In contrast, magic spells are easy to learn. You don't need to carve clay tablets every day to improve your mental strength. You only need to recite the spells step by step and wave the wand to release powerful magic..."

"Rogge, do you know?" Bathsheda slammed the table and stared at him: "You have such qualifications and have mental power that far exceeds that of ordinary wizards. I also have it, if..."

Roger looked at Bathsheda's face getting closer and closer. He hugged the textbook in fear and ran out of the classroom.

"Professor, it's curfew!" he shouted.

"Does this child have any objections to me being his teacher?" There was disappointment and confusion in Bathsheda's eyes.

She put her hands on the table and said to herself: "No, it's rare to meet a qualified wizard. I will never let the inheritance of runes be cut off!"

"Is it because of Snape? Yes, it must be because of him!" In an instant, Bathsheda came up with the main reason for Rogge's rejection.

"Snape, as Rogge's dean and teacher, used potions to imprison Rogge's development!" Professor Bathsheda rushed into the dungeon angrily with the concept of "it can be done, it can be done, and it must be done even if it doesn't work". condemn.

"Professor Snape, Rogge must be taught by me!" She shouted loudly and pushed open the door, completely unaware of Mrs. Pince in the room.

The two people who had been arguing just now froze in place for a moment. Snape's face turned red at first, and then he became angry, and his heart beat wildly in his chest.

He stared at Bathsheda with cold and deep eyes, and ordered concisely: "Get out!"

"Absolutely impossible!" Professor Bathsheda slammed the table, causing the test tubes on the potion table to shake.

She stared at Snape without giving in and said, "Roger, you must let me teach. Putting such a gifted child here with you is a complete waste of his talent! What's so good about Potions class?" "

"A pile of expired materials, mixed with disgusting slime, and then boiled over a flame into something that smells weird. If you have to stay in a dark room every day, learning it is a waste of life and talent."

"Huh?" Snape's eyes instantly became as cold as a dead person, full of the aura of death.

No one, no one ever dared to insult Potions in front of him.

Mrs. Pince sensed the signs of Snape's rage, and without caring about anything else, she quickly grabbed Professor Bathsheda.

"Bathshedda, apologize to Snape quickly." Mrs. Pince said hurriedly.

"Huh?" Bathsheda looked at Mrs. Pince in confusion and asked, "Irma, aren't you in the library? Why are you here? Oh, it must be after get off work."

"Thank you for coming to persuade me, but what I said is all the truth!"

"Letting Rogge learn potions from Snape is a waste of his life. Irma, you manage so many books every day and read so much knowledge. From your point of view, Snape's potions are as good as mine. Does Niven matter?”

Mrs. Pince swallowed her saliva. She didn't know if the runes were more important than the potion, but she was worried that Bathsheda would be sent to the school hospital by Snape.

After sleeping all day, my head still hurts, so I tried my best to code out the second chapter.

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